Student’s Assessment Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TIME: 3:00 Hours August, 2024


  1. This paper consists of 10 questions in sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B, and only two questions in section C.
  3. Non programmable calculator maybe used in the examination room
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)- (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided i. The importer after storing his goods in a warehouse he supposed to fill document, which is the name of that document

  1. Way bill
  2. Warehouse release warrant
  3. In bond note
  4. Charter

ii. Some goods are used for different purpose

  1. Derived demand
  2. Competitive demand
  3. Composite demand
  4. Complementary demand

iii. In which kind of utility can cotton be shifted from extraction point to manufactures point?

  1. Time utility
  2. Possession utility
  3. Place utility
  4. Form utility

iv. Find elasticity of demand given that when the price of a commodity is Tshs 4 the quantity demanded is 10 units, when the price increase to Tshs 8 quantity demand decrease to 8 units

A. 0.3
B. 0.4
C. 0.2
D. 0.5

v. Which of the following method would Tanzania adopt if she wants completely to restrict importation of rice from Japan?

  1. Imposing heavy import duties
  2. Total ban
  3. Fixing import quotas
  4. Provision of customs drawbacks

vi. Maluma is a large scale retailer who wants to identify the fast moving goods in his business. Which stock calculation will Maluma apply to arrive at the correct identification?

  1. Average stock
  2. Rate of stock turn
  3. Cost of goods sold
  4. Order point

vii. A term used to cover all the activities necessary in bringing goods and services into the market for exchange is

  1. Warehouse
  2. Transportation
  3. Marketing
  4. Advertising

viii. "A manager should have the right to punish a subordinate for willfully not obeying a legitimate order but only after sufficient opportunity has been given to the subordinate to present defense about the case" Which principle is being reflected?

  1. Authority and responsibility
  2. Division of work
  3. Unit of command
  4. Discipline

ix. Suppose the tax authority collects tax from citizens who do not know how much to pay, where to pay, and how to pay. Which principle of taxation is the authority violating?

  1. Convenience
  2. Equity
  3. Certainty
  4. Flexibility

x. The process of influencing others to understand and agree on what need to be done and how to do it

  1. Leadership
  2. Organization
  3. Planning
  4. Staffing

xi. By which principle can an insured be returned to his/her original financial position?

  1. Proximate cause
  2. Underwriting
  3. Subrogation
  4. Indemnity

xii. All the following are functions of a central bank except

  1. Issued of currency
  2. Control of money supply
  3. Provision of loans to businessmen
  4. Lender of last resort

xiii. The driving force behind successful entrepreneurs

  1. Passion
  2. Goal
  3. Goods
  4. Learn from other

xiv. Mama Leah bears all risks in her business, but she has not taken any measure to prevent risks and no insurance has been taken to protect her business. Which way of managing risks Mama Leah's approach falls in among the following;

  1. Transfer of risks
  2. Accepting risks
  3. Reducing risks
  4. Preventing of risks

xv. This is the tax which is levied on one’s income mostly for the employed wages or salary earners

  1. Pay as you earn tax
  2. Graduate tax
  3. Corporation taxes
  4. Property tax

2. Match the descriptions of the forms of trade in column A with their corresponding names in column B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer book provided.



i. It provides information to the management

ii. This involves taking delivery of goods from the supplier

iii. This involves releasing sold stock to the customers

iv. This involves keeping in good order at a right place

v. This is the process finding the value of stock held at specific period of time

  1. Issuing of stock
  2. Care of stock
  3. Stock taking
  4. Stock valuation
  5. Receiving
  6. Warehouse
  7. Stock control

SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) What is taxation?

(b) What are the effects of taxation on the following?

  1. Saving
  2. Inflation
  3.  Production
  4. Ability to work

4. There is one country which is land lock country that country needs to transfer large amount of oil from abroad via to Tanzania. Mention kind of transport she will be going to use and discuss 3 merits and 3 demerits of that transport.

5. Ms. Magreth has decided to start a poultry project which will cost 50,000,000. She decided to get a loan from CRDB bank. What factors will the bank manager take into account before granting a loan? Defend by giving out five (5) factors.

6. In our daily life we cannot live without to communicate with other people, therefore it involves very important element, with the aid of diagram explain these elements.

7. The members of Parliament of Mbuni country argued that, being isolated from other countries is an advantage as it omits overdependence and depression. As an expert in commerce, basing on the merits of international trade, explain to them on why should international trade be applied by countries? Give five points.


Answer only two (2) questions from this section

8. Most of young aged in the society complain that they cannot find opportunities for the sake of employing them self. You as commerce learned can you advise them how they can find opportunities in the country. (5 ways)

9. Mr. Roga is straggling to start business in Dodoma City, he is very much motivated to start business as he find large number of people from different regions in the country move to the capital city, to him is a big opportunity. He has identify six potential business which he is capable of dealing with, however Capital is a big problem to him, as an expert advise him on how to get rid to his problem.

10. Suppose your mother has imported a car from Japan and she wants to buy an insurance policy for the car. Briefly explain to her the general procedures for obtaining insurance policy for the car.






