Instructions Time 3:00 Hrs PM 18Th March 2024

  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 11
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two questions from section
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty-four (54) marks and section C

SECTION A (16 marks)

1. Choose the correct answer from the following given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number

(i) One who is able to use left or right hand equally is called?

(a) carpenter (b) misogynist (c) Ambidextrous (d) Lexicographer

(ii) You ask your friend to lend you his book and he simply tells you “No thank you”. How can you describe your friends answer?

(a) A rude answer (b) A polite request (c) A polite denial (d) A magic answer

(iii) He is the . . . . . . . . . handsome in our class

(a) more (b) much (c) most (d) more than

(iv) A group of musicians is called?

(a) Artists (b) wasafi classic (c) bunch (d) band

(v) What is the feminine gender of the word “bachelor”?

(a) patroness (b) lady (c) queen (d) spinster

(vi) What do you call a sister of your aunt?

(a) Nephew (b) Aunt (c) Niece (d) big sister

(vii) I shall ask the ……to come and repair the pipe in the birthroom

(a) mason (b) joiner (c) mechanic (d) plumber

(viii) Which of the following sentences expresses an action which will happen at a later

(a) Moses has gone to Nongwe (b) I have taken lunch (c) Who is that man? (d) I am attending a party tonight

(ix) What is the synonym of the word “proceed”?

(a) control (b) prohibit (c) continue (d) revise

(x) A figure of speech which gives inanimate objects the humanity form

(a) Hyperbole (b) Allegory (c) Personification (d) Simile

2. Match each expression in List A with the word from List B by writing its letter in the chart

List A

List B

i. Myself, himself, ourselves and themselves

ii. To speak, to learn, to walk, to write

iii. Lets go for a walk

iv. If you come early Wisely, truly, extremely and happily

v. They fought bravely

  1. “to infinitive”
  2. We shall begin the work
  3.  Reflexive pronoun
  4.  Shall we?
  5.  Relative pronoun
  6.  Adjectives
  7.  Irregular verbs
  8.  Adverbs
  9.  Although they lost the war
  10.  The fight didn’t begin
  11.  Interjections

SECTION B (54 marks)

3. (a) Imagine you need to reject or refuse your accusations in a court, how will you reply to show rejection from the following sentences below by turning the sentences into negative ones? What will you do?

  1. We should be thieves so as to get money easily
  2. I brought to her some cash without conditions
  3. I went to the bank to steal money in my fathers’ account
  4. They caught me under the car

(b) Compose one sentence from the following tag questions given below

  1. Would you?
  2. Aren’t I?
  3. Doesn’t he?
  4. Must she?
  5. Shouldn’t we?

4. (a) Change the following sentences into interrogative form

  1. They ate fish and chips
  2. We like Italian food
  3. It is delicious
  4. She runs quick like a leopard
  5. You helped her in the cooking

5. Parts of speech of a word is also shown on the dictionary when looking for a word and they are shown with a shortened form of a word or phrase (abbreviations). Write the long form of the following abbreviations as used in a dictionary to show parts of

  1. Adj . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. Prep . . . . . . . . . .
  3. Conj . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Interj . . . . . . . . . .
  5. Adv . . . . . . . . . . .

5. (a) In life there are things if they are many, some people tend to give them a one name which will suit a certain collection of things, provide descriptions from the following collective nouns below

  1. A caravan
  2. A galaxy
  3. A bouquet
  4. A Choir
  5. A board

(b). Fill in the spaces provided in the chart below to show different superlative degrees


Positive Degree

Superlative degree











6. Provide one sentence from the following aspects in tenses

  1. To show habitual aspect
  2. To show present progressive aspect
  3. To show past imperfection aspect
  4. To show the upcoming aspects
  5. To show future perfect progressive aspect

7. Provide five functions of the verb “BE” with one example of a sentence on each function

8. Compose sentences according to the instructions below

(a)To show likely/possible conditional type one (two sentences) (b)To show improbable/unlikely condition type two (two sentences)

(c) To show impossible condition type three (one sentence)

SECTION C (30 marks)

Choose only two questions from this section, but question number 9 is compulsory

9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow

How is development 

To be brought brother 

When the people to whom 

We have entrusted power 

Are corrupt?

I plead the stomachs 

Of the privileged few 

Greater than the rift valley 

They cannot be satisfied 

With a normal share

I plead the thirst Of the minority

Greater than that of Sahara 

No rain can quench it.

The majority plead Exploited, 

Cheated, Disregarded,

But brother

How is development to come?


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. Is the persona happy in this poem?
  3. How many stanzas are there?
  4. What are the possible themes in this poem? (give two)
  5. Show the relevance of the two themes portrayed in this poem to your, contemporary society

10. Betrayal is the source of conflicts in many societies; show the relevance of this statement in your own societies by referring to two novels that you have read (three points each)

11. Pick two major characters one from each play and show their positive behaviors or traits (Three points each)










 TIME: 3 Hours Thursday 18th May, 2023.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B two (2) questions from section C. Question number nine (9) is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty – four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What is the negation of the sentence, “They failed the examination?” 

  1. They do not fail the examination.
  2. They did not fail the examination.
  3. They do fail the examination.
  4. They did not failed the examination.
  5. They not failed the examination.

(ii) Which appropriate quantifier will complete the sentence “…club members turned up for the meeting,” complained the chair person.

  1. Enough
  2. Many
  3. A few
  4. Little
  5. Few

(iii) Aisha had been acting for the past one year. The underlined phrase signifies which tense? 

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Past perfect progressive
  4. Past perfect
  5. Present perfect progressive

(iv) Jane was told to arrange the adjectives in a sentence: Ours was a … (round, new, leather) ball” in its correct order. Which sentence among the following was correct?

  1. Ours was a leather, new, round ball.
  2. Ours was around, leather, new ball.
  3. Ours was a new, leather, round ball.
  4. Ours was a new, round, leather ball. 
  5. Ours was a round, new, leather ball.

(v) Eunice has not completed the assignment. What is the proper question tag for this statement? 

  1.  Has she?
  2. Hasn’t she?
  3. Isn’t she
  4. Doesn’t she
  5. Does she?

(vi) The following contents can be considered when writing a pen pal letter EXCEPT:

  1. Date
  2. Heading
  3. Address
  4. Salutation
  5. The body of the letter

(vii) Agnes prefers dolls than toy cars. Why is the underlined phrase wrong? 

  1. Prefers go with ‘at’ instead of ‘than’
  2. Prefers go with ‘of’ instead of ‘than’
  3. Prefers go with ‘in’ instead of ‘than’
  4. Prefers go with ‘for’ instead of ‘than’
  5. Prefers go with ‘to’ instead of ‘than’

(viii) The words in a dictionary that have the same pronunciation but different spellings are known as:

  1. Homophones
  2. Homographs
  3. Homonyms
  4. Antonyms
  5. Synonyms

(ix) Jacob and Job are brothers. Jacob married Juliana while Job married Eliana. How will Juliana call Eliana?

  1. Sister – in – law
  2. Sister
  3. Wife
  4. Co-sister
  5. Step – sister

(x) Rigerere was washing utensils; suddenly, the glass slipped out of her fingers. How did she exclaim? 

  1. Ouch!
  2. Oops!
  3. Aha!
  4. Goodness!
  5. What!

2. Match the items in LIST A with their corresponding items in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, usually with a short biographical account.
  2. A burial ground, especially one beside a church.
  3. A length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial.
  4. An arrangement of flowers leaves or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave. 
  5. A vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral.
  6. An expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a person’s relative or close friend.
  1. Condolences
  2. Elegy
  3. Eulogy
  4. Graveside
  5. Casket
  6. Shroud
  7. Wreaths
  8. Obituary
  9. Hearse
  10. Graveyard

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. For each of the items (i) - (v), rewrite the sentences by changing the infinitive brackets into gerunds

(i) (To laugh) at the poor is being insensitive.

(ii) Rugiatu loves (to visit) the sick.

(iii) (To read) over night before an examination is not advisable.

(iv) The best gift a father can give to his children is (to love) their mother. 

(v) (To smile) is healthier than (to frown).

4. For each of the items (i) – (vi), change the active voice into passive voice.

(i) They do homework every Monday.

(ii) My brother is drawing pictures.

(iii) Teachers have taught the students.

(iv) Boys cleaned that room yesterday.

(v) We say that she is a teacher.

(vi) Do you speak French?

5. For each of the items (i) – (vi), write the plural form.

  1. Son – in – law
  2. Criterion
  3. Maid – servant
  4. Syllabus
  5. Louse
  6. Go – between

6. Conjunctions are words that not only used to join phrases, clauses and sentences but also used to show how ideas are related in sentences. Using appropriate conjunctions in each of the item (i) – (vi), construct one sentence to show the following situations.

  1. To show addition or inclusion.
  2. To indicate time when an action happened.
  3. To indicate a condition for something to happen.
  4. To show reason.
  5. To show purpose for which an action happened.
  6. To show contrasting ideas.

7. Your relative has just read an advertisement on a post of an office secretary in one of the prominent companies. Later, she applies for the post and fortunately she has been shortlisted. The interview is scheduled for 28th  May, 2023. She has come to seek for assistance on what she should do. Advise her on the following:

(i) Three things to consider before the interview.

(ii) Three things she should do during the interview

(iii) Three things she should not do during the interview.

8. Suppose your NECTA results have just been released and you have scored division one (I) of seven (7) points. Your father has offered to reward you for your hard work with a trip to Mombasa. Though you are excited, you have no idea about the place. Write a letter of inquiry to the ambassador seeking for information about the weather, culture, interesting sites, the best places to put up as well as the places to be wary of. Indicate the date you expect the feedback.

SECTION C (30Marks)

Answer only two (2) questions from this section. Question number nine (9) is compulsory



A Wreath for Fr. Mayer

-S.N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered Cries

-Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed Like a Shadow

-B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP


-S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not Child

-Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heineman

The Interview

-P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


Three Suitors; One Husband

-O. Mbia 91994), Eyre methuen

The Lion and the Jewel

-W. Soyinka 9 1963), OUP

This Time Tomorrow

-Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972); Heineman

The Black Hermit

-Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968); Heineman


Songs of Lawino and Ocol

- O.P’Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing up with Poetry

- D. Rubadiri (ED) (1989), Heinemann


- R. Mabala 91960), TPH

9. Poets like other literary artists have messages they want to convey to their readers through poems. By using two poems you have read and appreciated substantiate the statement. Give three points from each poem.

10.Reading novels is paramount in our lives as they educate on various issues. Justify the notion by using two novels you have read. Give three points from each novel.

11.Modern education is a necessary tool for modifying the traditional culture. Support this statement by using two plays you have read. Give three points from each play.







CODE: 022

TIME: 3:00 HOURS   SEPTEMBER, 2023  


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with total of eleven questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions in section where by question number nine (9) is compulsory.
  3. Cellular phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All writings must be in blue or black ink.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the item (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives, then write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

i. She is going to do shopping. The sentence plays a role of;

  1. Expressing the routine 
  2. Expressing the event that is proceeding
  3. Expressing the future 
  4. Expressing Present continuous tense

ii. The sky is blue. The sentence is said to be;

  1. Zero condition 
  2. A fact 
  3. An idea 
  4. An expression

iii. Juma wants to tell Anna “He is tired, he won’t do anything”. If he mistakenly starts with the word “unless” what is he going to say in order to express the same meaning?

  1. Unless I were not tired. I would do anything
  2. Unless I were tired. I wouldn’t do anything
  3. Unless I were tired. I will do anything
  4. Unless I were tired. I would do anything
  5. Unless I’m not tired. I won’t do anything

iv. Geoffrey is an intelligent young man. To which parts of speech do underlined words belong?

  1. Adjective 
  2. Noun 
  3. Adverb 
  4. Interjection

v. Obligation, duty and responsibility are words that are corresponded to each other. Therefore they are said to be;

  1. Synonyms 
  2. Homophones 
  3. Antonym 
  4. meaningless

vi. He has ……………. His work on time

  1. Finish 
  2. Finished 
  3. Finishing 
  4. Has finish

vii. My father and ………….. are leaving to Europe to night

  1. Me 
  2. We 
  3. Us

viii. The floor was being swept by them. The active voice of this will be:

  1. They were sweeping the floor 
  2. They shall sweep the floor
  3. They sweep the floor 
  4. The floor was being swept

ix. Sophia looks tired, doesn’t she? The underlined part of the sentence means:

  1. A question 
  2. Question tag 
  3. A statement 
  4. Sophia’s condition

x. Will he come tomorrow?

  1. Yes, he won’t 
  2. Yes, he will come tomorrow 
  3. No, he won’t 
  4. No, he will

2. Match the following poetic items in list A with the corresponding description in list B



  1. Refrain
  2. Rhythm
  3. Poet
  4. Poem
  5. Poetry
  6. Rhymes
  1. Similar sound.
  2. Is a piece of writing
  3. A repetition of group of lines.
  4. Are regular beat.
  5. An art of collecting poem.
  6. Someone who composes poem.
  7. Is a speaker in a poem

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section. 

3. (a) Form one student were taught by their teacher concerning the pronoun, help them on how to put a suitable reflexive pronoun in the following sentences.

  1. They have organized ………………… quite efficiently.
  2. The injury ……………………… is not too serious.
  3. She can do a job by …………………………..
  4. Hamisi and I excused ………………….. and hurried away for the journey.
  1. Form two students were in discussion on various challenging questions concerning the opposite words, as a form four students assist them to rewrite the following sentences using word of opposite meaning to those underlined.
  1. I’m glad that you were early.
  2. She is very strong girl.
  3. The little dog has a short tail.
  4. The apples were hard and sour.
  5. The speedy runner was first in the race.

4. (A) Change the verbs in the bracket into their appropriate tenses in the space provided.

  1. The sun (shine) ………………. every day.
  2. I (cut) ………… my leg yesterday.
  3. She (be) ……………. Crying now.
  4. I have just (write) ………….. the exams.
  5. They (go) ………….. to the church last week.

(B) Change the words in the bracket and fill it in the space provided.

  1. He has (many) ………………… problems than his father.
  2. He is the (good) ………………… of the two footballers.
  3. Kilimanjaro is (high) ………………….. Mountain in Africa.
  4. This music is (interesting) ……………………... of all.

5. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

  1. Although it was raining, we went to the farm.

Begin: In spite of ……………………………………………………….

  1. Jonathan asked me “Are you traveling to Dodoma with your aunt?”

Begin: Jonathan asked me if ………………………………………….

  1. If we study hard, we will pass the exams.

Begin: Unless ………………………………………………………….

  1. She is too weak to lift the box.

Use: ………………….. enough to ……………………………………..

  1. No sooner had I arrived at the terminal than the bus left.

Begin: As soon as …………………………………………………………….

  1. Although he had poor health, he came to school.

Begin: Notwithstanding …………………………………………………….

6. (a) Change the following sentences into indirect speech

  1. “My name is Benson. I teach English at Mtama secondary school”. He said.
  2. “If I were you I would marry Easter”. I said to him.
  3. “Who are you?” he asked me.
  4. “You may go now” Said to Kalunde.
  5. Shiza said, “I love you”

(b)The following sentences are in passive form change them into active form

  1. Ugali was cooked by Anna.
  2. Is Benny known to you?
  3. Rice is being cooked by her.
  4. A book is taken by him.

7. (a) Auxiliary verb HAVE has various uses. With the help of well-constructed sentences show the following uses.

  1. To show possession
  2. To form perfect aspect of tense
  3. Have + to infinitive (expresses command or obligation)
  4. To form question tag

(b)Write the following sentences in negative form

  1. Many students passed the examination.
  2. Yusuph prefers Ugali.
  3. We are planning to leave.
  4. Collina can drive a car.
  5. The man in dark blue suit is my brother.

8. Benito is a University graduate of 2022 in bachelor of Art with Education, as he was reading a newspaper of MTANZANIA DAIMA he saw an advertisement of temporary teaching post of English language and Geography teacher at Mchinga Secondary school. Assume that you are Benito Kingomanje apply that post. Use address Mchinga Secondary school P.O. Box 234, Lindi.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two questions from this section, question number nine (9) is compulsory.



  • A Wreath for Fr Mayer- S.N NDUNGURU. (1977) Mkuki na Nyota.
  • Unanswered Cries – Osman Conteh, Macmillan.
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B.M.Mapalala (2006) DUP.
  • Spared-S.N.Ndunguru (2004) Mkuki na Nyota.
  • Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987) Heinemann.
  • The Interview -P.Ngugi,(2002) Macmillan


  • Three suitors one husband –O. Mbia (1994),Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Tewel-W.Soyinka (1963) OUP.
  • This Time Tomorrow-Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972) Heinemann.
  • The Black Hermit-Ngugi wa Thiong’o (2002) Macmillan.


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol - O.P’Bitek,(1979) EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry - D.Rubadiri (ed) (1989) Heinemann.
  • Summons – R.Mabala (1960) TPH.

9. Poets and poetess are good in using different figures of speech so as to portray their intended messages to their societies. By using two poems you have done under this program, discuss how those writer succeeded in using figures of speech to deliver their messages.

10. Playwrights like other literary writers they also deal with a lot of problems which face their societies, by using two plays which you have read explain the sources of miss understanding portrayed the playwrights. Three points from each book.

11. Titles of the book are said to be the summary of what is explained within. By using two novels which you have read prove how those titles are relating with the story. Give three points per each book.







Time: 3:00 HOURS YEAR: 2023


  1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (02) questions from section C, one question is compulsory
  3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized ,materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet sheet(s)


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i – x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item in the answer booklet/sheet (s) provided.

(i) If I were you I would be a teacher “The above condition is used to express”

  1. Imitation situation
  2. Habitual situation
  3. An opinion
  4. A life experiences
  5. A conditional situation [       ]

(ii) “I am a soldier” he said. What did he say?

  1. He said that he were a soldier 
  2. He said that I am a soldier 
  3. He said that he was a soldier 
  4. He said that he is a soldier
  5. John said that he is a soldier [       ]

(iii) When do you use salutation “Dear Sir/Madam” in application letters?

  1. When the recipient is your family member
  2. If you do not know the recipient
  3. If you know the recipient
  4. When the recipient is in the same town
  5. When the recipient is in different town [       ]

(iv) If I am a girl, all my uncles and aunts will call me a

  1. Sister 
  2. Daughter 
  3. Niece
  4. Nephew
  5. Cousin [       ]

(v) “Msonda is a professional footballer in Young African Sports club. This sentence is in

  1. Present perfect 
  2. Future perfect 
  3. Simple present
  4. Simple past
  5. Present progressive [       ]

(vi) The man who was here is my friend. The bolded word indicates

  1. Adjective 
  2. Noun 
  3. Article
  4. Preposition
  5. Pronoun [       ]

(vii) Choose the word which means the same as the word underlined here, we have chosen the area on which the building is to be created or built

  1. Sight 
  2. Site 
  3. Plot 
  4. Ground
  5. Place [       ]

(viii) “Even though it was raining we continued playing” What does this statement mean?

  1. We stopped playing because of rain 
  2. The rain made us to stop playing
  3. The rain could not stop us from playing 
  4. We played despite much rain
  5. We could not afraid of rain [       ]

(ix) Mwanamusela and Supavu …… a prize each year for planting trees and keeping the environment clean.

  1. Receives
  2. Receive 
  3. Resives 
  4. Received
  5. Resived [       ]

(x) “They clean their surroundings daily” Which indicator shows that the sentence expresses routine?

  1. The use of pronoun “they”
  2. The use of noun “surroundings”
  3. The use of the word “daily”
  4. The use of the word “their”
  5. The use of the base form “clean” [       ]

2. Match the expression in COLUMN A with their meanings in COLOMN B by writing letter of the correct answer beside the item number in the answer booklet/sheet(s) provided.



(i) A female child of your daughter or son

(ii) A sister of one’s father or mother

(iii) A mother of one’s father or mother

(iv) A daughter of your father or mother

(v) A daughter of your uncle

(vi) A daughter of one’s sister

  1. Aunt
  2. Ant
  3. Sister
  4. Grandmother
  5. Cousin
  6. Brother
  7. Niece
  8. Grand daughter
  9. Nephew


Answer all questions in this section.

3. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given

(i) Although he was sick, he attended the party. [      Begin: Notwithstanding…..].

(ii) Had he heard the noise, he would have opened the door [      Begin: If…].

(iii) The sun rises in the East [      Negatethe sentence].

(iv) It does not rain [      Turn into plural form].

(v) Bongo Zozo is good at Languages. He is also good at Physics [      Join using: …..as well as……].

(vi) No sooner had he gone to the market than his father came at home [      Use: As soon as…..].

4. Correct the following sentences where necessary; (i) Neither riches nor fame make a man happy.

(ii) I think Hawa have the papers.

(iii) Please don’t loose interest in me.

(iv) Have you seen the new cite for the house?

(v) She had three children with her first husband.

(vi) I will expect you at about two O’clock in Monday.

(vii) The news were shocking.

(viii) They arrived early than us. (ix) What is the fair to Mbeya?

5. Complete the following crossword puzzle


3. To make certain or guarantee that something will happen

5. Someone who trains for and competes in sporting events

6. Not ancient or old


1. The opposite of to construct or build

2. Putting words on a paper

4. To find a solution.

6. When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it is called direct speech. Rewrite the following sentences into direct speech.

  1. She said that she was busy .
  2. They said they were going to school then.
  3. The laboratory technician said that water freezes at 00C.
  4. Renu said that she had finished her work.
  5. The president said that he wanted them to clear up that uncertainty if they didn’t, he would decide otherwise.
  6. The teacher said that the sun rises in the East.

7. (a) Construct a sentence showing the following activities

  1. A completed action
  2. Showing something that happened before another action to take place 
  3. Showing something happened before and after another action in the past 
  4. To show action in progress in the past.
  5. To show something that started in the past and continuing in the present

(b) Fill in the blanks given with the suitable forms of the verbs 

  1. If I ______________ (be) you, I would marry her. 
  2. Nandy __________ (have) gone to the church. 
  3.  ___________ (do) you inform the teacher yesterday?
  4. We _________ (be) drawing pictures at the moment.

8. Imagine that, you have decided to commit suicide because of the loss of your job and you can’t bear the shame around. Write a note that you will leave for your wife.


Answer two (02) questions; question number nine (09) is compulsory

9. Zawadi was asked by her English language teacher to analyze a poem. However, she failed to analyze it, because she does not know the procedures of analyzing a poem. As an expert in English language, educate her procedures of analyzing it by giving out five things to consider in analyzing a poem.

10. Jane and Juma are form four students. When they were coming to school today Jane told Juma that he should not read novels because they do address outdated issues. By using two (02) novels you have appreciated under this programme, argue against Jane’s statement to Juma. (Give three points from each novel.)

11. Different groups of people and individuals have different goals and interests which are sources of conflict in the society. Justify this statement by referring to two plays you have read. (three (3) points from each play)







TIME: 3 Hours August, 2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two questions (2) in section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A. (16 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided;

i. Which sentence among the following is correct?

  1. She prefers bananas than oranges
  2. She prefers bananas and oranges
  3. She prefers bananas to oranges
  4. She prefers oranges than bananas
  5. She prefers bananas without oranges

ii. Our English language teacher often teaches for an hour. Why is the article “an” is used instead of other articles?

  1. It shows time before the word “hour”
  2. It indicates a singular form in a sentence
  3. The first letter in the word “hour” has vowel qualities
  4. The last letter in the word “hour” has the consonant qualities
  5. The word “hour” is in plural form

iii. A little question at the end of the sentence “Let’s go” is

  1. Shan’t we?
  2. Shan’t I?
  3. Don’t we?
  4. Shall we?
  5. Don’t I?

iv. I don’t know ……….. she will come.

  1. Weather
  2. Weather
  3. While
  4. Shall
  5. That

v. An animal that gives us wool is called …………

  1. Sheep
  2. A cat
  3. A cow
  4. A tiger
  5. A ship

vi. Weather report: “it’s seven o’clock in Frankfurt and ……………….

  1. There is snow
  2. It’s snowing
  3. It snows
  4. It snowed
  5. Snowed

vii. Don’t make so much noise, Kulwa, …………to study for her English language test.

  1. Try
  2. Tries
  3. Tried
  4. Is trying
  5. Had tried

viii.Choose the correct sentence.

  1. Do you like a glass of water?
  2. Would you like a glass of water?
  3. Would you like the glass of water?
  4. Do you like the glass of water?
  5. Would you do like the glass of water?

ix. ………….. it help you in your studies?

  1. Will
  2. Was
  3. Is
  4. Are
  5. Were

x. What time …………….

  1. The train leaves?
  2. Leaves the train?
  3. Is the train leaving?
  4. Does the train leave?
  5. The train leaving?

2.Match the following descriptions which express different ideas when solving a problem in LIST A with their correct phrases in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. Phrases expressing limitation of time.
  2. Phrases indicating a choice.
  3. Probing the possibility of something to happening.
  4. Seeking opinion/suggestion
  5. Expression that indicates interruption.
  6. Expression that start a conversation.
  1. Would you mind …………
  2. Weigh your options carefully………
  3. Hello guys, I have missed you.
  4. Pardon, I did not get your point.
  5. We will talk about it later…..
  6. A couple
  7. A school tour.
  8. Do you think….

SECTION B. (54 marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Write the synonyms of the following words.

  1. Angry
  2. Cried
  3. Huge
  4. Hate
  5. Clever
  6. Say

(b) Use the word “brave” to make one sentences in each of the following aspects;

i. Positive degree ii. Comparative degree iii. Superlative degree

4.(a) Study this chart and write the context of the words and phrases given.


CONTEXT i.e who, where, why

i. Stop and don’t move or you will die.


ii. Can I see your driving licence?


iii. Stand at ease, attention. Forward march- left, right, left, right. About turn?


iv. Stand in the que please and have passport ready.


v. I’m sorry madam; may I go please?


(b) Complete the following sentences using LEND or BORROW where applicable.

i. Maringo and Majivuno …………..the ruler from Siwazuri every day.

ii. Please Malundo, may you………… me your pen.

iii. I always ………..my rubber to my fellow classmates.

iv.They need to……… the photocopy machine from Songambele secondary school

5. (a) Rewrite the following sentences beginning each with “It”…..

i. People know that she is a good teacher.

ii. They said that Mlelwa is in paris.

iii. The visitors are thought to be sleeping.

(b) Construct one sentence to express the following;

i. Likely condition ii. Unlikely condition iii. Rejected condition

6. (a) What adjectives do we get from the following;

i. Grief ii. Truth iii. Cruelty

(b) Construct one sentence for each of the following words to show the location of administration block, library, laboratory, sports ground, assembly ground and form one class at your school.

i. Opposite to ii. Beside iii. Adjacent iv. Parallel

7.(a) What will be your positive views or opinions under the following circumstances?

i. If you notice that you don’t have enough money to pay the bill for a meal you have ordered.

ii. If you get lost on a walk in town.

iii. If gold was found in your father’s farm.

iv. If your wife or husband divorces you.

v. If your impregnated classmate girl is back to school after delivery

vi. If a boy with albinism robs your brand-new Smartphone when you walk in the street.

(b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

i. Open the door.

Make it a request. ……………………………..

ii. The cobbler is mending Chipetu’s shoes.

Begin:Chipetu’s ………………………………

iii. They play netball.

Replace “they” with “Stephanie”

8. You are a Bachelor degree holder from the University of Dodoma, you want to apply for a job at Mfikwa Sisal Plantation. Prepare Curriculum Vitae which will accompany your application letter. Sign your name as Edner Nicholaus Ngogwe, postal address 1514, Pangani.

SECTION C. (30marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section. Question number 9 is compulsory.



  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayor -S.N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries -Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like Shadow -B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared -S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987), Heinmann
  • The Interview -P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband -O. Mbia, (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel -W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Hienemann
  • The Black Hermit -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Hienemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol -O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry -D. Rubadiri (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons -R. Mabala (1980), TPH

9. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:-



The sun has risen,

And with the sons of the land has risen too,

Forward they go,

Well armed,

Singing the praises to the beauty of the sun rise,

With the determination of long term worriers,

Challenging the enemy,

With the courage of free mind,

And the vigour of clean purpose,

Sit and wait brethren,

Wait and see what glory they bring at sunset,

How they pay homage to the land, And their people.


a. What is the poem about?

b. What is the meaning of the title of the poem?

c. The poem talks about challenging the enemy. Who do you the enemy might be?

d. What do you think SUNRISE and SUNSET symbolize?

e. With determination of “long term worriers”. What do you think the words “long term” tell us about the poet’s view of struggle?

f. What is the type of the poem?

g. What are the possible themes of the poem? (Give out two themes)

10. Many readers of different Novels appreciate that, writers do not only site problems facing the society in focus, but also show the ways forward towards solutions. Verify this contention in reference to any two selected novels you have read under this program. (Give six points, three from each reading)

11. In African society’s women play different roles in building up their families and societies at large. Validate this contention by referring to two selected plays you have done under this section. (Give three points from each reading).









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A, and B and two questions in section C.
  3. Section A carries 16 marks, section B carries 54 marks and section C carries 30 marks.
  4. Cellular phones and other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet


Answer all questions from this section 

1. For each of the following items (i- x), choose the most correct answer from the alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet.

i) When Catherine was walking past the cemetery at night, she saw…………………

  1. A team of robbers 
  2. A company of robbers 
  3. A gang of robbers
  4. A troop of robbers 
  5. A staff of robbers

ii) Simple present tense has several uses in the sentence. In which sentence it is used to show the general truth?

  1. He arrives today from Mwanza
  2. He goes to church every Sabbath
  3. Here comes the Chairperson
  4. Salome wakes up early in the morning
  5. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West

iii) Hassan……………….. if he had worked hard on it.

Which of the following supposed to be the best correct answer?

  1. Would pass 
  2. Will pass 
  3. Was passing
  4. Would have passed 
  5. Had passed

iv) “Make sure nobody  is in the library before you lock up the door”. The teacher ordered me. The bolded word here means……………………….

  1. All 
  2. Enough 
  3. Few 
  4. Some 
  5. No one

v) Seldom did Anna wear shoes. This means Anna…………………….

  1. Wore shoes often 
  2. Will never wear shoes 
  3. He never wear shoes
  4. Wore shoes rarely 
  5. Does not wear shoes

vi. She lived in Dar es Salaam five years ago. This implies that;

  1. She still living in Dar es salaam
  2. Five years has passed since she stopped living in Dar es salaam
  3. She has been living in Dar es salaam for five years
  4. She went to live in Dar es salaam five years ago up to now
  5. She plans to stay in Dar es salaam for five years

vii. The watchman, the construction workers and all the foremen were……….to be found

  1. Anywhere 
  2. Everywhere 
  3. Somewhere 
  4. Nowhere 
  5. Where

viii. Which of the following sentences is in type 2 conditional tense?

  1. If he goes home, he sees his mother
  2. If he goes home, he will see his mother
  3. If he had gone home, he would have seen his mother
  4. If he went home, he would see his mother
  5. If he had gone home, he could have seen his mother

ix. You have been asked to participate in debate with a topic “Education is better than money”. As a participant, how do you name the topic under discussion?

  1. Agenda 
  2. Program 
  3. Motion
  4. Issue 
  5. Argument

x. You hear someone saying “She was my friend, wasn’t she”? Why did the speaker uses a question tag?

  1. To confirm information
  2. To seek information
  3. To show positivity and negativity
  4. To express feelings
  5. To show repeated auxiliary verbs

2. Match the description of items in List A  with its appropriate response in List B  by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided.



  1. This is the act of disagreeing in conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons often angrily.
  1. This is a conversation between two or more people in a book, play or film/movie.
  1. This is discussion that takes place between two groups of people on a given topic, usually called motion.
  1. This is formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc.
  1. This is the process of allowing each member an equal opportunity to express his/ her views and opinions on different matters, and arrives at a common understanding.
  1. A session of speaking, especially a long oral message given publicly by one person.
  1. Interview
  1. Debate
  1. Discussion
  1. Speech
  1. Argument
  1. Dialogue


Answer all questions in this section

  1. Complete the following sentences using the correct word given in the box.

Principle, Portuguese, dairy, principal, epidemic, Portugal, daily, endemic.

  1. Someone from Portugal is called a………………………….
  2. A disease confined to a particular district or place…………………..
  3. Someone who heads a college is…………………..
  4. A place where milk is converted into a butter and cheese………………………..
  5. A wide spread disease that affects many individuals in a population ………
  6. A rule or law of nature or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied……
  1. Write down the group of underlined nouns to the following sentences.
  1. Msimbazi street is full of people…………………………
  2. I want to see that group of singers………………………
  3. Juma has so many keys that can possibly open every door…………………
  4. In that ceremony they attended many group of musician……………………….
  5. At Mnazi Mmoja there is a group of criminal …………………………..
  6. The former president of Tanzania J.K Mrisho owns a large number of sheep ………
  1. Construct one sentence for each word in a pair of the words bellow to prove that you know their meanings.

a) Accept and Except

b) Desert and Dessert

c) Beside and Besides

d) Whom and Whose

e) Off

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs in brackets as instructed to make meaningful sentences
  1. There only ten meters to go. He……………..(win) the gold medal.(use be + going to)
  2. By the end of the week we……………….(sell) about 500 tickets.(use future perfect)
  3. Sir Marko is unfortunately ill. So Selemani……………………….(teach) you English from today(use future continuous tense)
  4. We ……… (dream) for having these for a long time. (Past perfect continuous tense)
  5. We complain about her behavior. We ………………………… about her behavior. (Use: present perfect continuous tense)
  6. She is facilitating in our seminar. She ….….. in our seminar. (Use past perfect tense)
  1. Re - write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each
  1. Agnes said “I have lost my handbag’’. (Begin with Agnes said that……………)
  2. It was raining. We went to school. (Join the sentence with “although”)
  3. The chief editor was not present. The sub editor was not present.

(Join the sentences begin with: Neither ……….nor ……)

  1. Photo journalism is more difficult than News writing. (Begin: News writing is ...)

v. If he reads the book, he will enjoy it. Begin: Unless…………………………

vi. Abraham was strong .He was beaten in the first round (.Rewrite using despite)

  1. Your family is planning to celebrate your graduation ceremony and you are told to prepare a card to invite different family friends. Write a card to invite the guest to your family celebration. Use fictitious names.


Answer two (2) questions from this section and question number eleven (11)  is compulsory. 



  • A wreath for father mayer……………S.N.Ndunguru(1997), Mkuki na Nyota 
  • Unanswered Cries……………………………Osman Conteh, Macmillan 
  • Passed Like a Shadow…………………..B.M.Mapalala(2006),DUP 
  • Spared…………………………..S.N.Ngunguru(2004), Mkuki na Nyota 
  • Weep not child………………………….Ngugi Wa Thiong’o(1987),Heinmann 
  • The interview………………………………….P.Ngugi(2002), Macmillan 


  • Three Suitors, one Husband…………………..O.Mbia(1994), Eyre Menthuen 
  • The Lion and the Jewel……………………….W. Soyinka(1963), DUO 
  • This Time Tomorrow…………………Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinmann 
  • The Black Hermit…………………Ngugi Wa Thiong’o(1968), Heinmann 


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol……………………..O.P’Bitek(1979),EAPH 
  • Growing up with poetry………………… D. Rubadili(ed)(1989), Heinmann 
  • Summons………………………………………………R. Mabala(1960),TPH
  1. “Poets/ Poetess are known to be the best teachers in the society as they educate and criticize the wrong doings”. With clear and relevant evidence from two poems you have read, justify this statement in six points.
  1. Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is “Like men, women are equally capable of contributing the welfare to society”. Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement.(three points from each play)
  1. Suppose that many characters from different novels has written to you, each one asking you to be his/her friend. Who and why would you accept him/her to be your friend. (Choose one friend from each novel and three reasons for accepting his/her requests). Use two novels.







(For Both School and Private Candidate)

Time: 3 Hours Monday, May 8, 2023, p.m.


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions for sections A and 13 and two questions from section C. question number 9 is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section 13 carries fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s) in a provided space.


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the following items (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Which sentence among the following shows on going expressions?

  1. He is writing the letters
  2. He wrote letters
  3. He writes letters
  4. He has written letters
  5. He had written letters

(ii) Hamis told his father, "I like watching TV". It happens that his father likes the same activity. How would Hamis's father reply to Hamis?