TIME: 3:00 HRS YEAR 2024 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C With a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty-four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. All writing must be in black or blue ink.
  5. Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination
  6. Write your Examination number on every page of answer booklet (s). nation number on every page of answer booklet (s).

SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklets provided

(i) Suppose you have attended a commercial debate with the motion " auxiliary services
are not necessary to traders" which option will you choose as correct to oppose the motion

  1. Auxiliary service support producers and not traders
  2. Auxiliary services attract more buyers hence low price for the go
  3. Auxiliary services act as a link between traders and manufacturers
  4. Auxiliary service is used to determine price of the goods produced
  5. Auxiliary services facilitate trade to take place smoothly

(ii) Quantity supplied of rice increased from 500 tons to 10,000 tons during Christmas seasons in 2023. What do you think being main reason for this change?

  1. Increase in income of consumers
  2. Increase in population during the season
  3. Increase in price of substitute goods of rice
  4. Decrease in price of rice
  5. Increase in price of rice

(iii) An entrepreneur should posse's different skills in order to succeed in any endeavour of his choice. Which among the skills enable entrepreneurs to be able to get best resources such as manpower, financial and physical resources for success of their venture?

  1. Communication skills
  2. Leadership and management skills
  3. Planning and goals setting skills
  4. Marketing skills
  5. Networking skills

(iv) Suppose your desire is to own a telephone, your father bought a telephone of your choice in your birthday ceremony. Which type of utility will you get by having your own telephone?

  1. Possession utility
  2. Form utility
  3. Place utility
  4. Marginal utility
  5. Time utility

(v) Madam Joyce wish to transport her inventories from Tanga port to her hardware at Arusha, but she is not aware about the best mode of transport will offer a high degree of flexibility which among the mode of transport will satisfy her need

  1. Railway transport
  2. Water transport
  3. Road transport
  4. Pipe line transport
  5. Air transport

(vi)Mzenga secondary school wish to buy a school van so as to simplify transport for its students and staff, the headmaster approached CRDB bank's manager to guarantee to exporter's bank of its credit worthiness. What document will a manager ure to show credit worthiness of Mzenga secondary school?

  1. Letter of hypothecation
  2. Consular invoice
  3. Certificate of origin
  4. Letter of credit
  5. An indent

(vii) Mary, Juma and Asha are partners running hair dressing saloon, but they decided to use a name of Mwamposa to run their business. How can Mwamposa be classified in this partnership business?

  1. General partner
  2. Dormant putner
  3. Active partner
  4. Quasi partner
  5. Normal partner

(viii) Kb family produce maize for sale in the market. Which feature among the following illustrate kind of production Kb family involved

  1. Kb use simple tools
  2. Kb applies division of labour
  3. Kb produce maize in a small scale
  4. Poor quality of goods produced by Kb
  5. Kb produce maize for private use

(ix)Mlimani city is a well-known trading center in Dar es salaam city because it comprises of a big number of businesses. What is a general term describing this type of trading centre?

  1. Hypermarket
  2. Departmental store
  3. Supermarket
  4. Tied shop
  5. Chain store

(x) Tax revenue authorities officer decide to charge Mwajuma and Mwanahawa 20 percent and 10 percent respectively from their income of Tzs 2,000,0001= and Tzs 1,000,000/= per month. Which type of the system applied by TRA's officer

  1. Tax incidence
  2. Progressive tax
  3. Regressive tax
  4. Proportional tax
  5. Value added tax

2. Match the descriptions of forms of cheque in List A with their corresponding names in List B by writing the letter of correct answer beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

List A List B
  1. A cheque presented to the bank six months from its date written on it face.
  2. The cheque made payable on later date in future.
  3. A written order from an account holder to his bank to pay a specified sum of money to the person named - therein or to bearer.
  4. A single cheque prepared by the bank from
    instructions given by account holder to pay the named people directly to their accounts.
  5. The cheque issued by the bank in fixed denominations to a person who pays for them in advance
  6. The payee signs the back of the cheque authorizing the drawee to pay the cheque to any one presenting it
  1. Order cheque
  2. Crossed cheque
  3. Stale cheque
  4. Post dated cheque
  5. Transfer of cheque
  6. Cancelled cheque
  7. Cheque
  8. General endorsement
  9. Traveller cheque
  10. Dishonoured cheque

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section.

3. Once specialization and division of labour is applied its outcomes can be better or worse to the development of industries in the country. Briefly elaborate three better and three worse outcomes of specialization and division of labour.

4. (a) It has come to attention that most of citizen does not know forms of tariffs available in Tanzania. Prepare a briefly explanation on the form of tariffs applied in Tanzania.

(b) Differentiate the following terms as used in Taxation

  1. Tax avoidance from tax evasion
  2. Progressive tax from regressive tax

5. Use six points to describe best reasons for preparing business plan by entrepreneurs before commencing their projects.

6. Insurance companies collect premium from various individuals and promises to compensate those who suffer a specific financial loss. In six points analyse how insurance companies make profit

7. (a) In recent years entrepreneurs develops great interest in creating great brands in Tanzania. Briefly explain three (03) disadvantages associated with branding.