  1. And me too I like 
  2. So do me
  3. And me also 
  4. So do his
  5. So do I

(iii) Your father once asked, did you went to school last Monday? You realized that the sentence was wrong, how would he correctly ask that question?

  1. Does you went to school last Monday?
  2. Were you going to school last Monday?
  3. Were you went to school last Monday
  4. Did you go to school last Monday?
  5. Does you go to school last Monday?

(iv) The earth rotates around the sun. The article "the" is used before the word sun to show that the word sun is.

  1. Singular
  2. Mentioned in the second time.
  3. Known.
  4. Only in the universe.
  5. Bigger than the earth.

(v) Suppose you were appointed by your teacher to pronounce some of the English words like Psychology, knew, know, and hour. What would you observe from these words?

  1. The presence of the new word
  2. The presence of silent letters
  3. It cannot be pronounced.
  4. You will never find the words like those in a dictionary
  5. No, pronunciation of that word.

(vi) "They clean their surrounding daily "Which indicator shows that the sentence expresses routine?

  1. The use of pronoun "they'
  2. The use of noun "surrounding"
  3. The use of pronoun 'their"
  4. The use of the word "daily"
  5. The use of the base form "clean"

(vii) "It might rain this afternoon". The auxiliary might, has been used to show

  1. Intention
  2. Obligation
  3. Permission
  4. Necessity
  5. Possibility

(viii) One of the following sentences is in conditional sentences type three. Identify it.

  1. If I live near the river, I will be a fisherman
  2. If I had lived near the river, I will be a fisherman
  3. If I had lived near the river, I would be a fisherman
  4. If I had been living near the river, I would be a fisherman
  5. If I had lived near the river, I would have been a fisherman

(ix) Which one of the following sentences has a correct use of question tag?

  1. He took my pen; tookn't he?
  2. He come here every Saturday, does he?
  3. I gave you the book, didn't you?
  4. I have a nice car; don't I?
  5. They love you so much; don't you?

(x) Which word among the following is in plural form?

  1. New
  2. Books
  3. Mathematics
  4. Politics
  5. Men

2. Match the following terms about meeting in List A with their corresponding descriptions in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding number.



  1.  . . . . . . . . . . . to cancel a meeting
  2.  . . . . . . . . . . . to confirm a meeting
  3.  . . . . . . . . . . . to postpone a meeting
  4.  . . . . . . . . . . . to bring a meeting forward
  5.  . . . . . . . . . . . to accept an invitation to a meeting
  6.  . . . . . . . . . . . to start a meeting
  1. To change the time or date of a meeting
  2. To have a meeting at a later time or date
  3. To have a meeting at an earlier time or date.
  4. To say that a meeting will take place
  5. To say that you will go to a meeting
  6. To decide that a meeting will not take place
  7. To read the meeting agenda


Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) State the type of adverbs in the underlined words

  1. Please, sit here
  2. It will rain heavily in Tabora next week
  3. The teachers teach us daily
  4. He passed the examination easily

(b) The present events can be expressed in different forms on how and when they happened. Construct the sentence with the following structure.

  1. Subject + was/were + main verb (present participle form)
  2. Present perfect continuous (Sentence in negative form)
  3. Two actions which are in progress at the same time.
  4. An action which is frequently repeated in present.
  5. An action that have been completed at the present time,

4. Write the synonyms of the following words

  1. Buy
  2. Huge
  3. Toilet
  4. Tense
  5. Difficult
  6. Happy
  7. Holiday
  8. Travel
  9. Start

5. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

  1. If Coletha sees this mistake, she will be angry.

(Rewrite into improbable condition)

  1. The girl is crying. Her bag has been stolen

(Rewrite using a relative pronoun that shows possession)

  1. Sikufiko asked me "Are you travelling to Arusha with your aunt?" Begin: Sikufiko asked me if
  2. The book was not being read by me.

(Change this sentence into interrogative form)

  1. They are young, but they are strong

Begin: In spite of.........

  1. No sooner had the students entered the classroom than the teacher arrived (Rewrite the sentence using as soon as)

6. Suppose you are the head prefect of your school, and you have received a guest who wants to know the location of toilets, library, head master's office assembly ground and classroom at your school. Use the words/phrases in the box to construct six (6) sentences giving the location of these places.

Close to, next to, behind, opposite, near, across

7. Imagine that you met your friend Hawa who is unaware of how to operate an ATM machine. Use instructional language to direct her how to operate an ATM machine to withdraw money. (Construct 6 instructional sentences)

8. Study the following response to the invitation card then answer the questions that follow.

10th May 2023

Dear Jenipher,

Thank you very much for the invitation to your birth day party on Wednesday 20th May 2023. I am sorry I will not be able to come, as I have commitment on the same day.



  1. Who responded to the invitation card`?
  2. Why a person who replies an invitation will not be able to attend a party?
  3. Who wrote an invitation card, how did you know?
  4. When the birthday was going to be held?
  5. Use the telephone message format to reply the invitation.


Answer two questions from this section. Question number 9 is compulsory.

9. Imagine you are a Mtakuja village chairperson, where many of your villagers are suffering from HIV/A1DS. As a chairperson, write a speech on the causes and effects of HIV/AIDS. (Give three causes and three effects).

10. By using two poems you have read in this section, explain six poetic devices. (With examples give three poetic devices from each poem)

11. By using two novels you have read under this section, explain how children up bringing reflect their behavior in the society. (Give three points from each book)



  • Three Suitors One Husband - O. Mbia (1968), Eyre
  • The Lion and the Jewel - Soyinka W
  • The Black Hermit - Ngugiwa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugiwa Dijon& (1972), Heinemann


  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh (2002), Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Weep Not Child - Ngugi ova Thiong'o (1987), Heinemann
  • The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
  • Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (1977) Mkuki na Nyota
  • A wreath for Fr. Mayer - S.N. Ndunguru (1977) Mkuki na Nyota


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol O. P. Bitek (1979) EAPH
  • Growing UP with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (1989) Heinemann
  • Summons B. Mapalala (1960), TP1-1









CODE: 022                                                    ENGLISH LANGUAGE


(For Both School and Private Candidates)


TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                                           MAY,  2023



  1.            This paper consists of section A, B, and C.
  2.            Answer all questions in section A, and B; and any TWO questions in section C to complete 11 answered questions.
  3.            Phones and calculator devices are strictly prohibited in the examination room.
  4.            Write your appropriate Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1.            For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the most correct answer from the among the given alternatives then write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided;

     (i). Janeth sang the best song in graduation ceremony. When did she sing the song?

            A.She is doing now

            B.She will do it in days to come

            C.She does every day

            D.She would have been done

            E.She did it in the previous days.

    (ii)”John is playing football”. The passive voice of this sentence is;

            A.The football was played by him

            B.The football has played by him

            C.The football is being played by him

            D.The football is played by him

            E.The football has been played by him

    (iii)The woman ……………………… you wanted to marry is a nurse at Nyakitonto Referral Hospital.






    (iv)……………………… dog who bite you yesterday found dead in the valley.






  (v)Jeremiah bought that Umbrella last month. It is ……………………….






  (vi)I have studied hard this whole year ………………………….. I will pass my examination.



          C.  Eventhough

          D.  Consequently

          E. Because

  (vii)Which sentence among the following is grammatically correctly?

          A.He writes the examination.

          B.He has wrote the examination

          C.He has been written the examination

          D.He have been writing the examination

          E.He have wrote the examination

  (viii)In which sentence the question tag is “Aren’t I?”

          A.They are reading the novel of Things Fall Apart.

          B.I are reading the novel of Things Fall Apart.

          C.I am reading the novel of Things Fall Apart.

          D.I read the novel of Things Fall Apart.

          E.We are reading the novel of Things Fall Apart.

  (ix)Which of the following sentences means that both George and his sister are students?

          A.George only is a student

          B.George and his sister are not students

          C.Either George or his sister is a student

          D.Neither George nor his sister is a student

          E.George is as student as his sister

  (x)The teacher decided to …………………. The test results of the students with disciplinary problems.


          B.Have withheld


          D.Having withhold

          E.Being withheld


  1.            Match the phrases in column A with the responses in column B to form a complete meaningful sentences by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number
















List A

List B

  1. Break out
  2.             Look like
  3.           Kick off
  4.           Let down
  5.             Take after
  6.           Stand for
  1.           To begin to have control of something or to replace someone or something
  2.            To start on a trip
  3.            To do the work of someone else for them because they cannot do it themselves or to d the work of someone else for a short
  4.           To represent something or to support or accept particular principles, values or behaviours.
  5.             had it not been for the alarm clock to escape from a place or situation or suddenly to start something dangerous or unpleasant
  6.             to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
  7.           to examine the facts about a problem or situation
  8.           to disappoint someone failing to do what you agree to do or were expected to do.


SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions

3.  Imagine you complete form four and you visited your brother. He asked you a number of    questions. Report what he asked you to your friend.

     (i)”How are your father and mother?”

     (ii)”How are you getting on at school?”

     (iii)”What do you plan to do when you finish college?”

     (iv)”Are you happy with my family?”


  1.      (a) Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the underlined word (s)
  1.               They made a big noise.
  2.             Somebody has spoiled my drawing on the wall.
  3.           People speak English all over the world.
  4.           Love brings happiness to everyone
  5.             People drink cocacola everyday


    (b) Construct one meaningful sentence using one of the items for each

  1.               Since
  2.             Never
  3.           For
  4.           Always
  5.             Seldom
  6.           have

5.      (a)  The Past events can be expressed in different forms depending on how and when     they   happened. Construct two sentences for each of the following:

     (i)The simple past with regular form of a verb

     (ii)The past progressive

     (iii)The past perfect

     (iv)The simple past with irregular form of a verb.


         (b) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each:

     (i)His knew house is full of modern furniture (correct the sentence)

     (ii)No sooner had the match between Simba and Yanga begun, than Yanga scored a goal. (Re-write starting with: As soon as……………………)

     (iii)He walked ___________ (majesty) to the platform and snatched the microphone from the speaker. (put the word in bracket in its correct form)

     (iv)”Are you leaving today?” Jessica asked me. (Change it into reported speech

  1.            Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each


  1.               Had you been careful, you would have come first in the examination (Begin with If…)
  2.             Dotto was nervous. Kulwa was equally nervous (combine into one sentence using”… as ……
  3.           Tina had never met a boy as naughty as zero (Begin: Never……………………)
  4.           Lilian does not speak as much English as her brother John (Rewrite using “than”)
  5.             Seldom did Amina’s baby cry at night (begin hardly…………..)
  6.           Dainess said “I have lost my hand bag” Begin with Dainess……
  7.         He was sick. He went to school ( join  using although….)
  8.      There were heavy clouds in the sky. That’s why we couldn’t see the sun the whole day. (Begin the sky was……)
  9.           We complain about her behaviour. Change the sentence into present perfect continuous tense

7.     Replace the underlined words with one word in the following sentences:

 (a)My father bought me a book that gives a list of words of the language in a  alphabetical order and their meanings.

(b)Many students attend to a building in which collections of books are kept for people to read, for private studies.

 (c)His uncle work s at a place where vehicles are maintained and repaired.

 (d)They are singing in the building where Christians go to worship

  1.            In each of the following sentences one word is wrong identify it and replace it by writing the correct word
  1.          During examinations, students need piece of mind.
  2.         My uncle has long bed which are not shaved
  3.          Allen is a likely hair when  his father dies
  4.         This is not a light way of asking a question
  5.           We attended a campaign to encourage childless couples to adapt.
  6.             What other games do you play beside football?
  7.          Which has sports the leopard or the tiger?
  8.          There is a which in our street.
  9.            The son is shinning




  1.            Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:-



Be hold!

The sun has risen

And with the sons of the land has risen too

Forward they go

Well armed,

Singing the praises to the beauty of the sunrise

With the determination of long term worriers

Challenging the enemy

With the courage of free mind

And the vigour of clean purpose

Sit and wait brethren

Wait and see what glory they bring at sunset

How they pay homage to the land

And their people.




  1.          What is the poem about?
  2.         What is the meaning of the title of the poem?
  3.          The poem talks about challenging the enemy. Whom do you think the enemy might be?
  4.         What do you think SUNRISE and SUNSET symbolize?
  5.          With the determination of “long term worriers” What do you think the words “long term” tell us about the poet’s view of struggle?
  6.            What is the type of the poem?
  7.         What are the possible themes of the poems? (Give out two themes)


  1.          Writers do not only site challenges facing the societies in focus, but also show the ways forward towards answers. Verify this contention in reference to any two novels you have done in your course. (Give six points, three from each reading)
  2.          In African societies women handle different responsibilities in building up their families and societies. Validate this contention referring to two plays you have done. Give three points from each reading.










  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question number nine (9) is compulsory
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty- four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct option from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in answer booklet provided.

(i) Madam Haika told Joram to say the following statement loudly; wish you wish, but if you wish the witch wishes. I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.- This statement is known as?

  1. a pronunciation test
  2. a creative composition
  3. a brainstorming
  4. a tongue twister
  5. a quiz

(ii) Which of the following sentence has right word order?

  1. I can go to the swimming pool with you
  2. To the swimming pool with you I can go.
  3. I can to the swimming pool go with you
  4. To the swimming pool with you I can go.

(iii) A man with two wives Jane and Hasra has four children Aneth and Azary from his first wife Jane while Asha and Azizi are from the second wife. In this relation, Azizi is Jane's

  1. Mother in law
  2. Step mother
  3. Co wife
  4. Son
  5. Step mother

(iv) The earth rotates around the sun. The article 'the' is used before the word sun to show that the word sun is

  1. Singular
  2. Mentioned in the second time
  3. Known
  4. Only in the universe
  5. Bigger than the earth

(v) Take an examination paper; put it down waiting for an invigilator to give you permission to start, the above statements are examples of:

  1. Asking for a request
  2. Giving instructions
  3. Expressing conditions
  4. Expressing ones ideas
  5. Expressing likes and dislikes

(vi) Among the given expressions, which one is suitable for asking direction?

  1. Excuse me, I think Jam lost. May you please, show me the way to the police station?
  2. I want to go to the police station, show me the way.
  3. Show me the way to the police station.
  4. Hey, show me the way to the police station
  5. You show me the way to the police station.

(vii) All of the following are uses of dictionaries EXCEPT one

  1. Looking up the meaning of new words
  2. Finding the spelling of a word
  3. Looking for grammatical information about a word
  4. Looking for a word with opposite meaning
  5. Preserving historical information

(viii) Having  done his homework, the labourer sat down to rest. The underlined word indicates,

  1. Past participle
  2. Present continuous tense
  3. Gerund
  4. Past continuous tense
  5. Past perfect tense

(ix) What does the phrasal verb "check out" mean;

  1. To distinguish
  2. To postpone
  3. To save
  4. To leave
  5. To take care of

(x) Hamisi was watching a football match between Mtibwa sugar and Kagera sugar at Nyasa stadium. In this situation Hamisi was a;

  1. Referee
  2. Defender
  3. Striker
  4. Spectator
  5. Goal keeper.

2. Match the following descriptions in LIST A with their corresponding adjectives in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in answer booklet provided



  1. Something that you can hear
  2. Something that you can read easily
  3. Something that can be eaten and not poisonous
  4. Something that can be dissolved
  5. Something that can be witnessed
  6. Something capable of being navigated
  1. Soluble
  2. Portable
  3. Legible
  4. Credible
  5. Navigable
  6. Audible
  7. Visible
  8. Edible
  9. Suitable

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

3. A conditional sentences type one can be presented in a number of ways. Construct one sentence under each of the following ways to illustrate their use.

  1. The use of if + present simple + be + going to
  2. The use of if + present simple +imperative
  3. The use of unless + present perfect + modal verb
  4. The use of incase + present simple + will+ infinitive
  5. The use of unless + present simple + be + going to
  6. The use of if + present continuous + will + infinitive

4. Your pen is out of ink and you ought to ask one from your friend. Construct one sentence you could make by using each of the following ways.

  1. Use the word 'excuse
  2. Use the word please
  3. Use any modal auxiliary verb
  4. Use the phrase would you mind
  5. Use lexical verb in impolite way
  6. Use positive statement with a question tag

5. For each of the items (i)-(vi) construct one sentence to show different expressions of actions by using each of the following guidelines

  1. An action which happened in the past using irregular verbs
  2. An action which has occurred
  3. The use of shall +have +gerund +noun
  4. An action ended before another action took place
  5. A progressive action in present with transitive verb
  6. Habitual action in the past with intransitive verb

6. Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

  1. Alan is tall. He can fix the blackboard.( Join the sentences using..........enough to...)
  2. Mr Alex did not come. Dr Leon did not come too.( Join the sentence using ....... neither....nor)
  3. Haika plays piano. Asha plays piano too.(Join both........)
  4. Mr Akilimali was sturbbon. His father was also sturbbon .(Use as.........as)
  5. The weather is bad. We are enjoying ourselves. (Begin Although............
  6. We had good players yet we lost three matches (Begin Inspite of..........

7. Suppose you're the head prefect of your school you have received a guest who wants to know the location of toilets, library, headmaster's office, physics laboratory, school kitchen and classrooms in your school. Use words/phrases in the box to construct six sentences giving the location of these places.

Close to, next to, behind, opposite, adjacent, near

8. Your school, Moipo Secondary School is preparing for a graduation party which will be held at school assembly hall. Write a good invitation card following the procedures to invite different guests.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section. Question number 9 is compulsory.

9. Argue against the statement 'Digital revolution has spoil the world.' Use six points in not more than 250 words.



  • A wreath for Fr Mayer - S. N Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed like a shadow - B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared - S. N Ndunguru (2004),
  • Weep not child - Ngugi wa Thiong"o (1987), Heinemann 
  • l'he interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan.


  • Three suitors one husband - P. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), Oup
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinneman 
  • The black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong'o


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol - 0. P" Iiitek(1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (Ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. With reference to two poems you have read, explain how poets have portrayed the issue of oppression and show relevance of these poems to your society. (Provide three points from each poem.)

11. "Awareness is the basic tool in problem solving in society". By using two novels show how three characters from each novel have used their awareness to deal with the existing situation in their societies.( Give three points from each novel).






Code: 011 ENGLISH

(For Both School and Private candidates) 

Time: 3 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A, B and only two (02) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries 16 marks, section B carries 54 marks and section C carries 30 marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
  6. 6. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer sheet.

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

1 . For each of the following items i-x choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided;

image"I had been teaching English in this school. " In which form of the sentences does this statement belong?

  1. Past continuous tense 
  2. Present continuous tense
  3. Past perfect continuous tense 
  4. Simple past tense

ii. The sentences, "The lion was killed by me, " This can be changed into active voice as;

  1. The lion was killed by I
  2. I was killed a lion
  3. I killed the lion 
  4. Me, I killed a lion

iii. "We shall meet with him tomorrow" in this sentence, which word shows adverb?

  1. With 
  2. Tomorrow
  3. Shall 
  4. Him

iv. We talk of quack of a duck, hiss of a snake, what can we talk about a lion?

  1. Bleat 
  2. Neigh
  3. Bark 
  4. Roar

image"The teacher ordered us to go there" this sentence can be put into direct speech as;

  1. 'Come here' the teacher commanded
  2.  'Go there' the teacher told us
  3.  'Can you come here please?' The teacher said 
  4. 'Hurry up' the teacher ordered

vi. John and Mary love each other. In which type of pronouns does the underlined imageword belong?

  1. Possessive pronouns 
  2. Interrogative pronouns
  3. Reciprocal pronouns 
  4. Relative pronouns

vii. A subject refers to a doer of an action in a sentence. By looking to a sentence "The president of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan is inspecting the parade of honor". Which part of the sentence present a subject of a sentence?

  1. Hon. President
  2. The president of United Republic of Tanzania
  3. The president of United republic of Tanzania Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan
  4. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassani

viii. "Baraka and Jamal have gone to Mwanza". this means;

  1. They were there
  2. They are there now
  3. They want to be there
  4. They can try to be there

ix. Why is it correct to say "an MBA" but saying "an university" is incorrect?

  1. 'a' is used before consonant sound while 'an' is used before vowel sound
  2.  'an' and 'a' are used interchangeably without considering the sound
  3. 'a' is used with long words while 'an' is used with short words
  4. 'an' and 'a' can be used with all nouns that begin with vowel letters

x. I came with the girl image you wanted to see.

  1. Whose
  2. Which
  3. Who
  4. Whom

2. Match the figures of speech in column B with their corresponding examples in column A in the following table by writing its letter in the space provided;



(i) Zakaria hit the table with his lefthand BAM! BAM!

(ii) He kicked the bucket tonight

(iii) A child is a bundle of joy

(iv) A big bull beats a baby boy

(v) She is as beautiful as an angel

(vi) They mocked him, saying he had a pea-sized brain

  1. Simile
  2. Euphemism
  3. Alliteration
  4. Personification
  5. Metaphor
  6. Hyperbole
  7. Onomatopoeia
  8. Rhetorical question

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

3. Write one word which means as the same as the underlined part of a sentence;

i. He is the man whose wife is dead 

ii. Last year many crops died due to qreat shortaqe of rain 

iii. That is the man who taught me English Ianquaqe

iv. Amina drives a s ecial vehicle which carries sick or in-ured eo le to the hospital

v. His house is built near the place where dead people are buried image vi. This is the girl I have proposed

4. Auxiliary verb 'do' has various uses, with the help of examples construct sentences to show the following uses;

  1. To show emphasis
  2. To ask questions
  3. To show negativity
  4. To form tag question

5. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each 

i. Joel is handsome. Dickson is handsome (use: both) 

ii. I am pleased to be with you here. (begin: It is  . . . . . . . . .)

iii. If Amina called her friends to the party, she would spend a lot of money. (begin Unless Amina calls  . . . . . . .)

iv. 'Go there now.' (supply the question tag)

(b) Use the following prefixes to write a negative word on each.

  1. —un 
  2. —dis 
  3. —ir
  4. —il
  5. in

6. Suppose you watched the game between Simba Sports Club and Young Africans, use each of the following words to construct sentences to narrate the event.

  1. Time 
  2. Fans 
  3. Whistle 
  4. Possession 
  5. Foul 
  6. Linesmen 
  7. Score
  8. Full time

7. Imagine you are Dr. Tabia Njema, reply the invitation below by giving reasons for your regret for the event through a telephone message;

8. Mr. Ntese was born in 17th June 1990 in Kisarawe, Pwani- Tanzania. He is married. He started his primary school in 1998 and completed in 2004 at Kisarawe primary school.He later joined Minaki Secondary School in 2005 for his Ordinary Level Education where he completed 2008. After passing his CSEE he was selected to join Pugu High School for Advanced Level Education where he studied from 2009 to 2011. Finally, he joined university of Dodoma (UDOM) to pursue a Bachelor of Arts with Education(BAEd) from 2011 to 2014. Mr. Ntese in 2019•was awarded a Certificate of Computer Training and a Driving License at Amazon college. He likes playing soccer, watching movies, writing plays and jogging. He is a!so a good choir singer at his church. Since 2015 he has been teaching English at Mwinyi Secondary School, P.O.Box 115 Mkuranga. He has three reputable people who can indorse him; The Headmaster of his school, Job Hamisi, his mobile number is image0737 090909, Email; shabanjob@gmail.com. The Academic Master ,Hussein Bakari, his phone number is 0722 222222, Email; bakerihussein@live.com and lastly is his former lecturer Faculty of Education at Dodoma University (UDOM), Kipacha Kipacha, P.O.Box 30 Dodoma, mobile number is 0768 800800. The father of Mr. Nteseis called Mwandevela Daudi. Using the details above write a Curriculum Vitae (C.V)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two (02) questions from this section.



  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S.N Ndunguru (1977), MkukinaNyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed like a shadow - B.M.Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (2004), MkukinaNyota
  • Weep Not Child - Ngugi waThiong'o (1987), Heinemam
  • The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The lion and the Jewel - W.Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This time tomorrow - Ngugi waThiong'o (1972), Heineman
  • The black Hermit - Ngugi waThiong'o (1968), Heineman


  • Songs of Lawino and Songs of Ocol - O.P.Bitek(1968), EAPH
  • Growing Up with Poetry - D.Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow;

To you dada,

It's the days, that matter 

For we are unable to chat 

In the language, we had.

When I look at you,

And see my pay slip 

In your eyes

I feel empty and sapped

Your glance, sister

Is to me the measure

Of the heat of the dough

In my pocket

Never are passions cool, 

To you I am now a tool

And all my wage is now the fare

I ride on your troubling kisses

It is you I accuse,

Because your love is lost

And you only touch me 

With the tenderness that asks 

Where my wallet is.

It is to you dada,

That my pen tears the pad,

For I only see your love

Focused on my purse

With your passions

Chasing my bank account.


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. With the examples from the poem, show three figures of speech. iii. Who is the persona in this poem?
  3. With the evidence from the poem, mention two possible themes.
  4. What message do you get from the poem? (give two)

10. By giving three points from each of any two novels you have read, show how welfare and interests of the majority can be affected by the way some characters behave in the society.

11. "Modernity can result into misunderstanding in the society", Justify this statement using two plays you have done.









  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 11 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A, and B and two questions in section C.
  3. Section A carries 16 marks, section B carries 54 marks and section C carries 30 marks.
  4. Cellular phones and other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet


Answer all questions from this section

1. For each of the following items (i- x), choose the most correct answer from the alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet.

i) When Catherine was walking past the cemetery at night, she saw…………………

  1. A team of robbers
  2. A company of robbers
  3. A gang of robbers
  4. A troop of robbers
  5. A staff of robbers

ii) Simple present tense has several uses in the sentence. In which sentence it is used to show the general truth?

  1. He arrives today from Mwanza
  2. He goes to church every Sabbath
  3. Here comes the Chairperson
  4. Salome wakes up early in the morning
  5. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West

iii) Hassan……………….. if he had worked hard on it.

Which of the following supposed to be the best correct answer?

  1. Would pass
  2. Will pass
  3. Was passing
  4. Would have passed
  5. Had passed

iv) “Make sure nobody is in the library before you lock up the door”. The teacher ordered me. The bolded word here means……………………….

  1. All
  2. Enough
  3. Few
  4. Some
  5. No one

v) Seldom did Anna wear shoes. This means Anna…………………….

  1. Wore shoes often
  2. Will never wear shoes 
  3. He never wear shoes
  4. D. Wore shoes rarely 
  5. Does not wear shoes

vi. She lived in Dar es Salaam five years ago. This implies that;

  1. She still living in Dar es salaam
  2. Five years has passed since she stopped living in Dar es salaam
  3. She has been living in Dar es salaam for five years
  4. She went to live in Dar es salaam five years ago up to now
  5. She plans to stay in Dar es salaam for five years

vii. The watchman, the construction workers and all the foremen were……….to be found

  1. Anywhere 
  2. Everywhere 
  3. Somewhere 
  4. Nowhere 
  5. Where

viii. Which of the following sentences is in type 2 conditional tense?

  1. If he goes home, he sees his mother
  2. If he goes home, he will see his mother
  3. If he had gone home, he would have seen his mother
  4. If he went home, he would see his mother
  5. If he had gone home, he could have seen his mother

ix. You have been asked to participate in debate with a topic “Education is better than money”. As a participant, how do you name the topic under discussion?

  1. Agenda
  2. Program 
  3. Motion
  4. Issue 
  5. Argument

x. You hear someone saying “She was my friend, wasn’t she”? Why did the speaker uses a question tag?

  1. To confirm information
  2. To seek information
  3. To show positivity and negativity
  4. To express feelings
  5. To show repeated auxiliary verbs

2. Match the description of items in List A with its appropriate response in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided.



(i) This is the act of disagreeing in conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons often angrily.

(ii) This is a conversation between two or more people in a book, play or film/movie.

(iii) This is discussion that takes place between two groups of people on a given topic, usually called motion.

(iv) This is formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc.
(v) This is the process of allowing each member an equal opportunity to express his/ her views and opinions on different matters, and arrives at a common understanding.
(vi) A session of speaking, especially a long oral message given publicly by one person.
  1. Interview
  2. Debate
  3. Discussion
  4. Speech
  5. Argument
  6. Dialogue


Answer all questions in this section

3. Complete the following sentences using the correct word given in the box.

Principle, Portuguese, dairy, principal, epidemic, Portugal, daily, endemic.

  1. Someone from Portugal is called a………………………….
  2. A disease confined to a particular district or place…………………..
  3. Someone who heads a college is…………………..
  4. A place where milk is converted into a butter and cheese………………………..
  5. A wide spread disease that affects many individuals in a population ………
  6. A rule or law of nature or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied……

4. Write down the group of underlined nouns to the following sentences.

  1. Msimbazi street is full of people…………………………
  2. I want to see that group of singers………………………
  3. Juma has so many keys that can possibly open every door…………………
  4. In that ceremony they attended many group of musician……………………….
  5. At Mnazi Mmoja there is a group of criminal …………………………..
  6. The former president of Tanzania J.K Mrisho owns a large number of sheep ………

5. Construct one sentence for each word in a pair of the words bellow to prove that you know their meanings.

a) Accept and Except

b) Desert and Dessert

c) Beside and Besides

d) Whom and Whose

e) Off

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs in brackets as instructed to make meaningful sentences

  1. There only ten meters to go. He……………..(win) the gold medal.(use be + going to)
  2. By the end of the week we……………….(sell) about 500 tickets.(use future perfect)
  3. Sir Marko is unfortunately ill. So Selemani……………………….(teach) you English from today (use future continuous tense)
  4. We ……… (dream) for having these for a long time. (Past perfect continuous tense)
  5. We complain about her behavior. We ………………………… about her behavior. (Use: present perfect continuous tense)
  6. She is facilitating in our seminar. She ….….. in our seminar. (Use past perfect tense)

7. Re - write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

  1. Agnes said “I have lost my handbag’’. (Begin with Agnes said that……………)
  2. It was raining. We went to school. (Join the sentence with “although”)
  3. The chief editor was not present. The sub editor was not present.

(Join the sentences begin with: Neither ……….nor ……)

  1. Photo journalism is more difficult than News writing. (Begin: News writing is ...)

v. If he reads the book, he will enjoy it. Begin: Unless…………………………

vi. Abraham was strong .He was beaten in the first round (.Rewrite using despite)

8. Your family is planning to celebrate your graduation ceremony and you are told to prepare a card to invite different family friends. Write a card to invite the guest to your family celebration. Use fictitious names.


Answer two (2) questions from this section and question number eleven (11) is compulsory.



  • A wreath for father mayer……………S.N.Ndunguru (1997), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries……………………………Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow…………………..B.M.Mapalala (2006),DUP
  • Spared…………………………..S.N.Ngunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep not child………………………….Ngugi Wa Thiong’o(1987),Heinmann
  • The interview………………………………….P.Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors, one Husband…………………..O.Mbia (1994), Eyre Menthuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel……………………….W. Soyinka (1963), DUO
  • This Time Tomorrow…………………Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinmann
  • The Black Hermit…………………Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinmann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol……………………..O.P’Bitek (1979),EAPH
  • Growing up with poetry………………… D. Rubadili (ed)(1989), Heinmann
  • Summons………………………………………………R. Mabala (1960),TPH

9. “Poets/ Poetess are known to be the best teachers in the society as they educate and criticize the wrong doings”. With clear and relevant evidence from two poems you have read, justify this statement in six points.

10. Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is “Like men, women are equally capable of contributing the welfare to society”. Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement.(three points from each play)

11. Suppose that many characters from different novels has written to you, each one asking you to be his/her friend. Who and why would you accept him/her to be your friend. (Choose one friend from each novel and three reasons for accepting his/her requests). Use two novels.







TIME: 3 HOURS March 2023


  1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C as instructed
  3. Cellular phones ,calculators and any un authorized material materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets

SECTION A – (15marks)

1. For each of the following item (i)- (x) chose the most correct answer from the given alternatives then write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

(i) Which statements is the past perfect of no sooner did we leave the house than it bagen to rain? 

  1. No sooner we had leave the house than it begin to rain 
  2. No sooner had we left the house than it begun to rain 
  3. No sooner we did leave the house than it began to rain 
  4. No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain 
  5. No sooner we had leave the house than it begun to rain

(ii) They have sent a letter done to Dorcus’How can this sentence be changed to past perfect form? 

  1. They have been sending a letter to Dorcus 
  2. They had sent a letter to dorcus 
  3. They sent a letter to dorcus 
  4. They were sending letter to Dorcus 
  5. They had to sent a letter to dorcus

(iii) Britney and her family ----------------------- most of the people in their city ,don’t they? 

  1. Knows
  2. Are knowing
  3. Have known
  4. Know
  5. Knew

(iv) Edwin -------------------- the school compound everyday 

  1. Clean
  2. Cleaned
  3. Cleans
  4.  Has cleaned
  5. Had cleaned

(v) Your teacher asks you to compose a fictional story by using literary devices and skills .which among the following is literary name for the composed story? 

  1. Autobiography writing
  2. Creating writing
  3. Non – creating writing
  4. Biography writing
  5. Argumentative wrting

(vi) My heart was beating fast ‘ what does the underlined part of the word indicate in this sentence 

  1. On going activity
  2. Plural past continuous tense
  3. Continous tense
  4. Singular past continuous tense
  5. Daily routine

(vii) When it rained she had already taken her lunch .What does this statement mean? 

  1. As it rained ,she took her lunch
  2. She took her lunch earlier than it started to rain
  3. When it rained , she was eating her lunch
  4. She took her lunch when it was raining
  5. The lunch was ready before it started to rain

(viii) When -------------------------- her homework? 

  1. Irene usually does
  2. Does Irene usually
  3. Does Irene usually do
  4. Usually does Irene
  5. Irene doing

(ix) If Edwin heard the knock, he --------------------- the door at once 

  1. Would open
  2. Would have opened
  3. Had to open
  4. Opened
  5. would had open

(x) Which among the following does not require use of formal style of language ?

  1. Formal job 
  2. Delivering morning speech before your fellow student 
  3. Standing before court of law to answer charges against you 
  4. Interacting in an intimate or family environment  
  5. Formal job interview

2. Match the description of people in LIST A with the correct one in LIST B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided



  1. A woman who writes books
  2. A doctor who specializes in conditions involving the skin, hair and nails
  3. A doctor who focus on caring for bones and joint
  4. A doctor who knows all about the urinary system including kidney, bladder and ureters
  5. A medical professional who specializes in treating injuries and conditions that impact movement
  1. Optician
  2. Urologist
  3. Authoress
  4. Physicians
  5. Dermatologists
  6. Physiotherapist
  7. director


3. Write an appropriate question tag for each of the following statements

  1. Close the door
  2. Let’s move
  3. Am coming
  4. You have never liked me

4. Make one meaningful sentence of your own ,use the following guide lines

  1. A question using present perfect form
  2. Subject + has +to infinitive to express imperative sentence
  3. Use the modal verb MUST in its obligatory role or use
  4. A statements using past progressive

5. Complete the given sentence by using the appropriate possessive pronoun

  1. Kareem owns a supermarkets .it belongs to ---------------------------------
  2. This is their garage .The garage is -----------------------
  3. Steph bought a suv range rover sport .The range rover sport is -------------------
  4. This is our mension . it belongs ---------------------------

6. Re write the following sentences according to the instruction given after each

  1. She has never paid rent for her house (Begin never)
  2. A boy wrote a letter (put a correct question tag )
  3. Clara is black. Her mother is black too (Re – write using ----------- as -------- as--------)
  4. Martha is intelligent .Martha can pass the examination (join using enough to)
  5. She was ill but she managed o go to church ( use however)
  6. The driver had negotiated with the passenger as the accident occurred (Begin: hardly )
  7. My teacher is very polite and kind (Begin :Not only)
  8. The wall was painted by her (Change into Active voice )
  9. If she comes , she will enjoy life ( Begin :Unless)
  10. I’m waiting for Melvin “ ( Change into indirect speech )

7. Consider that you have witnessed a serious accident on your way home .use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the accident

  1. Bad
  2. Injured
  3. Terrible
  4. Unconscious
  5. Reckless

8. Match the item in column A with those in column B to make meaningful sentences .use a format of a table



  1. You will be paid double
  2. I was eating dinner
  3. Since I was quite slim
  4. They were upset
  5. Although the sun was shinning
  1. When they failed their exams
  2. When you called me
  3. If you work overtime
  4. It was warm
  5. I managed to squeeze through the small opening in the wall
  6. I managed to squeeze the small opening in the wall
  7. When they failed their exams
  8. It was not warm



  Answer three ( 3) questions from this section

9. Tanzania has been losing a lot of citizen in the road accident .imagine you are the minister of home Affairs ,prepare a speech of not more than 250 words on the six causes of these accidents. 