(b) A voluntary association formed by farmers found at Morogoro build a warehouse. Most villagers do not want to keep their product in the warehouse. Explain any three (03) benefits villagers will enjoy from using a warehouse.

8. The government of Tanzania recently has adopted several measures to control the volume of imported goods. Briefly explain four (4) measures can be used by the government to control and two (02) reasons for the government of any country to control imported goods.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section.

9. Tanzania is one among the many developing countries. As one of the developing countries its businesses are faced with many challenges. In six points, analyse the challenges facing business units in Tanzania.

10. Effective business communication is the key for a business to grow and do extremely well in its operations. Justify this statement by briefly explaining six points.

11. Mambo Jambo (T) limited company deals with producing and selling cindelera toys. The company is facing challenge of marketing 1000 pcs of cindelera toys produced for the year end 2023. Use the commercial skills you have learn to explain six (06) methods of sales promotion Mambo Jambo can use to increase sales of the company.







 Time: 3:00 HOURS SEPTEMBER 202


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C. with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions from both sections. A, B, and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination Number on every page of your answer sheet(s)


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number

i. The bank that issue the legal tender in any country is known as: -

  1. Bank of Tanzania
  2. Investment Bank
  3. Central Bank
  4. Commercial Bank

ii. An official acknowledgement and agreement between ship owner and person who hire a ship is known as

  1. Charter party
  2. Airway bill
  3. Bill of lading
  4. Consular invoice

iii. Discouraging imports so as to serve the country from unfavorable balance of payment can be done by the use of the following method: -

  1. Remove quota system
  2. Impose tariffs on imports
  3. Encourage free trade
  4. Impose high taxes on home trade products

iv. Msuva is a businessman from Tanzania, he wants to open account for his business. Which of the following account is suitable for him?

  1. Saving account
  2. Fixed deposit account
  3. Current account
  4. Joint account

v. Airtel, one of the cell phone networks in Tanzania has the slogan saying “Hakatwi mtu hapa” in their adverts. Which form of advertising is this?

  1. Information advertising
  2. Persuasive advertising
  3. Generic advertising
  4. Reminder advertising

vi. Mr. Ally saw an announcement on local newspaper about government grant for small scale retailers. This motivated him to become an entrepreneur. This is an example of:-

  1. Internal motivation
  2. Grant motivation
  3. External motivation
  4. Subsidies motivation

vii. Few years ago Tanzania five hundred shillings was in form of paper money. Unfortunately, majority started to complain that it cannot stay for a long period of time in circulation then becoming wear and tear. Which quality of a good money five hundred shilling in form of paper money lack?

  1. Scarcity
  2. Acceptability
  3. Durability
  4. Portability

viii. At your school a good example of labour is teacher, as an expert in business; teacher is falling under what categories of labour?

  1. Semi – skilled labour
  2. Full labour
  3. Skilled labour
  4. Physical labour

ix. Suppose you live in Mwanza region and you planned to engage in cultivation of cotton. Which level of production you will belong?

  1. Direct production
  2. Tertiary production
  3. Indirect production
  4. Primary production

x. You are a commercial student during holiday you met with your best friend complete his ordinary studies two years ago and he fearing to be an entrepreneur due to the business to be in risk of fire. Which aid to trade you will advise him that he will be compensated if he will insure his business?

  1. Banking
  2. Marketing
  3. Insurance
  4. Transport

2. Match the description on term is international trade in COLUMN A with the corresponding terminology in COLUMN B by writing the letter of the correct terminologies besides the item number in answer sheet provided



  1. Trade that involve buying goods from other country
  2. Trade that involves buying and selling goods within a country
  3. Trade that involve the selling of goods to other country
  4. Trade that involves two countries
  5. Trade that involves exchange of goods for goods
  6. Trade facilitation
  1. Multilateral trade
  2. Home trade
  3. Foreign trade
  4. Import trade
  5. Export trades
  6. Bilateral trade
  7. Retail trade
  8. Wholesale trade
  9. Barter trade
  10. Aids to trade

 SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. You are supplied with the following information for the year ended 31st December 2019

Average mark – up .....................25%

Total expenses ...........................24,000/=

Stock turn rates .........................5 times

Sales ..........................................72,000/=

Required: Calculate

  1. Gross profit
  2. Cost of sales
  3. Margin
  4. Average stock
  5. Net profit

4. Manufacturing company manufacturing cloth open shops at different locations in Tanzania. It sells goods on cash only. The shop has identical decoration and appearance. The prices of goods are fixed. In this way they eliminate unnecessary middle men thus benefiting the consumers

  1. By basing the statement above identify the type of shops referred to
  2. Briefly explain four characteristics of such shop mentioned in 4(a) above

5. (a) Now day’s men and women are struggling to find money in order to make life better. With three reason briefly explain why men and women demanding money.

  1. Suppose you have account with Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) and you are preparing a cheque for paying the debt owed by your friend KAPAMA amounted Tzs 500,000/=. With example state the meaning of cheque and briefly explain the parties of your cheques.