  • A Wreath for Fr Mayer- SN Nduguru (1977) Mkuki na nyota 
  • Un answered Cries – Osman Conteh, Macmillan 
  • Passed like shadow – B.M Mapalala (2006) DUP 
  • Spared - S.N Nduguru (2004) Mkuki na Nyota 
  • Weep not child –Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987) Heine mann 
  • The interview – p .ngugi (2002) , Macmillan 


  • Three suitors One Husband – O.Mbia (1994) Eyre Methuen 
  • The lion and the jewel – W.Soyinka (1963) OUP 
  • This time tomorrow – Ngugi wa thiong’o (1972) Heineman 
  • The black hermit – Ngugi wa thiong’0 (1963) Heinemann 


  • Song of lawino and ocol- O.P’ Bitek (1979) , EAPH 
  • Growing up with poetry – D , Rubadiri (ed) (1989) Heine mann Summons - R . Mabala (1960), tph

10. Using two plays you have studied in this section, discuss how some traditions, customs and beliefs contributed to misunderstanding and underdevelopment in a society . Give points from each play

11. Poetry is unique comparing to other genre of literature like novels and plays “ with examples validates the statements .( Give six points)

12. Some characters are not accepted in the society justify this statement using two novels you have done under this section (give three points for each novel)







(For Both School and Private Candidates)



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question number nine (9) is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet (s)


Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the following (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

(i) if you are a student and someone asks you "Are you a student?" How will you answer the question in short form?

  1. Yes, I do.
  2. Yes, you are.
  3. Yes, I am a student.
  4. Yes, I am.
  5. Yes, you are a student.

(ii) "It might rain this morning", the auxiliary might has been used to show

  1. Intention
  2. Necessity
  3. Permission
  4. Possibility
  5. Obligation

(iii) I have been waiting for this examination...four year now

  1. During
  2. For
  3. Meanwhile
  4. Since
  5. On

(iv) My teacher promised.me with any difficult topic

  1. Helping
  2. To help
  3. Help
  4. Will help
  5. Would help

(V) Mr. Siraji what time is it now? It is 06:15 pm. This means that,

  1. It is quarter past twelve in the evening.
  2. It is quarter to twelve in the morning
  3. It. is six past fifteen in the morning
  4. it is quarter past six in the morning
  5. It is quarter to six in the evening

(vi) In today's world the official letters have comprises many information which are very necessary to be included and most of them are very important. Which list of the elements are in correct order of occurrence when you are writing a well written official letter?

  1. Your signature and full name, recipient's address, sender's address, reference number, U.F.S, -heading, salutation, body Qf the letter, end of the letter and date.
  2. Senders address aid contact information such as email, fax and telephone; a date; reference number if available; recipient's .address; U.F.S if applicable; salutation; heading; body of the letter; end of the letter; complimentary close; your signature and full name. •
  3. Email, telephone number, fax, sender's address, date, reference number if available, recipients, s address, U.F.S if applicable, salutatibn, body of the letter, heading; end of the letter, complimentary close, your signature and full name.
  4. Your signature and full name, your recipient's address, your senders address, a date, salutation, heading, body of the letter,
  5. Recipient's address, sender's address, date, reference number if any, U.F.S if applicable; salutation; heading; body of the letter; end of the letter; complimentary close, your signature and your full name:

vii) Unless you study hard, you wouldn't pass the exam? This implies that

  1. You studied hard, but you didn't pass the exam
  2. You passed the exam though you didn't study hard
  3. You studied hard, so you expect to pass the exam
  4. You pass the exam, because you studied hard
  5. You will pass the exam, if you study hard.

viii) One of the form four student was telling us a story of a cruel boy, he said 'he is so rude' his friend said 'isn't he?  Do you think why tag question was used? .

  1. Reject the information.
  2. To support a story
  3. To conclude his cruelty
  4. To confirm the information.
  5. To join phrases

ix) After finishing the lesson the English teacher asked his form four students to construct one sentence concerning the lesson of constructing sentence and one student raised up his hand and said "we shall have been speaking English". This sentence follows under which category of a tense?

  1. Future continuous tense
  2. Future progressive tense
  3. Future perfect tense
  4. Future ongoing activities.
  5. Future perfect progressive tense

(x) If you had loved me, I would have married you. This sentence refers to one of the conditional sentence. This conditional type is given the name of;

  1. Probable condition
  2. Likely condition
  3. Imaginary condition
  4. Unlikely condition.
  5. Unfulfilled condition

2. Match each sentence in LIST A with its appropriate Noun in LIST B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. The one who is not in the armed force.
  2. The place where people go for holidays.
  3. A doctor who performs an operation
  4. The one who offer services willingly.
  5. Is a member of one family for many generations ago.
  6. The one who treats issues with female reproductive organs
  1. Resort
  2. Ancestor
  3. Surgeon
  4. Civilian
  5. Volunteer
  6. Geologist
  7. Orchard
  8. gynecologist



3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follows.

There are many people who love reading but cannot afford to buy books. Even in these days of cheap literature books costs money and the poor have not an ability to spare it. Because of such people that free libraries were established. Many have been set up in England and America by philanthropist people like Mr. Carnegie the American millionaire. In England every town has its free library provided and supported by the municipal fund and managed by the special committee. They are called free libraries because readers have no subscription to pay. Any decent citizen of the town especially poor people can get books from the library without charges. There is no doubt that free libraries area great blessing when the books.are wisely selected. They have a great educational value and have done much to encourage the habit of reading among the working classes.


Identify from the passage and write down!

  1. Two abstract noun
  2. Two non-countable concrete nouns
  3. Two proper nouns
  4. Two collective nouns
  5. Two common countable nouns

4. The following sentences have written by mixing the adjective phrase. Re-write the sentences by putting the underlined adjectives in a right order of the sentence.

  1. He is looking for leather stylish a black bag
  2. He bought a diesel-driven shiny ford new  tax
  3. He opened the same leather-bounded brown battered book
  4. I want a silk green an amazing dress
  5. He wants some Ugandan delicious really Matoke.

5. Future expression can be expressed in numbers of ways. Construct one sentence under each of the following forms to illustrate their use,

  1. The use of "will" or "shall"
  2. The use.of BE + going + to infinitive
  3. The use of present progressive form
  4. The use of verb BE + about to

6. Imagine that you are a school leader,you have received a guest who wants to know the location of classroom,Library,toilets and the Academic office.Use the words given below to make four sentences giving the location of these places.

Next to, opposite, behind, close to.

7. Suppose you want to travel from Tanga to Dodoma. How will you make arrangement for your journey using telephone? Write your answers by using the given guiding questions

  1. How would you introduce yourself to the bus ticket office?
  2. How do you give a message to inform the host ?
  3. How would you ask the bus fare?
  4. How would you ask for reporting time?

8. Use the given details below and write an application letter from the following advertisement.


National Bureau of Standard (NBC), a company registered under the section 101 of the companies' ordinance 1988 and incorporated by the federal government invites application for a DRIVER which was advertised in The Citizen Newspaper on 23rd may, 2023.

Position: A driver — male/ female

Qualification and experiences.

  • Form four leaver
  • Driving license from reputable college with class A, B, C, D and E of driving
  • 1-year experience up to maximum of 3 years' experience in the job.
  • He/she should be not having any criminal offence.
  • He/she should have height of 167 cm and above.

Clerk job description.

  • Driving officers of the company
  • Supervising the car's services
  • Protecting the car and use it for office use only

Salary: salary range from Tshs 500,0001= to Tshs 700,000/=.

Age: from 18 years old up to 30 years' old

Application process: submit before 4:00 pm on 31"june, 2023.

Apply to the director of National bureau of standard (NBC) COMPANY of P.O.BOX 345567 DAR-ES-SALAAM.

Use your address as P.O.BOX 4764 HANDENI. And sign your name as YATAPITA YANAMWISHO.

HR Department



Phone 0255-88773456. Fax number 0255-6743289


Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question number nine (9),is compulsory. 



  • A Wreath for Fr.Mayor - S.N Ndunguru (1977), MIculd na Nyota
  • Unanswered cries -Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow Spared -B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann
  • The Interview - P.Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia(1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The lion and the Jewel -  W. Sonyika(1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann
  • The black Hermit -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol - 0. P'Bitek (1979) ,EAPH
  • Growing up With Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), hienman
  • Summons - R.Mabala (1960), TPH

9. Neema was asked by her English language teacher to analyze a poem. However, she failed to do it because she does not know the procedures of analysing a poem. As an expert in English language, educate her by giving out six things to consider when analysing a poem.

10. By giving three points from each of two Novels show how welfare and interests of the majority can he affected by the way some characters behave in the society.

11. Playwright always choose the characters purposefully to show the reality of the society. Some of the characters are good role models but others are not. You are among the students who knows very well bad deeds characters, from two plays you have read choose two of them to verify the statement. Give three points from each play.






Time 3:00 Hours Year: 2022


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (03) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries forty (40) marks and section C carries forty-five (45) marks.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


Answer all questions In this section

1. For each of the items (i - x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. (I) I saw war article in the Guardian. The underlined word is used because

  1. It is beautifying word "Guardian".
  2. It is mistaken.
  3. Names of Newspapers go with article "the"
  4. It sounds better
  5. It is an article

(ii) "They clean their surroundings daily." Which indicator shows you that the sentence expresses routine?

  1. The use of pronoun "they"
  2. The use of noun "surroundings"
  3. The use of pronoun "their"
  4. The use of the word "daily"
  5. The use of the base form "clean"

(iii) Which among the following statement can be rude to your friend when making a story?

  1. Stop your story, will you?
  2. Sorry! Your story is boring.
  3. Aaah! I think the story is over.
  4. Stop making story, please!
  5. Stop your story!

(iv) Winking is a non-verbal clue that is generally grouped into

  1. Facial expression.
  2. Gestures.
  3. Eye gaze.
  4. Proxemics.
  5. Paralinguistic.

(v) "Professor Nabi is a professional coach in Tanzania NBC Premier League." This sentence is in

  1. Present perfect.
  2. Future perfect.
  3. Simple present.
  4. Simple past.
  5. Present progressive.

(vi) Forming new word from existing ones can be done in many ways. For instance most adjectives are formed by adding suffixes to nouns, verbs, and other adjectives. What will be the appropriate adjective when the suffix will be added to the verb "resent'?

  1. Recentic.
  2. Resented.
  3. Resentful.
  4. Resentive.
  5. Rescntical.

(vii) The following are examples of connectors of similarity, except

  1. Likewise.
  2. Meanwhile.
  3. Similarly.
  4. Just as.
  5. Also.

(viii) One among the following statement is not the advantage of dictation

  1. Improves listening skills.
  2. It promotes ability to guess spellings.
  3. It improves pronunciations. )
  4. It creates awareness or concentrations.
  5. It helps someone to practice grammar.

(ix) Your friend once said, "The man was sank in the river but it was the boat which was drowned in the same river." You realized the sentence was incorrect. What was he correctly supposed to say?

  1. The man sank but the boat drowns in the same river.
  2. The man was drowned but the boat sank in the same river.
  3. The boat drowned but the man sinks in the same river. ( )
  4. The boat drowns but the man sinks in the same river.
  5. The boat was drowned but the man sank in the same river.

(x) If am a girl, all my Uncle's and Aunt's will call me......

  1. Sister.
  2. Daughter.
  3. Niece.
  4. Nephew.
  5. Cousin.

2. Match each sentence in LIST "A" with its appropriate description in LIST "B" by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet provided.

List A List B

(i) The teacher with his pupils.

(ii) Oil Vitus.

(iii) A place w here books are kept in school.

(is) A NA like, in which the dead arc kept.

(v) Mans people will die of hunger.

  1. Grave.
  2. Were playing tennis.
  3. Library.
  4. A very small living thing that causes diseases.
  5. Were cheap in price.
  6. Coffin.
  7. But he is careless.
  8. Unless the Government takes quick measures.
  9. Is playing football.


Answer all questions in this section.

3. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

  1. As soon as the sun rose they set out. (Begin: No sooner.:...)
  2. They went to school yesterday. (Change into negative)
  3. Unless you wash the cut on your leg it may become infected. (Begin: If.....)
  4. Although the sun was very hot we went to the beach. (Begin: In spite of.....)
  5. "Come here" The headmaster commanded us. (Rewrite into reported speech)

4. Reorganize the letters in the following words in brackets to form meaningful English words which will accurately match with the sentence.

  1. (tsraveh) ........ is when crops in the field are out and collected.
  2. (nsiocsusid) .......... is a talk or conversation about something.
  3. (nloipnaatt) .......... is a large farm for growing cash crops.
  4. (rariatnon) ... is a kind of writings that tells a story about
    something(s), person or place.

5. "A word can have more than one meaning "use the following words to construct two sentences per each word to illustrate a given statement above.

  1. Bank
  2. Fine
  3. Watch
  4. Right

6. Construct one sentence by using emthinctinus expressing each of the following function.

  1. Implying a contrast between two ideas.
  2. Signifying that the second clause is the cause of the first.
  3. Denoting that the first clause is cause of the second.
  4. Stating the alternative of the two clauses.

7. Change the following sentences into their active voice forms.

  1. Newspapers are sold by James.
  2. Apples are liked by them.
  3. Mganda is played by us.
  4. Rice is eaten by me.
  5. We are being helped by them.

8. (a) Study the phone message received by PS (Personal Secretary) for her boss, then

write the telephone message format. "I am Hrodrick Emmanuel, the General Manager, Southern paper Mill". Tell your boss that the meeting will be held in Iringa at the hill top Hotel on 20T5 November 2022 at 8:00 am.

(b) Write the invitation card by using the message received by the PS (Personal Secretary) above.


Answer only three (03) questions from this section

9. Suppose you are a peace maker on the war between Russia and Ukraine that has erupted. Write a speech of not more than 250 words addressing them on the three (3) effects of war and three (3) resolutions towards the war.



A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow - B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared - S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


Three Suitors: One Husband -O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel -W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow -Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann
The Black Hermit -Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1968), Heinemann


Songs of Lawino and Ocol -O. P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry -D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
Summons -R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Analyze the use of sense devices in the two poems you have read and appreciated. Give three points for each poem.

11. How playwrights uses protagonist characters to portray various social realities in the society through literary works. Choose two plays you have read to portray the social realities. (Six points )

12. "Women are useful person in the society." Show the relevance of this statement in your own society by referring to two novels that you have read. Three points for each novel.








  1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B, and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write in blue or black ink pen
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet (s)


Answer all questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided
  1. Which of the following is a definition of an “author”
  1. Someone who writes fictious narratives
  2. Someone who reads fictious narratives
  3. Someone who sells fictitious narratives
  4. Someone who composes fictions narratives
  5. Someone who makes positive comments on literary narratives
  1. I have been waiting for this paper …………… four years now.
  1. During
  2. Since
  3. Meanwhile
  4. For
  5. From
  1. Choose the correct passive form of the statement, “They were reading a book.”
  1. A book was reed by them
  2. A book is read by them
  3. A book had been read by them
  4. A book is being read by them
  5. A book was being read by them
  1. The boy has presented his complaints to the authority. Which tense is this statements?
  1. Perfect tense
  2. Present perfect tense
  3. Simple perfect tense
  4. Past perfect tense
  5. Future perfect tense
  1. Unless Majura studied hard, he ……… his final examinations
  1. Would failed
  2. Would passed
  3. Would have failed
  4. Would fail
  5. Would pass
  1. The man ………… wrote this poem is coming for tea
  1. Who
  2. That
  3. Whose
  4. Where
  5. Whom
  1. Which of the following make up types of essays?
  1. Argumentative, narrative, expository descriptive
  2. Argumentative, narratives, exposition, fallacy
  3. Argumentative, narrative, descriptive, prose
  4. Argumentative, narrative, expository, prose
  5. Argumentative, narrative, explanation, descriptive
  1. Mr. Omar makes and repairs shoes. So, Mr. Omar is …………
  1. A plumber
  2. A tailor
  3. A mason
  4. An optician
  5. A cobbler
  1. How would you call someone who likes having everything which is good for himself/herself at the expense of the poor?
  1. Egocentric
  2. Persona
  3. Philanthropic
  4. Generous
  5. Suspicious
  1. Which one of the following groups of words contains basic components of a formal letter?
  1. Salutations, date, address of the sender, address of the receiver, conclusion, and signature.
  2. Full names of the receiver, full names of the sender, address of the sender, address of the receiver, signature.
  3. Salutation, country code, name of the receiver, telephone number, and signature.
  4. Address of both the sender and the receiver, date, destination of the letter, conclusion, signature
  5. Address, salutation, body, conclusion, signature, full name of the write, heading, date.
  1. Match the items in List A with those in the List B to make correct complete sentences



  1. The class representative provided the list
  2. Since Tom has become obedient
  3. However much effort you make
  4. She walked so fast
  5. No sooner were the lights switched off
  1. You will never kill a lion
  2. In order to catch the first train
  3. He will be rewarded
  4. Than it began raining heavily
  5. You will arrive in time
  6. So that the class teacher would read out the names
  7. But never will she manage
  8. Someone must stop him
  9. You will never success
  10. He will be late to school

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Change the following sentences into negative form
  1. Our teacher speaks French
  2. You have a nice watch
  3. She came here last week
  4. We are doing MOCK examinations
  1. Pick out the word that has a different sound in the following groups of words.
  1. Gate, late, said, state, hate
  2. Coat, boat, moat, goat, low
  3. Food, wood, fool, good
  4. Come, son, hum, calm, bum
  1. Use the statement, “Juma plays football”, to construct one sentence using the following expressions
  1. Simple future tense
  2. Present perfect tense
  3. Past continuous tense
  4. Future perfect tense
  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. Unless you put on school uniform, you will be punished. (Rewrite using “If”)
  2. My teacher did not agree with me. My headmaster did not agree with me also. (Use: Neither ….. nor).
  3. I am doing an English examination now. (Add a question tag)
  4. Asia is not so tall as Rukia. (Rewrite using “taller”)

  1. Complete the following passage by using the pronouns given: (his, our, it, my, ours, we)

My name is Mataruma (i) _______ parents are Kitururu and Salma. We live at Mgera village. (ii) ____________ like (iii) _______ village very much because (iii) _______ is prosperous.

  1. The following are phrases that a person can use to express his/her options. Construct one sentence under each of the following phrases.
  1. In my opinion ………………..
  2. I suggest ……………………..
  3. I strongly advise ……………..
  4. I am not of the opinion that …………


Answer three (3) questions from this section

  1. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania is planning to conduct a national census in August 2022. Imagine that you are the chairperson of Mtakuja village, write a speech you would give to your villagers to educate them on the importance of census. (provide six points)



  • A Wreath for Fr.Mayer - S.N.Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osmon Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed like a shadow - B.M.Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared - S.N.Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep not Child - Ngugi WaThiong’o (1987), Heinemann
  • The interview - P.Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors One Husband - O.Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel - W.Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngungi Wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit - Ngugi WaThiong’o (1968), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O.P’ Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing Up with Poetry - D.Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R.Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Using two poems you have studied order this section, explain their relevance to the society you live in. provide three points for each poem.

11. “Literary works reflect social realities.” Justify this statement by using two plays you have read. Give three points each play

12. Discuss the positon of woman in the society by using two you have studied under this section. Provide three points for each novel.







CODE: 022

TIME 3:00 HRS Monday 4th  JULY 2022


1. This paper consists of section A, B and with total of twelve (12) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A an and three (3) questions from section C

3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet (s)

SECTION A ( 15 Marks)

1.For each of the following item i-x choose the most correct appropriate answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in the answer booklets provided.

(i) Verb can combine with adverb to give different meanings. What do we call these

  1. Advanced meaning
  2. Extra meanings
  3. Mixed meanings
  4. Past pound meanings
  5. Compound meanings

(ii) Your teacher tells you to identify the gender nouns, which of the following gender nouns show inanimate things?

  1. Common gender
  2. Neuter gender
  3. Masculine gender
  4. Femine gender
  5. Mixed gender

(iii) My mother made a sentence and said "the baby drank the milk itself", how can you express the bolded word?

  1. It is a reciprocal pronoun
  2. It is a relative compound pronoun
  3. It is a reflexive pronoun
  4. It is indefinite pronouns

(iv) Dictation means to say something for another to note down what is said, as a form four student which things you will consider while listening to a dictation?

  1. Write from dictation correctly
  2. Listen carefully while write down
  3. Listen carefully to the short and long vowel sound
  4. Know how each word spelt
  5. It is an emphatic pronoun

(v) In literacy works there are characters that you like and the ones that you don't. How do you name the characters that are usually liked by every one.

  1. Antagonist
  2. Villain
  3. Protagonist
  4. Popular characters
  5. Round characters

(vi) Our president has done a lot to help ours school . . . . . .there is much more to be done.

  1. Whatever
  2. Whoever
  3. Whosever
  4. However
  5. Wherever

(vii) The sentence "I have just spoken to my friend" show that the action has just begun sometime in the past and is complete by the time of speaking. How do we call this situation?

  1. Present perfect continuous tense
  2. Present perfect tense
  3. Present continuous tense
  4. Present past tense.

(viii) There are_____visitors waiting outside

  1. Any
  2. Some
  3. Much
  4. More
  5. Most

(ix) Which statement is a question to this sentence "Juma is going to the market"

  1. Does Jump go to the market?
  2. Did Juma go to the market?
  3. Is Juma going to the market?
  4. Have Juma gone to the market?
  5. Have you seen Juma going to the market?

(x) After completing the university Neema stayed for five years at home. One day there was a job advertisement that she saw on television. She applied for the job and was called for an interview — imagine that you are Neema, what are things will you consider before appearing for the specific interview.

  1. Known the theme to be interviewed, prepare important documents, image for possible questions, make rehearsal on all processes, prepare and avoid funny dresses
  2. Make rehearsal, wear, suit, wear long dress and carry all important document
  3. Make questions prepare for transport, investigate the company first, known the theme to be interviewed, prepare important documents, avoid funny dresses
  4. Avoid funny dresses, prepare for transport make rehearsal imagine for the possible questions
  5. Know the salary to be paid, know the theme to be interviewed, prepare important documents.

2. Match the item in column "A" with relevant in column "B" to provide complete and meaningful sentences



(i) Even though my English is poor

(ii) You must make hurry

(iii) We decide to close up the shop

(iv)Inspite of their poverty

(v) No sooner had the Simba Vs Yanga match began

  1. We did not understand you
  2. They lived happily
  3. Let us go back home
  4. Strangers can understand what I am saying
  5. How do you do
  6. Because it will soon be raining
  7. As customer were becoming fewer and fewer 
  8. I did not do well in my terminal test 
  9. than it started raining
  10. When it raining

SECTION B (40 Marks)

3. Image you are a student of secondary school. Your teacher asking you to construct one sentence to describe the following expression

  1. An ongoing activity
  2. An action which happened in the past
  3. A daily routine
  4. An action which has occurred

4. "A word can have more than one meaning" using the following words, construct two sentences for each word to illustrate a given statement above.

  1. Bank
  2. Head
  3. Baby
  4. Mouth

5. English sentences can be made by using any part of speech. Bellow are words which can complete the sentence. Choose the word below from the box

With, to, by, near, from, through, into
  1. Which girl is looking at her mother. The one_______the fire
  2. Alex has been suffering ___________malaria
  3. The Engine burst___________________________flames when the vehicles overturned
  4. Look .          the window and tell me if it raining

6. John has completed Form Four and decided to study tour guide course. He was called for an interview and one of the question asked was to mention the names of the following young animals.

  1. A horse
  2. A hare
  3. A cat
  4. A goose

Help John to do the task

7. Imagine your name is Vanesa, last week you were sick and went the hospital. Write dialogue between you and your doctor by using the following words

  1. Suffering
  2. Laboratory
  3. Malaria
  4. Medicine

8. "Tanzania and the World at large is now experiencing the pandemic disease called COVID — 19. Our government through The Ministry of Health has put several guidelines so as to protect her people. A part negligence to most of Tanzanians". Write a letter to the editor (Mwananchi News paper to show how serious is problem and how you would use this chance to educate Tanzanians). (Provide four points and use a fictious address and phone number)

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

9. Imagine that you are a District Commissioner in Ilala District. Write a speech to address your people on the effects of child labour.


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer
S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries
Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow
B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
Weep Not Child
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview
P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel
W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow
 Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann 
The Black Hermit
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1968) Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol
O. P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry
 D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 
R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Your friend Joseph hates reading poems because they are useless and have no any message. Prove him wrong by using two poems of your choice. Give three (3) points each poem

11. It is true that in our societies, children sometimes find themselves in situations which force them to disobey their parents and there after are blamed for it because the situations in one way or the other do not favour them. Use two plays to support the above statement (Give 6 points)

12. "Awareness is basic in problem solving", by using two novels show how three characters from each novel have used their awareness to deal with existing situation in their societies. (Give two points from each character) 







(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time 3:00 HRS 8th JUNE 2022


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

4. Write your examination number on every page on your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 marks)

1.For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

i. A teacher told his students that, it is better to submit your work on time, what is the meaning of the underlined phrase?

  1. Within arrange time
  2. At exactly time
  3. Before the required time
  4. One minute before time
  5. When time is up

ii. Justin invited his friends to join him …………. a concert but no one attended because it was raining.

  1. On
  2. For
  3. In
  4. At
  5. To

iii. We all know that, she is such a brave girl ………….. and no one dare teasing her even if her best friend.

  1. That everyone respects her
  2. So everyone respects her
  3. To be respected
  4. And she is respected
  5. Than her friend

iv. One of the form one student was narrating a story of a cruelty boy, he said ‘he is so rude’ then his friend said ‘isn’t he? Do you think why tag was used?

  1. To reject the information
  2. To conclude his cruelty
  3. To join phrases
  4. To support story
  5. To confirm for the information

v. Would you mind ……………………. This luggage to the headquarters where a head of school is living?

  1. To carry
  2. Carrying
  3. Carried
  4. To carrying
  5. On carrying

vi. Class monitor asked his fellow student to construct a sentence and they said ‘we shall have been speaking English’ a sentence fall under which category of tense?

  1. Future continuous tense
  2. Future perfect tense
  3. Future perfect progressive tense
  4. Future progressive tense
  5. Future ongoing activity

vii. All form four students from Ludewa districts attended an occasion and all students from other schools were given prize but neither of us from our school ……………. Given anything.

  1. Was
  2. Were
  3. Is
  4. Are
  5. Have

viii. ………………….. her shortness, she was a good netball player and everybody loved her way of playing compared to other players

  1. Despite of
  2. In spite for
  3. Despite with
  4. Despite
  5. Despite for

ix. They went somewhere far away but their manager went …………… than them.

  1. More far
  2. Farthest
  3. Farther
  4. Most far
  5. Farthier

x. It is not good to aside with truants, obviously they will lead you to lose direction and you will fail your examinations. The underline word is …………..

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Preposition
  5. Adverb

2.Match the description of statements in LIST A with the correct tag from LIST B and its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided



i. Nothing has been given by him

ii. Everyone insulted my brother

iii. No one attended the meeting

iv. Let’s have a dinner as arranged

v. Stop laughing at her

  1. Will you?
  2. Don’t you?
  3. Shall we?
  4. Shan’t we?
  5. Has it?
  6. Hasn’t it?
  7. Did they?
  8. Didn’t they?
  9. Don’t they?
  10. Won’t you?

SECTION B (40 MARKS) Answer all questions from this section

3. Tenses can have variety of uses”. Construct one sentence in each of the following expression to substantiate the statement

a) To express habitual action

b) To show an event which was in progress

c) The use of ‘shall+ have +gerund + noun

d) To express an action which happened before now

4. form one word from each of the following as per affixation is concerned

a) add prefix in a word ‘moral’ and a word should carry the meaning of ‘lack of’

b) add a prefix in a word ‘national’ and a word should carry the meaning of being between

c) add a suffix ‘-er’ in any word of your choice to form a word which shows occupation

d) make affixation of the word ‘bishop’ and the word should mean high position

e) form any word that involves ‘noun +noun’

5. Have as a primary auxiliary verb has got various uses. Construct one sentence in each of the following to show its uses.

a) To express command

b) To form passive voice

c) To express possession

d) To form negative statement

6. Complete the following sentences by writing a group noun that represent the following expressions

a) Janet entered the office and saw a ………………… of teachers

b) Each student was required to bring a tool, thus all of them brought tool and make a store to have a………….. of tools

c) When they were going to school they saw a …………of dogs crossing a road

d) On a branch of trees there were a ……………of locust but majority did not see.

e) He bought several eggs and finally he got a …………… of eggs

7. Rewrite the following sentences according to instruction given after each

a) He is such a poor man but everybody appreciate his talks (begin: despite …………)

b) He had hardly left the class when an English teacher arrived (begin: hardly …….)

c) No sooner had the guest of honour seated himself than the music began (use: Join using …as soon as …)

d) What are you thinking about? Suzy said to her brother. (rewrite into reported speech)

8. Assume that you want to invite your uncle Dr. Chan to attend on your birthday party but you think you don’t have time to write an invitation card or telephone message, then you choose to phone him, how will you carry the conversation? (not less than 8 sentences)

SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

9. Imagine that you were invited to attend “The Day of an African Child”, which is celebrated on 6th June, every year at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) premises. As an expert in special Education for Children, In six points, write a speech to address to the audience about effects “Child Labour”..



  • A Wreath for Father Mayer -S.N. Ndunguru (1997), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Spared- -S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann
  • The Interview -P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband -O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel -W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol -O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry -D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Poetry like other genres uses different poetic devices to convey messages, with reference two poems you have read and appreciate under this section, show how poets employed the use of sense devices and messages carried through them. (three points from each poem)

11. ‘Authors have the tendency of choosing Titles of books that have a close relationship to the issues found within those books’. Use two novels you have read to verify the contention(three points from each novel)

12. “Playwrights usually depict different traditions, customs and beliefs that contribute to misunderstanding in the society”. With reference to two play read under this programme, substantiate the statement. (three points from each play)







CODE: 022

TIME: 3 HOURS 30/06/2022


I. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (40) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write your Examination Number on every page ofyour answer booklet (s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

I For each of the items (i)—(x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Which sentence among the following shows the going on expression?

  1. She played netball. 
  2. She has played netball.
  3. She had played netball.
  4. She plays netball. 
  5. She is playing netball.

(ii) IfOdili had known Chief Nanga's tricks, he would have refused the offer. the speaker of this utterance means that;

  1. Odili knew the trick and he refused.
  2. Odili didn't know the trick, yet refused.
  3. Odili knew the trick.
  4. Odili didn'tknow the trick.
  5. Odili knew the trick, but he didn't refuse.

(iii) "There is a parent sitting outside. The parent has been waiting for you since morning". Why is the article "the" used with the word "parent" in the second sentence?

  1. The word parent is a unique thing.
  2. The word parent is a particular person.
  3. The word parent is mentioned for the second time.
  4. It is used to differentiate it from the first one.
  5. Because the word parent is not the same one.

(iv) They saw a strange thing on their way to school. What is the synonym of the underlined word?

  1. Unusual
  2. Stranger
  3. Surprising
  4. Natural 
  5. Real

(v) As an elder student in your school, how would you listen to the two form one students who have come to you with the aim of settling a quarrel between them? 

  1. I would tell them to go away because I don't want trouble.
  2. I would first tell them to all kneel down.
  3. I would continue doing my activities while they speak in turns. 
  4. I would focus all my attention to what they speak.
  5. I would just give ajudgement because I know who is always stubborn.

(vi) What does the saying "it is the wearer who knows where the shoe pinches" mean?

  1. The person who has a problem knows best how serious or painful it is.
  2. You should not put on under size shoes.
  3. There are things or issues which cannot be avoided.
  4. Quiet people should not be underrated. They can be very effective.
  5. The experience of being beaten is painful. Its impacts last longer than the pleasure of winning.

(vii) They clean their surroundings daily." Which indicator shows you that the sentence expresses routine?

  1. The use of pronoun "they'
  2. The use of the word "daily"
  3. The use of noun "surroundings"
  4. The use of pronoun "their"
  5. The use of the base form "clean"

(viii) Nyokabi . . . . . . . . sleeping when you came.

  1. is
  2. are
  3. was
  4. were
  5. has been

(x) Which sentence among the following is gammatically correct?

  1. Form four students drawn a picture.
  2. Form four students draw pictures.
  3. Form four students have drawing a picture. 
  4. Form four students have been drawn a picture. 
  5. Form four students are draw a picture.

(x)Mohamed arrived, we'd already left.

  1. If
  2. While
  3. Whether
  4. Where
  5. By the time

2. Match the parts of speech in List A with their meanings in List B by writing the letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided.



(i) Preposition 

(ii) Conjunction

(iii) Interjection 

(iv) Verb

(v) Adjective

  1. A word used to join other words or phrases together into sentences.
  2. An adjectival phrase or clause.
  3. A word that modifies a noun or describes a noun's referent.
  4. A word that indicates an action, event, or state.
  5. A word or phrase with no particular grammatical relation to a sentence, often an expression of emotion.
  6. A word that modifies various other types of words, phrases or clauses.
  7. A word that indicates a relation between the noun or pronoun and another word, which may be a verb, an adjective, or another noun or pronoun.
  8. A word that can be used to refer to a person.

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Fill in the blank spaces by writing single word that defines the sentence

(i) It is no longer mobile. It is . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) The food cannot be digested. It is . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iii) It is not politic. It is . . . . . . . . . . .

(iv) Africans were . . . . . . . . . . for centuries.

4. Write an appropriate question tag for each of the following statements.

(i) lam the best student in Tanzania.

(il) The rains might rain heavily this year.

(iii) You can be a lawyer if you like.

(iv) Our national team qualified to play the African Cup of Nations.

5. There is a general campaign to influence people of all groups to participate in Tanzania's National Census. Join the campaign by constructing one sentence using each of the following words:

(i) development

(ii) labour

(iii) planning

(iv) employment

6. Your sister Cecilia is graduating from University of Dar es Salaam on 25th November 2022, there will be a party at Mlimani City Hall from 06:00 p.m. till 11 :55 p.m. Design an invitation card that you will send out to one invited guest.

7. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each in the answer booklet provided.

(i) As soon as the enemies invaded the village the war began. (Begin: No sooner............)

(ii) Jefferson borrowed the book from Celine. (Begin with: Celine.... . . . . . . . . .)

(lii) Our teachers come to teach, however late they are. (Begin: Late as . . . . . .)

(iv) I am to say that not many students failed the exam. (Rewrite using: "very few")

8. Read the following paragraph then answer the questions that follow:

Last weekend, Lilly's friend Mark went to Mwenge to do the weekly shopping. Before he left, Lilly made sure he gave him the long list of groceries he had to buy. If he doesn't have a list, he would end up forgetting to buy lots of things. Once he arrived at the supermarket, he parked the car, took a trolley and started shopping straight away. The first thing was a head of lettuce, a bunch of bananas, a box of tomatoes and a bag of spinach. 

Then he went looking for two boxes of corn flakes, ajar of straw beny jam, a bag of sugar, a sack of rice and a dozen eggs. He then went over to the fridges and picked up a block of cheese, a pack of butter and a tub of fresh cream. He remembered that they needed a bottle of olive oil and tins of soup. Feeling a bit thirsty, he picked up a few cans of Pepsi and a carton of orange juice. Looking at the list once again, he still needed to pick up a bag of frozen vegetables and chips. That evening, they were having sandwiches for tea, so he chose a nice loaf of bread and slices of cold beef. Last on the list was kitchen roll, a tube of toothpaste and a bottle of shampoo. Once he finished, he felt a bit hungry, so he chose a bar of chocolate and a bag of crisps to eat on the way home.


(i) When was Mark doing the weekly shopping?

(ii) How did he get to the supermarket?

(iii) What did he take with him? Why?