6. Malingumu is trade who exports petrol from Tanzania to Zambia and he did not know the best means of transport to be used. As a commercial student

  1. Identify and suggest the suitable means of transport to be used
  2. Describe four (4) advantages and four (4) disadvantages of the means transport chosen in 6(a) above

7. Mayele wishes to become an entrepreneur, but he does not know the attributes of being an entrepreneur. As a commercial student help him by giving not less than five points

8. One of form one students argued that ”aids to trade plays an important role in trade ” justify the validity of this statement.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two (2) questions from this section.

9. Practically, insurers and insured could not work smoothly without applying the principles of insurance. Basing on this statement, explain how the principles of insurance govern the conduct between insurer and insured (five points)

10. You have been invited in a seminar about taxation conducted by Tanzania Revenue Authority. The main theme of the seminar is “The effects of Taxation”. At the end of the seminar, you will be required to present to your fellow students the positive and negative effects of taxation in an economy. Summarize your presentation by showing the:

  1. Three positive effects of taxation and
  2. Two negative effects of taxation.

11. Makudubela and Onana they don’t know about Private limited company and Public limited company. As a commercial taker briefly explain to them:

  1. Three main features of public limited company and
  2. Two main features of private limited company







  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of 11 Questions
  2. Attempt all questions from section A and B and two questions from section C.
  3. Section A consists of 16 marks, section B 54 marks and section C 30 marks
  4. All writings should be in black and blue pen, drawings should be in pencil
  5. Cellular phones and other unauthorized materials are not allowed in the exam room.
  6. Write your exam number on every sheet of the answer sheet provided.

SECTION A (16 Marks)

1. For each of the following items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given and write its letter in the answer sheet(s) provided:

i. Suppose your father is dealing in distribution and exchange of goods and services. Which type of activity is conducted by your father?

  1. transportation
  2. warehousing
  3. Trade
  4. Commerce
  5. Advertising

ii. Which of the following statement is not correct about commerce?

  1. Commerce is a part of production
  2. Commerce is divided into trade and aids to trade
  3. Commerce is a part of trade
  4. Commerce is a part of economics
  5. Commerce bridges the gap between producers and consumers

iii. Which of the following are the type of production?

  1. Primary and secondary production
  2. primary' secondary and tertiary production
  3. Secondary production and tertiary production image
  4. Direct production and indirect production
  5. Agriculture and Manufacturing

iv. Mr. Salum has taken property insurance to his business in order to protect his properties against unexpected risks. Which way from among the following ways of managing risks was taken by Mr. Salum?

  1. Reducing risk
  2. Transferring risk
  3. Preventing risk
  4. Accepting risk
  5. Minimizing risk

v. A shift of demand curve from right to left reflects:

  1. An increase in demand
  2. A decrease in demand
  3. An increase in price resulted from shortage of supply
  4. A decrease in price resulted from an increase in supply
  5. A constant price causing a shift in demand

vi. What term is used to mean the element of communication through which an information is passed from one person to another?

  1. Receiver
  2. Sender
  3. Medium
  4. Message
  5. Encoder

vii. Which of the following indicates a face to face selling in which the seller of a commodity tries to convince a customer to buy products:

  1. Personal buying
  2. Personal selling
  3. Personal advice
  4. Aggressive selling
  5. Convincing power

vii. Which of the trade consists of the intangible itnports and expotts?

  1. Invisible trade
  2. Visible imports and visible exports
  3. Visible exports
  4. Invisible in mports
  5. Entreport trade

ix. It is all about creating a brand new product that has never existed in the market:

  1. Innovation
  2. Creativity
  3. Invention
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. A and B above

x. Which of the following documents is given to an insured soon after paying the first premium while waiting for a permanent contract?

  1. Policy
  2. Cover note
  3. Proposal form
  4. A receipt
  5. A proforma

2. Match the explanation in LIST A with the most correct response from LIST B and write its letter in the answer sheet(s) provided.



  1. A cheque which has two transversal parallel lines crossing its face with the name of the bank between the lines.
  2. A cheque that is refunded without payment by the bank.
  3. A cheque which has not been presented for payment within six months more from date it was signed.
  4. A cheque which is presented to the bank for payment before the date written on it
  5. A cheque without parallel line crossing its face.
  6. A cheque without the name of payee

  1. Open cheque
  2. A stale cheque
  3. Bearer cheque
  4. Post-dated cheque
  5. Blank cheque
  6. Dishonoured cheque
  7. Special crossing
  8. General crossing

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section

3. Some people are arguing that Entrepreneurship is a wastage of time not only to individuals but also the nations and the world at large. As an expert in commercial field, briefly explain for them six (6) importance of Entrepreneurship.

4. You are provided with the following information from Kagera Traders store for the year 31.12.2013.

  • Stock 01.01.2013 555,700
  • Stock 31.12.2013 424,200
  • Purchases for the year 3842,000
  • Sales of the year 5,000,000

Assist Kagera Traders to calculate: image

  1. cost of sales
  2. Average stock
  3. Stock turn rate
  4. Gross profit

5. Many of financial institutions in the country offer consumer credit to their customers. Briefly describe three advantages and three disadvantages of these consumer credits to bank's customers.