(iv) What was last on the list?

SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three questions from this section.

9. Write an argumentative essay in support of the title, "Physical exercise is very helpful to our health."The main body should have six (6) points.



  • A Wreath for Fr. MayerS. - N. Ndunguru (1977), MkukinaNyota
  • Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow - B. Mapalala (2006), DUP SparedS. N Ndunguru (2004), Mkukina Nyota 
  • Weep Not Child - NgugiwaThiong'o (1987), Heinemann 
  • The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O . Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow - Ngugiwa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann 
  • The Black Hermit - Ngugiwa Thiong'o ( 1968), Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and OcolO. - P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (Ed) (1989), Heinemann
  • Summons - R. Mabala (1980), TPH

10. Poetry has unique features which make it a powerful genre and tool of conveying various messages to the society. Substantiate this assertion using two poems you have read under this section. Give three points from each poem.

11. Playwrights use different characters to portray various issues in their literary works. Choose three characters from each of the two plays you have read and show how they have been used to portray different issues. Provide three points from each play.

12. Many writers have portrayed women as important as men in the society. Discuss this by providing three points from two novels you have read.







Time 3:00 Hours MAY, 2021


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. Anna was speaking angrily and the teacher told her to ……………………
  1. Go down.
  2. Came down.
  3. Slow down.
  4. Calm down.
  5. Come down.
  1. A hen normally ………………………..one egg per day
    1. lay
    2. lie
    3. lies
    4. layers
    5. lays
  1. …………………… Tanzania is CORONA free, while developed countries are still suffering from the pandemic.
  1. Despite
  2. In spite of
  3. Notwithstanding
  4. Strange as it may seem
  5. Nevertheless
  1. “It might rain this afternoon.” The auxiliary might has been used to show …………..
    1. Intention
    2. Obligation
    3. Necessity
    4. Permission
    5. Possibility
  2. Which one of the following words is in plural?
    1. News
    2. Books
    3. Mathematics
    4. Politics
    5. Economics
  3. When Elijah was walking past the cemetery at night he saw …………………….
    1. A team of robbers.
    2. A company of robbers.
    3. A gang of robbers.
    4. A staff of robbers.
    5. A troop of robbers
  4. The plural of the word ‘father-in-law’ is ………………………….
    1. Father-in-laws
    2. Fathers-in-law
    3. Fathers-in-laws
    4. Fathers-ins-laws
    5. Fathers-ins-law
  5. He …………wrote the book ……….acted it
    1. as……….as
    2. hardly ……….when
    3. not only……..but also
    4. no sooner………than
    5. though ……….yet
  6. Which one of the following sentences is not in passive?
    1. The manager offered him the job by January.
    2. He was offered the job by the manager.
    3. The job was offered to him by the manager.
    4. The book was given to be by Jane
    5. I was given the book by Jane
  7. Simple present tense has several uses in a sentence. In which sentence it is used to show future plans.
    1. He arrives today from Nairobi.
    2. He goes to church every Sabbath.
    3. Here comes Mr. Tchetgen.
    4. Magnet attracts iron.
    5. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
  1. Match the descriptions of the kinds of movements in List A with the correct movement in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding number in the boxes provided below.



(i) This is the act of disagreeing in a conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons often angrily.

(ii) This is a conversation between two or more people in a book, play, or film/movie.

(iii) This is discussion that takes place between two groups of people on a given topic, usually called a motion.

(iv) This is formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc.

(v) This is the process of allowing each member an equal opportunity to express his/her views and opinions on different matters, and arrives at a common understanding.

  1. Interview
  2. Debate
  3. Discussion
  4. Dialogue
  5. Argument.

 SECTION B (40 Marks)

3. Construct one sentence to describe/express

  1. An ongoing activity
  2. An action which happened in the past
  3. A daily routine
  4. An action which has just occurred

4. Identify the word with silent letter and then underline its silent letter.

  1. Psychology is the best course in universities.
  2. They comb their hair every day.
  3. An hour later, Luanda left the meeting angrily.
  4. The rope had a big knot.

5. Study the dictionary extract below and then answer the questions that follow:


By citing examples from the extract above, show the meaning or uses of the following words and symbols.

  1. SYN ________________________________________________________________. Eg.
  2. OPP__________________________________________________________________. Eg.
  3. [C,U] ________________________________________________________________. Eg.
  4. Show two guide words.__________________________________________________ How does the dictionary user benefit from the two guidewords you have mentioned above?

6. Re-write the following according to the instructions given after each.

(a) If you do not work hard, you will repeat some of the examinations.

(Begin: Unless…………………………………………………………………………………)

(b) He was strong. He was beaten in the first round.

(Re-write using.

Despite ……………………………………………………………………………..)

(c) There were heavy clouds in the sky. That’s why we couldn’t see the sun the whole day.

(Begin: The skies were so……………that…………………

(d) Seldom did Anna’s baby cry at night. (Begin: Hardly………………………………….)

7. Change the following sentences into negative form

  1. Many student passed the examination
  2. Yusufu prefers ugali
  3. We are planning to leave
  4. Mwantumu can drive a car

8. Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

  1. I have three children. Use the word “many” to make interrogative sentence.
  2. Ines said “I have lost my hand -bag’’ Begin with Ines said that…
  3. It was raining. We went to school join the sentence with “although”
  4. After failing his examination he made no further attempt “begin having”
  5. We complain about her behavior. Change the sentence into present perfect continuous tense. 

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

9. Students pregnancy is a hot topic these days; write an essay on three (3) causes and three (3) solutions to student’s pregnancy problems in Tanzania schools. Write in not more the 250 words.



  • A Wreath for Fr. Mayer   -  S. N. Nduguru (1977), MkukinaNyota
  • Unanswered Cries   -  Osman Conteh, Macmillan 
  • Passed like a shadow -  B.M. Mapalala (2006) DUP 
  • Spared   - S.N. Ndunguru (2004) MkukinaNyota
  • Weep not Child -  NgugiWaThiongo (1987) Heinemann 
  • The Interview   - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994) Eyre Methuen 
  • The Lion and the Jewel -  W. Soyinka (1963), OUP 
  •  This Time Tomorrow   -  NgugiwaThiong’o (1972) Heinemann 
  •  The Black Hermit  -  NgugiwaThiong’o (1968) Heinemann


  • Songs of Lawino and Ocol -  O. P’ Bitek (1979), EAPH 
  • Growing up with Poetry  -  D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989) Heinemann   
  • Summons  -  R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Read the following poem then answer questions that follows:

Today I did my share

In building the nation

I drive a permanent secretary

To an important urgent function

In fact to a lunch on at the Vic

The menu reflected its importance

Cold bell beer with small talk

Then friend chicken with niceties

Wine to fill the hollowness of the loughs

Coffee to keep the Ps awake on return journey

I drive the permanent secretary back

He yawned many times in back of the car

Then to keep awake, he suddenly asked

Did you have any lunch today?

I replied looking straight ahead

And secretary smiling at his belated concern

That I had none, but was slimming!

Upon which he said with seriousness

That amused more than annoyed me

Mwananchi, I too had none!

I attended to matter of state

High delicate diplomatic duties you know

And friend it goes against my grain

Causes me stomach ulcer and wind

Ah, he continued yawning again

The pain we suffer in building the nation

So the Ps had ulcers too!

My ulcers I think are equally painfully

Only they are caused by hunger

No sumptuous lunches!

So two nation builders

Arrived home this evening

With terrible stomach pains

The result of building the nation

  • Different ways


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. Which job does the persona do in the poem?
  3. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
  4. Comment on the language use in the poem
  5. Which kind of the tone has been used in the poem
  6. Suggest any four themes from the poem you have read above
  7. Mention one message which we learn from the poem
  8. How relevant is the poem to your contemporary society

11. Imagine that you have attended a women conference where the topic is “Like men, women are equally capable of contributing to the welfare of the society.” Use two plays you have read to prove the relevance of this statement. (Three points from each play)

12. With reference from two (2) novels or short stories, analyse the sources of conflicts the writers present.







(For School Candidates Only

TIME: 3:00 Hours Monday March 15, 2021


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C

3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (40) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.

4. Unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

6. Provide vivid examples and focus to the points.

SECTION A( 15 Marks)

1. For each of the item (i) – (x), choose the most appropriate answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Jessica is too short. She cannot touch the roof. The word too stands as . . . . . . . . .

  1. Adverbial 
  2. Verb 
  3. Adjective
  4. Subject 
  5. Pronoun

(ii) Tormy died------ Malaria last week

  1. By
  2. From
  3. In
  4. Of
  5. On

(iii) Lake Tanganyika is the deepest lake in Africa. The word deepest is -------------

  1. Comparative 
  2. Progressive 
  3. Situation 
  4. Adjustment 
  5. Superlative

(iv) It started to rain while we ------- netball

  1.  Had played 
  2. We are playing 
  3. Were playing
  4. Play 
  5. Played

(v) Which sentence among the following sentences is grammatically and Semantically correct?

  1.  You are reading where? 
  2. Are you reading where? 
  3. Where are you reading?
  4. Where readings are you? 
  5. Where you are reading?

(vi) Bosco --------------- working in the garden when you came

  1.  Were 
  2. has been 
  3. is
  4. Was 
  5. are

(vii) ---------------- elephant is a biggest wild animal in national park

  1.  The 
  2. On 
  3. an
  4. By 
  5. in

(viii) If I teach you, you will speak French. The word ‘will’ to show that the word Will is . . . . . . . . .

  1.  Simple present tense 
  2. Past tense 
  3. Ongoing expression
  4. Future tense 
  5. Present continuous tense

(ix) Khadija is the handsome girl in the School. What is wrong with this sentence?

  1. The word match with the sentence 
  2. The sentence is correct 
  3. Is not correct
  4. The correct one is beautifully. 
  5. beautiful

(x) We shall help her--------. The requirement of this sentence is to put into question tag. The right answer in the given above sentence is

  1. Help shall? 
  2. Shall we? 
  3. Shan’t we?
  4. We shall? 
  5. Shall we?

2. Match the description of people in List A with the correct occupations in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

List A

List B

(i) Administrator

(ii) The ones who provides consultation

(iii) Makes surgery

(iv) Takes party

(v) Envoy

  1. Involved in a situation especially a dispute
  2. A person who is representative or member of a certain meeting
  3. Deals with culture
  4. Doctor
  5. Expert
  6. A person responsible for running a business or organisation
  7. A poet

 SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Re- arrange the following sentences into a chronological order to make a meaningful ones by writing the corresponding letter in the answer booklet provided. Use the following format for your answers

Sentence number







A. According to this motivation, teachers cannot be motivated by raising salary (extrinsic motivation) but must consider human relations at work place (intrinsic motivation)

B. Then leaders in schools should consider both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to motivate teachers

C. Teachers motivation, this refers to the motivation whereby teachers satisfied through the consideration of both intrinsic and extrinsic as whole

D. Teachers who are not satisfied with their jobs may result in bad teaching and learning process and School effectiveness will consequently be negatively impacted

E. This will enable him or her to perform better since that all motivation aspects are considered

4. Complete the following sentences by using the relevant conjunctions from the bracket.

(i) -------- the patient did not get the right medicine, she died. (So, as)

(ii) Kaijage went to Spain ------------ she should seek good medical advice. (so that, until).

(iii) He is my friend -------- I like him. (then, therefore).

(iv) I waited --------- Jackson came. (until, forever).

(v) Remain half ------- hour. (the, an).

5. Assume you are Human resources Officer (HRO) in a certain company. The job seeker comes to your office and he needs job as Human resources Assistant Officer (HRAO. Use appropriate words in the following box to construct five meaningful sentences.

Your name, status, education background, experience you have, other skills

6. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training announces the post of Laboratory technicians in its secondary schools. Write application letter to the ministry of education on the address of P.o box 10, Dodoma and sign your name as Saunder Peter.

7. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each in the answer booklet provided.

(a) Andrew rarely goes to the market

(Begin with rarely to complete the sentence)

(b) Agness is very fat. She cannot run around the ground (Use so ……that to join the sentence).

(c) My parent was a good Administrator. He was also a respected influencer. (Use not only ………… but also).

(d) Rutashobya did not attend meetings. Also Chausiku did not attend meetings. (Use Neither ------ nor

(e) Tony is too weak to lift the box. (Use … enough to……).

8. Read the passage below carefully then answer the questions that follow.

In Tanzania land disputes can be settled through the machineries, which hereby also referred as justice system. These machineries subject the land disputes to formal and informal approach (Sackey, 2010). It can be settled by Legal settlement machineries or Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms. Ngemera (2015) categorized these machineries into two groups, namely judicial mechanisms and Non-Judicial Mechanism. Judicial mechanisms refer the use of Village council, Ward tribunal, The District Land and Housing tribunal and court of appeal. On the other hand, Non-Judicial Mechanisms involve the use of Mediation, inquiry, and land adjudication committee. Sackey (2010), points out that there is other informal justice system but which are not recognized. Ward tribunal this is the second level machinery which deals with land issues. This body is accountable to the Director of District Council of the locality under the control of the Ministry of Regional Administration Local Government. It has the original jurisdiction to entertain land disputes.

(a) What is the passage about?

(b) According to the passage above, explain two ways of settling land disputes 

(c) What is the function of ward tribunal?

(d) Mention at least three areas whereby land dispute occurs several times in Tanzania (use your own knowledge to mention those ereas).

(e) Summarize this passage with less than 70 words.

 SECTION C ( 45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

9. Assume that you are the Organization Consultant; write a speech of not less than 250 words to educate the community on the importance of study History of Tanzania using Swahili language. Limit your speech to six points.



A Wreath for Fr. Meyer 

- S.N Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered Cries 

- Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed Like a Shadow 

- B,M Mapalala (2006), DUP


- S.N Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not Child 

- Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann

The Interview 

- P. Ngugi (2002); Macmillan


Three Suitors One Husband 

- O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen

The Lion and the Jewel 

- W. Sonyinka (1963), OUP

This Time Tomorrow 

- Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972); Heinemann

The Black Hermit 

- Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968); Heinemann


Songs of Lawino and Ocol 

- O.P’Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing up with Poetry 

- D.Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann


- R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Poem as genre of literature conveys strong thoughts to the society. ‘’What makes difference between poem and other genres of literature like novel, nonfiction and play’’?. Substantiate this statement by referring to two poems that you have read. Provide three points from each poem.

11. Africa is one in terms of environment and culture. With particular reference to two plays you have read, validate the statement. Give three points from each play.

12. Position of women, means how women are portrayed or treated in the society. Use three points from each novel to validate the statement.



Candidate's Number........







  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of twelve 12 questions
  • Answer all the questions in both section A and B, and three (03) questions from section C.
  • Cellular phones and any un authorized materials are NOT allowed in the examination room
  • Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) - (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i. "I am a teacher" she said to me. This means:-

  1. She told me that she was a teacher
  2. She told me that I am a teacher
  3. She said that she is a teacher
  4. She told that she was a teacher
  5. She said that shc was a teacher 

ii. She lived in Musoma five years ago. This implies that:-

  1. She is still living in Musoma
  2. Five years have passed, since she stopped living in Musoma
  3. She has been living in Musoma for five years
  4. She went to live in Musoma five years ago up to now
  5. She plans to stay in Musoma for five years in. 

iii) By this time next year . . . . . . . . NECTA exams.

  1. will preparing for
  2. We will have prepared
  3. We will be preparing for
  4. We will have been prepared
  5. We will had been preparing for

 iv) Although he is tall, he cannot touch the roof. Begin; Despite .

  1. Despite of he is tall, he cannot touch the roof
  2. Despite he cannot touch the roof, he is tall
  3. Despite he is tall, he cannot touch the roof
  4. Despite being tall, he cannot touch the roof
  5. Despite of his tallness, he cannot touch the roof

v. If I had known the answer. I would have told you. This means that:-

  1. I knew the answer
  2. I didn't know the answer
  3. I knew the answer, but I didn't tell you
  4. I know the answer and I told you
  5. I didn't know the answer, yet I told you 

vi. Baraka . . . . . . . . Kiswahili . . . . . . . . . English

  1. Likes . . . . . . . . . to
  2. Prefers . . . . . . . . to
  3. Prefers . . . . . . . . . than
  4. Prefers . . . . . . . . . more than
  5. Loves . . . . . . . . . to 

vii. The main words in bold facetype that are shown on the margin of a dictionary are known as:-

  1. Guide works
  2. Dummy entries
  3. Passwords
  4. Synonyms
  5. Headwords 

viii. I am tired eating succotash everyday

  1. With 
  2. By 
  3. For 
  4. In 
  5. Of

ix. I am than my younger sister

  1. More intelligent
  2. Most intelligent
  3. More clever
  4. The more intelligent
  5. The most intelligent

x. "I am writing a letter" put in passive voice

  1. A letter is being written by me
  2. A letter is written by me
  3. A letter was written by me
  4. A letter was being written by me
  5. I am being written by a letter

2. Match the descriptions of occupation in List A with the correct occupation in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding in the boxes provided below



i) A person whose job is to prepare the bodies of dead people to be buried or cremated and to arrange funerals

(ii) A person whose job is to examine people's eyes to recommend and sell glasses 

iii) A person whose job involves treating some diseases and physical problems by pressing and moving the bones and muscles 

iv) A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children

v) A person whose job is to prepare medicines and sell or give them to the public in a shop/store or in a hospital

  1. Pharmacist 
  2. Oculist
  3. Undertaker
  4. Nutritionist 
  5. Osteopath
  6. Pediatrician
  7. Nurse
  8. Optician
  9. Medicine man


Answer all questions in this section 

3. The auxiliary verb HAVE has various uses. With the help of well-constructed sentences show the following uses:-

a) To show possession

b) To form perfect aspect of tenses

c) Have + to infinite express command or obligation

d) To form tag questions

4. In each of these sentences one of the words is wrongly used. Identify the wrong and replace it with the right word to make the sentence meaningful.

a) They wear here last month

b) Her mother needs some flower for porridge

c) All people are needed accept you

d) Rachel prefers speaking in the coat before judges

5. Construct one sentence for each word in the pair of the words below, to prove that you know their meaning

a) Accept and except

b) Desert and dessert

c) Beside and besides

d) Whom and whose

6. The auxiliary verb "DO" have various uses. With the help of well contracted sentences show the following uses:-

a) To make questions

b) To form tag questions for statements without auxiliary verbs

c) To avoid repetitions

d) To form negations

7. Imagine that you attended a wedding ceremony of your sister last Sunday. Repcrl what the guests said at a wedding

a) Miss Monica, "They'll make a lovely couple"

b) Mr. Smith: "They're going to live in Dar es Salaam"

c) Mrs. Jones: "The bride and the groom are vejy nice young people"

d) Mr. Robert: "The bride is wearing a beautiful wedding dress"

8. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

Tom lesser said that, the worst part of his experience was hearing the snowmobiles nearing above him. The blizzard had become so bad that he had to pull his 20-ton rig over to the side of the road. He took a map. When he woke up, he couldn't see a thing. He tried to open the door of his truck, but it wouldn't bridge.

a) What had happened to Tom?

b) During which season did this event happen?

c) What was Tom doing when this happened?

d) What was Tom's occupation?