6. Majura and Marwa are Traders in Musoma District. They always escape from paying tax to the government. As an expert in this field, briefly explain to them the importance of paying tax. Six (6) points.

7. Asha as a form three student at Changamoto Secondary School has never studied commercial subject. She is interested to know the importance of studying commerce. Explain to her in brief five (5) importance of studying commerce.

8. As a business person, how do you distinguish the following concepts in the context of the market of your product?

a. A change in quantity demanded and a change in demand

b. A change in quantity supplied and a change in supply

c. An equilibrium price and an equilibrium quantity

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two (2) questions from this section.

9. Suppose your uncle has imported a car from Japan and he wants to take an insurance policy for his car. Explain to him the general procedures for obtaining insurance policy for his car. (Seven point)

10. Mwendapole owns a business in which he does not share profit or loss made by the business. What are general features of the business owned by Mwendapole? (Six points)

11. Imagine your business is located in highly populated market where there are many buyers and sellers. Meanwhile you want to promote one of your products to your customers. Describe the barriers that may affect your means of communication and your target not be successful. (Six points).







TIME: 3 Hours August, 2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries Sixteen (16) Marks, section B Fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)









SECTION A (16 Marks).

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

i. Suppose you are in the process of insuring your house against fire and you have already paid the premium. Which document is temporarily issued to you by an insurer as an evidence of premium payment?

  1. Assurance policy
  2. Insurance cover note
  3. Insurance policy
  4. Insurance claim form
  5. Insurance proposal form

ii. Deborah is a large scale retailer who wants to identify the fast moving goods in her business. Which stock calculation will Deborah apply to arrive at correct identification?

  1. Average stock
  2. Mark up percentage
  3. Cost of goods sold
  4. Margin percentage.
  5. Rate of stock turn

iii. If you have been employed as machine operator in one of the soft drinking industry and your salary ranked under low income earner category, which tax system will favour you as one of the low income earners?

  1. Indirect tax
  2. Regressive tax
  3. Direct tax
  4. Progressive tax
  5. Proportional tax

iv. When drawing a supply curve, it is automatic that the curve slopes upwards from the left to the right. Why does the supply curve slope upward from the left to right?

  1. The lower the price the higher the quantity demanded and vice-versa.
  2. When the price held constant the quantity supplied increases
  3. The lower the price the higher the quantity supplied and vice-versa.
  4. The higher the price the higher the quantity supplied and vice-versa.
  5. When the factors other than price are held constant the quantity supplied increases.

v. Which bank account would you advise a trader to open if he/she wants to deposit/withdraw cash at any time and allows overdraft to its customers?

  1. Joint account
  2. Fixed deposit account
  3. Minor account
  4. Savings account
  5. Current account

vi. Suppose you have attended a commercial debate with the motion “aids to trade is not necessary element of commerce” Which option will you choose as correct to oppose the motion?

  1. Aids to trade support production and not commerce.
  2. Aids to trade attract more buyers hence, low price for the goods.
  3. Aids to trade facilitate trade to take place smoothly.
  4. Aids to trade act as a link between commerce and production.
  5. Aids to trade are used to determine price of the goods produced.

vii. Mrs Vivian Corazone as house wife prepared a fresh fruits juice for her kids’ consumption. In which type of production does the activity done by Mrs. Vivian Corazone be grouped?

  1. Primary production
  2. tertiary production
  3. personal production
  4. direct production
  5. indirect production

viii. Suppose Opah clement and Aisha Djafari are employed by Simba queens Club and their monthly salary is Tsh 6 million and Tsh 8 Million respectively. Which type of tax system is applied if both are charged with 18% income tax?

  1. Tax incidence
  2. Proportional tax
  3. Progressive tax
  4. Indirect tax
  5. Regressive tax

ix. Suppose your marketing manager who wants to satisfy the target market at the same time achieves the marketing objectives. Which elements of market mix would you consider?

  1. Branding, grading, standardizing and pricing
  2. Product, price, brand name and promotion
  3. Package, price, product and place
  4. Product, price, promotion and place
  5. Brand name, package, packaging and product

x. Ms Fatuma Issa is an entrepreneur who owns a retail shop at city center where there are so many retail shops. “She succeeded in her business because she believes in herself and her ability to achieve the goal set”. Which characteristic of entrepreneurs is described by such statement?

  1. Hard working
  2. Goals setter
  3. Long term commitment
  4. Creative
  5. Self confidence

2. Match the descriptions on taxation terminologies in Column A with the corresponding terminology in Column B by writing the letter of correct terminology beside the item number in the answer sheet provided



i. The situation from which the tax payers omit or refuse to declare their business income for tax payment.

ii. The tax which its tax rate is determined by basing on the value of the goods.

iii. The tax value which is levied at each stage of production.

iv. The situation in which tax payers provide incorrect record so as to be charged with less amount of tax.

v. The tax system from which the percentage of tax paid is inversely to the income of the tax payer

vi. Compulsory payment made by people to the government

  1. Regressive tax
  2. Ad valorem duty
  3. Corporation tax
  4. Tax evasion
  5. Value added tax
  6. Tax avoidance
  7. Tax
  8. Tax incidence

 SECTION B: (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. In starting and operating a business, an entrepreneur requires a number of resources to finance the business. The resources included financial, physical and human capital. In light of these, describe five different sources from which an entrepreneur may secure financial capital for business operation.

4. Many people always confuse between standing order and credit transfer because of the little knowledge on the banking services. As a commercial student, discuss any three differences and two similarities between standing order and credit transfer.

5. (a) You have been appointed as a food prefect at your school and one of your duties is to maintain different levels of stock in the food store. Briefly explain four essential levels of stocks which should be maintained in a food store.

(b) In 2020 Davis made a gross profit of 20% on turnover of shs. 42,000 and Net profit of 9% on turn over. His rate of stock turn was 20.


  1. Gross profit for the year 
  2. His net profit for the year
  3. Expenses
  4. His average stock for the year

6. (a) For the communication to be successful, it depends on the effectiveness of the use of the five element of communication. With examples, discuss at least three (3) element of communication process.

(b) Explain three (3) advantages of road transport to the people of Tanzania

7. Tanzania and Kenya are bordering countries in the East African community. In the latest years there have been some limitations in trade imposed by one country to another, as an expert in international trade, State five possible arguments for these trade limitations.

8. Mwantumu is a sole proprietor and five of his friends have consulted him in a bid to combine their business as partnership business. He is worried of getting risks and burden of his capital into partnership business. As an expert in commerce help him to clear his doubts by giving five benefits of partnership business.

SECTION C: (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section

9. The need for tax to every employed person in Tanzania is to raise government revenue purposely to overcome daily revenue expenditure like education, defense and health. Mbagule is also a government servant who plays his important role by paying tax every month. Discuss more five reasons for paying tax to the government of Tanzania.

10. In order to value the currency unit and ensure that there is just right quantity of money in circulation in the country, the central bank should take appropriate steps towards credit control. What are the methods employed by the central bank in east Africa on credit control? Give six (6) points.

11. Practically, insurers and insured could not work smoothly without applying the principles of insurance. Basing on this statement, explain how the principles of insurance govern the conduct between insurer and insured









Time:3:00 Hours  MAY. 2023 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Section A carries 20 marks, section B carries 50 marks and section C carries 30 marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examinations
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklets
  6. Good handwriting neatness and arrangement of your work will be considered.


1. For each of the items (i)- (xv), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

  1. The importer after storing his goods in a warehouse he supposed to fill document, which is the name of that document
  1. Way bill
  2. Warehouse release warrant
  3. In bond note
  4. Charter
  1. Some goods are used for different purpose
  1. Derived demand
  2. Competitive demand
  3. Composite demand
  4. Complementary demand
  1. This deal with all activities involves production, distribution exchange and consumptions.
  1. Business
  2. Commerce
  3. Warehouse
  4. Economics
  1. Find elasticity of demand given that when the price of a commodity is Tshs 4 the quantity demanded is 10 units, when the price increase to Tshs 8 quantity demand decrease to 8 units
  1. 0.3
  2. 0.4
  3. 0.2
  4. 0.5
  1. These shops are owned mostly by sole proprietors
  1. Small fixed shop
  2. Itinerant traders
  3. Tied shop
  4. Street traders
  1. ………………is a term used to cover all the activities necessary in bringing goods and services into the market for exchange
  1. Warehouse
  2. Transportation
  3. Marketing
  4. Advertising
  1. This is the tax which is levied on one’s income mostly for the employed wages or salary earners
  1. Pay as you earn tax
  2. Graduate tax
  3. Corporation taxes
  4. Property tax
  1. This is the principle on which insurance is based
  1. Insurance
  2. Warehouse
  3. Money
  4. Pooling of risks
  1. The person must plan the overall objective of the company
  1. Storekeeper
  2. Accountant
  3. Teacher
  4. General manager
  1. The process of influencing others to understand and agree on what need to be done and how to do it
  1. leadership
  2. Organization
  3. Planning
  4. Staffing
  1. This is among the reasons of having international in trade
  1. To have friends
  2. Gain from trade
  3. To be rich
  4. To remove poverty
  1. All the following are functions of a central bank except
  1. Issued of currency
  2. Control of money supply
  3. Provision of loans to businessmen
  4. Lender of last resort
  1. The during force behind successful entrepreneurs
  1. Passion
  2. Goal
  3. Goods
  4. Learn from other
  1. Interpret the following diagram

  1. Demand and supply is equal
  2. Increase of price
  3. Increase of demand
  4. Surplus
  1. Mama Leah bears all risks in her business, but she has not taken any measure to prevent risks and no insurance has been taken to protect her business. Which way of managing risks Mama Leah's approach falls in among the following;
  1. Transfer of risks
  2. Accepting risks
  3. Reducing risks
  4. Preventing of risks


















2. Match the descriptions of the forms of trade in column A with their corresponding names in column B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer book provided.