Answer three (03) questions from this section

9. It has been noted that most people are dying from COVID -19 due to ignorance. Write a letter to the editor Nipashe News of P. O. BOX 2121 Dar es Salaam to educate people on cause and precautions to be taken to avoid the spread of the vircial disease. Sign your name as Mpenda Maisha.


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
Weep Not Child Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow  Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann 
The Black Hermit Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1968) Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol O. P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry  D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 
Summons R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. A woman is portrayed in various position in Africa literature. She is either a pot full of poison or a beehive full of honey. By using two poems you have read under this program show the validity of this statement. (Give three points in each poem)

11. Support the argument "the reality of the happenings in any society is reflected in its literature". Using two novels. Give three points from each novel

12. Choose two characters from two plays you have done under this section and explain their positive contributions to their societies using three points each






(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3:00 Hrs. Monday 3, August 2020 am


  1. This paper consists of Three (3) sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions
  2. Answer eleven (11) questions only
  3. Answer all questions in sections A and B; and any three questions from section C.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet


Answer all questions

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheets

i. Are you going to town this afternoon? “I don’t think _____________”

  1. to
  2. it
  3. that
  4. so

ii.“Why have you appointed John to this post? “He was highly recommended ________ it.

  1. in
  2. for 
  3. to
  4. at

iii. Bisi is twenty years old; I think she is _________ to look after herself.

  1. quite too old 
  2. old enough
  3. rather so old 
  4. rather very old

iv. You are _________________ to believe everything you are told

  1. too foolish 
  2. very foolish
  3. as foolish
  4. foolish that

v. “How much does that book cost? “ ____________ that one”

  1. The same as 
  2. Same as
  3. The same 
  4. Same

vi. We _____________ a lot of rain recently, so the ground is very muddy

  1. have been having 
  2. have
  3. were having 
  4. had been having

vii. When I came to this school five years ago, Mr. Ngonyani __________ here for fifteen years and he is still here now.

  1. was teaching 
  2. is teaching
  3. had been teaching 
  4. taught

viii. “If you get there in time, you will be given a good seat” In this sentence, the word “get” stands for:

  1. an action which will take place in the future
  2. an action which always takes place
  3. an action taking place now
  4. an action which took place in the past

ix. Mr. Alex is taking us for Mathematics next term. The words “is taking” stand for

  1. an action now going on
  2. an action in the future
  3. an action which has been going on for sometime
  4. an action which will continue for some time from the present

x. Which of the underlined expressions means “Failed to understand”?

  1. I thought nothing of what he said
  2. I made nothing of what he said
  3. I heard nothing of what he said
  4. I had nothing to do with what he said

2. Match the descriptions of places in List A with the correct place names in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheets provided.



i. An unmarried woman

ii. A man with magic power.

iii. People in the meeting

iv. A place where serious patients are kept for great attention

v. A place where artistic ,cultural, and historical things are kept

  1. bachelor
  2. museum
  3. spinster
  4. Hospital
  5. wizard
  6. crowd
  7. Intensive Care Unit

SECTION B, (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions in this section

3. Re – arrange the highlighted letter in these sentences to form the correct word

Eg. Mary can irwte very good stories

Mary can write very good stories

  1. I think ctehni fighting should have ended many years ago but it still happens in many parts of Africa.
  2. Glory was irasped for working hard
  3. Nelson Kidason claimed to be an eeytneswsi to the accident
  4. Shortage of saptreu and water makes pastoral communities fight

4 Fill in the blanks with the right word.

  1. My Uncle is a …………….. He cooks in a restaurants
  2. My brother is a …………….. He repairs broken down cars
  3. My father is a ……………. He writes poems
  4. My sister is an ……………. She owns a small business

5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate article.

  1. The earth moves round ………………. Sun
  2. It was ……………. honor for our school to be awarded the medal
  3. My friend is …………………. European
  4. Pemba is ……………………… Island

6. Re – write according to the instruction given under each item.

i The higher they went, the colder it became.

(Re – write using double comparatives)

ii . She told me that her mother was sick

(Use “of” in the place of “that”)

iii. She visited the British council. She wanted to borrow some texts

Re-write using “so as”

iv. I can’t concentrate on my work for I am unwell; “Catherine said.

( Re – write as reported speech )

7. Pick out the words that have different sounds in the following groups

  1. Come, hum ,son, calm, bun
  2. Gate, late said, state, cake
  3. Coat, boat, moat, goat, low
  4. Food, wood, fool, full

8 Read the passage below carefully then answer the questions that follow

Have you ever asked yourself why people who engage in sports look healthy and have great strong bodies? Sports play a very important role in our daily lives. For those who care about their health, it is a need for them to engage in sports of their interest, sports include swimming, football, athletics, cycling, mountain and rock climbing, skiing among many others.

Most health officers and doctors encourage people to engage in sports activities for fun and ensure that they are physically and mentally fit. These activities keep us away from heart related diseases (heart attack, high blood pressure), diabetes obesity, and mental stress among others.

Sporting is a good way of relaxing the body. After a busy day at work, it is encouraged to engage in sports activities that you like most to wind down the day. This will help relaxing of the muscles while making them more supple and toned. In addition it strengthens bones and joints. People who engage in sports are stronger and in position to engage in more challenging activities than those who don’t.

Aports provide environment that allow people to develop socially through socializing with others. At the end of the day friendships are established and deals are made. Other activities like draft and chess increase the efficiency and power of our mind to reason. If you compare a chess player and a non- player, a chess player can be very fast in terms of reasoning and decision-making. H`ealth should be everyone’s concern, as it keeps away amnesia as well as total memory loss during old age. Finally, sports help to boost our body posture and appearance. People who engage in sports regularly do burn more calories than those who do not, this means their bodies are in good shape and so they have self-esteem. Such people are happy and they exude confidence wherever they are.


a Suggest the suitable title for the passage.

b….State four benefits of sporting

  1. ……………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………..
  3. ……………………………………..
  4. ……………………………………..

c .Give examples of any four diseases that can be prevented by engaging in sports activities

  1. ………………………………………
  2. ………………………………………
  3. ………………………………………
  4. ………………………………………

d. How playing draft and chess can be beneficial to you as a student?

e How would you advise those who do not engage in sports? Limit your response to one point

 SECTION C, (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

9. Students pregnancy is a hot topic these days, write an essay on three (3) causes and three (3) solutions to student’s pregnancy problems in Tanzania.

Write in not more than 250 words.



A Wreath for Fr, Mayor - S.N Ndunguru, (1977), Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed like a Shadow - B.M. Mapalal, (2006) AUP

Spared - S.N Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987): Heinemann

The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002). Macmillan


Three suitors one Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen

The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP

This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972). Heinemann

The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann


Song of Lawino and Ocol - O.P. Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing up with poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989). Heinemann

Summons - R. Mabula (1960), TPH

10. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow;

Africa my Africa

Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannah

Africa of whom my grandmother, sings

On the banks of the distant river

I have never known you

But your blood flows in my veins

Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields

The blood of your sweat

The sweat of your work

The work of your slavery

Africa tell me Africa

Is this your back that is unbent?

This back that never breaks under the weight of humiliation

This back trembling with red scars

And saying no to the whip under the mid day sun

But a grave voice answers me

Impetuous child that tree young and strong that tree over there

Splendidly alone a midst white and faced flowers

That is your Africa springing up a new springing up

Patiently obstinately

Whose fruit bit by acquires

The bitter taste of liberty.


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. Suggest the title of the poem
  3. Comment on any three figures of speech used
  4. What does the symbol “that tree young and strong” suggest?
  5. Mention any three themes from the poem
  6. What message do you get from the poem (give 2)

11. Some male leaders abuse power entrusted to them using it to win love. Referring to two plays you have read verify this statement by giving three points from each.

12. If you are given a chance to suggest some of themes in novels that are relevant in Tanzania today which ones would you suggest? Refer to two novels as you respond to the question by giving three points from each.







Time: 3:00HRS


  1. This paper consists Section A,B,C and D
  2. Answer ALL questions in Section A,B,C and TWO from Section D
  3. Unauthorized materials and tools are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s)

SECTION A (10 Marks)


1. My friend told me of an old saying-“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. Because you believe this you also agree with the statement above. It is important that everyone should be able to employ himself/herself pleasurably and even profitably in their spare time, because in activity leads to boredom and a person who is bored is uninteresting; also he is more likely to fall into bad or even unlawful ways of spending his or her free time.

What is a hobby? It could be defined as some activity undertaken outside normal routine of school or work, preferably quite different from it ,so that one can get variety, which adds spice to life. It could be some form of physical activity e.g. games or athletics; mental activity e.g crosswords or chess and some form of entertainment in which you take an active part.

Your own hobby could be stamp collecting. You might find this relaxing, full of interest, educational in a pleasant sort of way. Geographical and Historical information can be gained from pictures and designs on stamps. It could be an inexpensive hobby or that most of your stamps are given to you by friends who have correspondents abroad or you are exchanging your stamps with other stamp collectors. Occasionally you might decide to buy from stamp dealers but always cheaply. You are always hoping to come across some rare and valuable stamp, though this rarely happens .

Your chief interest lies on arranging stamps in an album in order of countries – sometimes collecting only the stamps of one particular country or of one particular kind e.g stamps depicting flowers or animals. One advantage of your hobby is that it can be profitable as stamps rarely lose their value. The longer they are kept the more the value they gain.

Because of the introduction of machine and labour saving gadgets, people are earning more and more leisure time. Therefore, it will become more and more important in the future to learn to use our spare time wisely and well. A hobby is one of the best ways of doing so.


(i) “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop” means:

  1. Satan is cleverer than our hands
  2. Satan is an employer to people.
  3. People who are jobless are welcome for work.
  4. People with nothing to do can be directed to do evil thing by Satan.
  5. Satan finds work to/for obedient hands to do.

(ii) Paragraph one suggests that:

  1. Self employment and good use of time makes one active.
  2. Much activity leads to boredom and unlawful spending of time.
  3. Everyone should avoid falling into bad things.
  4. Unlawful ways of spending free time encourage pleasure.
  5. There is no work without Satan’s temptations.

(iii) A hobby can be;

  1. Anything that is done physically by an individual;
  2. Either physical or mental activity that entertains extra time;
  3. Anything that is done inside normal routine at school or work place to entertain;
  4. Games or athletics within the school routine;
  5. Anything that entertains hands without much work.

(iv) Stamp collection results into:

  1. An expensive hobby which is useless.
  2. Correspondence in picture and designs.
  3. Acquisition of education knowledge.
  4. Cheap collection from stamp dealers who are overseas.
  5. Boredom of geographical and historical information.

(v) An album as used in the passage means:

  1. An interesting short playing record.
  2. A book written about stamp collection.
  3. An order of countries collecting stamps.
  4. A book with little writing for collecting stamps.
  5. A book with pictures drawn in it.

(vi) A stamp collector has an advantage in that:

  1. He can reuse the stamps collected in the album.
  2. He keeps stamps of flowers or animals only.
  3. The more he keeps them the more valuable they become.
  4. He arranges stamps from one country only.
  5. Stamp dealers know each other.

(vii) ‘depicting’ as used in the third paragraph means:

  1. Showing
  2. Represent
  3. Explain
  4. Drawing
  5. Collecting

(viii) The introduction of machines and other gadgets has changed people to:

  1. Have more time to rest than working.
  2. Become important in the society.
  3. Learn more modern things.
  4. Use spare more constructively.
  5. Earn more money than before.

(ix) The paragraph suggests that:

  1. It is important in the future to use spare time.
  2. One can earn more money than before.
  3. Machines and labour gadgets are important.
  4. Future is an important element of time.
  5. An alternative to leisure time is the hobby.

(x) The best tittle for the passage is:

  1. The leisure time.
  2. An old saying.
  3. The importance of a hobby.
  4. Satan finds work.
  5. Stamp collecting.

2. Read and summarize the following passage in two clear sentences:

The tittle is: “The main functions of the brain”,

The human brain is an expanded bulb structure made up of two hemispheres, the right and the left.

It is a spongy matter consisting of many parts, each with its special function. Message from different parts of the body are sent to the brain for processing. Thereafter they are sent back to various parts of the body to perform different tasks. 

SECTION B (30 Marks)


3. Match the items in COLUMN A with the response in COLUMN B to produce complete and meaningful sentences by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in column A.


(i) Kilimanjaro

(ii) I am a teacher

(iii) A gang

(iv) Many people will die of hunger

(v) His watch is not as beautiful


  1. Than his sister’s watch
  2. If there will be enough rain
  3. Proper noun
  4. Aren’t I?
  5. Unless the government takes quick measures
  6. Of thieves/bandits
  7. As his sister’s
  8. Common noun
  9. Of people
  10. Do I?

4. Rearrange the following sentences in a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph by writing the corresponding letter.

  1. Transmission can be through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, sharing unsterilized instruments such as razor blades and syringes with an infected person.
  2. HIV lives in the body fluids such as blood,vaginal fluid or semen of an infected person.
  3. This Virus attacks and weakens the body immunity of an individual.
  4. HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus.
  5. The virus is spread when this fluid gets into the body of an uninfected person.

5. Choose and write a composition on two(2) topics from the following;

  1. imagine that you are a trader of King Township, P.O.BOX 222, LINDI. Order 90 dozens of Khanga from AS-SALAM WHOLESALE SHOP, P.O.BOX 333,MTWARA particularly made by “URAFIKI” Textile Industry in Tanzania. Sign your name as SAMA WALES.
  2. In not more than 250 words, write a composition about: “Who is more important to the society, a teacher or a doctor?
  3. Through invitation card below, reply it by writing an accepting card

“ Mr. and Mrs Rashidi Athumani have a great pleasure to invite Mr. Tito to the graduation ceremony of their son Elito Athumani on Saturday 3rd ,June 2019 at New Pub Hall, Sokoine from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.”

  1. In not less than 250 words, write a story ending “ Thanks God! I had a mobile phone”,

SECTION C (20 Marks)


6. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

  1. I’d like to take you to a café. It serves excellent coffee. ( join using relative pronoun).
  2. The woman was very nice. She spoke at the meeting. ( join using relative pronoun).
  3. Juma does not only look after cattle but also does his homework. (Begin with Not only……).
  4. Batabukini is strong like Samson of the Holy Bible. (Rewrite using as……..as ).

7. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

  1. If you pay me ,I will do a work. (begin with unless)
  2. If you force me ,I will not come.( change into conditional type 3.)
  3. He studied through in order to pass the test ( rewrite this sentence using “so as “)
  4. Samila went to collage. I went to collage too.( join these sentences using AND )

8. One of the following words in the sentence is not correct, rewrite by writing the correct ones.

  1. Joyce owns a ship in a farm.
  2. You do not sea well- are you a blind?
  3. I killed the spider by a shoe.
  4. Meat me at Lindi hotel pub this evening.

9. Supply “since, for, on, in, at: to the following sentences

  1. We have lived in Kipara Village………………1970
  2. I shall be thirty………………… 6thOctober, 2019.
  3. Suzan will be away…………..some time.
  4. It is bad to shout………………..night.

10. Choose the correct answer from among the given alternative to make a meaningful sentence and write its letter beside the item number.

  1. Everybody in the school……………..to win the prize.
  1. Wants B. want C. are wanted D. is wanting E. are wanting.
  1. She comes home …………….
  1. Doesn’t he? B. do she? C. aren’t she? D. doesn’t she? E. hadn’t she?
  1. What time did they…………..the village?
  1. Arrive B. reach at C. return D. reach E. returned
  1. The house……………….Nandonde lived belongs to his uncle.
  1. That  B. which C. in which D. at which E. whose

SECTION D (40 marks)


Answer two (2) questions from this section. One question should be selected from poetry and the other from novels and short stories or play.



A wreath for Fr. Mayer- S.N. Ndunguru (1977) MkukinaNyota

Unanswered Cries – Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed like a Shadow - b. M. Mapalala (2006) DUP

Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (2004) MkukinaNyota

Weep Not Child – NgugiwaThiong’o (1987), Heinemann

The Interview – P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


Three Suitors One Husband – G.O.Mbia (1994), Eyre Mathuen

The Lion and the Jewel – W. Soyinka (1993),OUP

This Time Tomorrow – NgugiwaThiong’o (1972), Heinemann

The Black Hermit - NgugiwaThiong’o (1968), Heinemann



Song of Lawino and Ocol–O.P’Bitek (1979) EAPH

Growing up with Poetry – D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann

Summons – R. Mabala (1960), TPH


11. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow


The judge will take his place,

And the accused,

The complainant,

And the onlookers

All will know where to be – and 

Justice will be meted out

Even before the trial.


(a) What is the poem about?

(b) Who is the persona?

(c) What is the mood of the persona?

(d) How many verses are there in the poem?

(e) Mention and explain two possible themes found in this poem?

(f) What type of the poem is this? Give two reason

(g) What is the message that is carried by this poem

(h) Comment on the language use in this poem?

(i) Mention and explain one figure of speech found in this poem?

(j) Show the relevance of the themes portrayed in this poem to your society?

 12. Poets like other artists have worth things which they want to teach their audience. Discuss this notion by using two poems you have read under this section.

13. Take two characters one from each book you have read. Discuss how the playwrights succeeded in portraying their similarities and differences.

14. By using two novels you have read under this program show the things which you think can/might leads to the spreads of HIV/AIDS.



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