  1. It provides information to the management
  2. This involves taking delivery of goods from the supplier
  3. This involves releasing sold stock to the customers
  4. This involves keeping in good order at a right place
  5. This is the process finding the value of stock held at specific period of time
  1. Issuing of stock
  2. Care of stock
  3. Stock taking
  4. Stock valuation
  5. Receiving
  6. Warehouse
  7. Stock control









3. Most of Tanzanian doesn’t know why they should pay Tax. The manager of TRA from head office came to give knowledge about that crucial issue. Analyze (6 point).

4. There is one country which is land lock country that country needs to transfer large amount of oil from abroad via to Tanzania. Mention kind of transport she will be going to use and discuss 3 merits and 3 demerits of that transport.

5. In our daily life we cannot live without to communicate with other people, therefore it involves very important element, with the aid of diagram explain these elements.

6. The following data was given from Mr. Kabwemin-supermarket at the end of 31 March 2020.

  • Opening stock 1 march 2020 2000
  • Closing stock 31 march 2020 3000
  • Purchases 5000
  • Net sales 10,000
  • Expenses 1000
  • Return in wards 500

From the data given find the following

  1. Average stock
  2. Cost of goods sold
  3. Gross profit
  4. Rate of stock turnover

7. Mrs. Ujinga Mzigo wants to know if there is growth of commerce in the world. Her friend Mrs bacha tried to explain how commerce has been grown up to this time, discuss what Mrs bacha tried to explain toMrs Ujinga Mzigo, 5 reasons


8. Most of young aged in the society complain that they cannot find opportunities for the sake of employing them self. You as commerce learned can you advise them how they can find opportunities in the country. (5 ways)

9. Mizambwa graduated in one of the university in 2015 and he has been always looking for job in different companies. His friend Mkude advice Mizambwa to have self-employment, you as a form four student join with Mkude to advice Mizambwa by showing six benefits of self-employment.

10. Suppose your mother has imported a car from Japan and she wants to buy an insurance policy for the car. Briefly explain to her the general procedures for obtaining insurance policy for the car.








  1. This paper consists sections A,B and C with total of Eleven questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet / booklet


1. For each of the items i - x choose answer among the given alternatives and write the answer in the answer sheet provided

i. Suppose your among the ten members who are in process of opening the company, which document will you prepare to define the relationship between the company and the outsiders

  1. Letter of application
  2. Article of association
  3. Memorandum of association
  4. Letter of declaration
  5. Certificate of incorporation

ii. 1000kg is the quantity demanded of cows skin by VETA students, this cows skin have many uses to them. What type of demand is this

  1. Joint demand
  2. Delivered demand
  3. Competitive demand
  4. Elasticity of demand
  5. Composite demand

iii. A Tanzanian firm sell its product at Tshs. 1000/= per litre of that product within the country boundaries, but firm sells the same product at Tsh.700/= per litre when export that product to Kenya and other countries. This act is referred as

  1. Cash discount
  2. Quantity discount
  3. Dumping
  4. Trade deficits
  5. Fixirig export quotas

iv. TRA used to tax people according to their income, the higher income taxed more than the lower income. This principal is called

  1. Certainty
  2. Equity
  3. Productivity
  4. Economy
  5. Convenience

v. During the famine period the government allow the importers to import the certain tonnes of rice from China at a specific period of time. This quantitative restriction is referred as

  1. Exchange control
  2. Total ban
  3. Quota
  4. Trade agreement
  5. Tariff

vi. Foreign investors from Japan to Tanzania invest in buying securities, bonds and treasury bills. What type of market is dealing with?

  1. Capital market
  2. Financial market
  3. Commodity market
  4. Ducipoly market
  5. Monopolistic competition market

vii. Miss Sikujua is a famous artist who allow her name to be used in certain partnership business, she did not contribute capital but she is given a small share in the profit. Miss Sikujua is

  1. Limited partner
  2. Quas partner
  3. Dormant partner
  4. Active partner
  5. Partner by name

viii. An entrepreneur who keeping on generating new ideas as well as thinking the best ways of putting the ideas into practice, that behaviour is called

  1. Desire to achieve
  2. Risk taking
  3. Creativity and innovation
  4. Goal oriented
  5. Persuasive

ix. The head of the school instruct the academic department to order books through post office and also advise them to receive the books through post office , this kind of business is known as

  1. Online business
  2. Modern retail business
  3. Order with cash business
  4. Interact business
  5. Mail order business

x. Mr.Mtata wants to transport petroleum from Russia to Tanzania. Which one among the following is suitable ship to be used in transportation?

  1. Tankers
  2. Pipeline transport
  3. Containerization
  4. Tramp steamers
  5. Docks

2. Match the description of the bank payment in Column A with the corresponding terminology in Column B by writing the letter of correct terminology beside the item number in the answer.



  1. Is the amount which charged by the bank to
    his customer for the services which are provided to the bank such as security
  2. Is the arrangement by the consumer and the
    bank to send regular payments monthly to the person being paid until the consumer tells the bank to stop the payment
  3. Is a written order by a seller to the buyer to make a specific payment to the seller or any of his representative on the due date
  4. Is the document,that orders payment of money from a bank account
  5. The document that indicates when the buyer will make payment to the seller
  6. Is a contractual commitment by the foreign buyer's bank to pay once the exporters ships the goods and present the required documentation to the exporter's bank as the proof?
  1. Credit card
  2. Postal order
  3. Letter of credit
  4. Standing order
  5. Cheque
  6. Bill of exchange
  7. Promissory notes
  8. Bank charges


3. Assume your father's car has been stolen some spare parts in the parking area when he was attending meeting. Your father is not aware of insurance claim procedures. Advise him on the six (6) procedures for insurance claim

4. Msomi is a boarding student who also her home place is not far from the school, when Msomi goes home for midterm break she decide to find a person who assist her to carry her bag from school to home and she pay that person

  1. Identify the unit of carriage used.
  2. State two advantages and two disadvantages that Msomi get from using this kind of unit of carriage.

5. Your debtor Mr.Msanii has cleared the debts through cheque, it takes four months to present it at bank, when the cheque present at bank, the banker did not accept it. Briefly explain six (6) possible reasons for rejecting this cheque.

6. Assume you selected to present your class in school academic committee and one of the activities is to prepare presentation from subtopic of your choice. You happen to choose to prepare the presentation on importance of commerce. During your presentation, show how you will explain six importance of commerce in Tanzania.

7. (a) There are many challenges faced by businessmen/women in registering business in Tanzania. Explain three (3) of them.

(b) Elaborate three (3) ways of overcoming above challenges in 7(a).

8. Mr.Mfanyakazi is a cash and carry wholesaler who buy goods for sale at Tshs.16,000/= he wishes to make a gross profit of 30%. His indirect expenses are expected to be 15% of the gross profit. Calculate.

  1. Selling price
  2. Mark-up percentage
  3. Gross profit
  4. Expenses
  5. Net Profit
  6. Margin percentage


Answer ANY two questions from this section

9. "Business ethics can be practiced towards various business stakeholders like customers, community, government, shareholders, suppliers and employees of an organization ". As a Commercial student examine six (6) ethical business practices that are essential in a business environment.

10. Your brother is running his own business at Manyema. He has his long-time friend who wishes to do business with him. Your brother is not knowledgeable about advantages and disadvantages of doing the business with his friend. Explain to him three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of doing the business with his friend.

11. When a Biology teacher reaches to the topic of disease he decide to use a television diseases programme to show the student how people suffer from different types of diseases, the media send the information clearly to the students and every student understood the lesson very well.

  1. What type of communication the teacher use?
  2. Explain any three advantages and three disadvantages of communication used.







(For Both School and Private Candidates)



  1. This paper consists of three sections A. B and C with a total of I I questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Non- programmable calculators may be used.
  4. Cellular phones. calculators and any unauthorized materials arc not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your Answer booklet(s).


Answer all questions from this section

1.For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number on the answer sheet provided

i. Mr. Charles Lugolola is a trader selling second hand clothes that he normally buy them from Dubai and sell them in Dar es salam-Tanzania. Which type of trade is Mr. Charles Lugolola conducting? .

  1. Retail trade
  2. Export trade
  3. Wholesale trade
  4. Import trade 
  5. Home trade

ii. Which is the correct reason for the movement along the demand curve?

  1. Change in taste and fashion
  2. Change in people's level of income
  3. Change in the price of the commodity
  4. Change in the demand of the other goods
  5. Change in the value for money

iii. Martine was complaining that he was one among the lower income earners but his salary has been deducted more than higher income earners. Which do you think is the method that has been used by his institution to deduct his salary?

  1. Progressive taxation method
  2. Regressive taxation method
  3. Indirect taxation method
  4. Proportional taxation method
  5. Poor taxation method

iv. Ms. Neema is a retailer with her retail shop in Dodoma town. She took insurance cover of her pick-up that she always use to collect her goods from the wholesalers' warehouses. One day she got fire accident in her shop. She went to claim for compensation but the insurer refused to do so. Which principle of insurance was used by insurer to refuse to compensate her?

  1. Utmost good faith
  2. Subrogation
  3. contribution
  4. Insurable interest
  5. Indemnity. 

v.Which one among the following is the correct classification of warehouses?

  1. Private warehouse, bonded warehouse and wholesalers warehouses
  2. Bonded warehouse, private warehouse and retailers warehouse
  3. Public warehouses, private warehouses and bonded warehouse
  4. Public warehouses, bonded warehouses and producers warehouses
  5. Wholesalers warehouses, retailers warehouses and manufacturers warehouses

vi. If there was a farmer who had wheat and wanted salt he had to find one who had salt and wanted wheat, this is an example of:

  1. Difficult in transporting immobile items.
  2. Invisibility of some items.
  3. Lack of store of value.
  4. Need of double coincidence of wants.
  5. Lack of measure of value.

vii. Which of the following is not a feature of free goods?

  1. They are not scare
  2. They are not produced by human effort
  3. They are not transferable in terms of ownership
  4. They lack exchange value
  5. They are transferable in terms of ownership

viii. The following statements are true of a bill of exchange, which one is not?

  1. It must be signed by the drawee
  2. It must bear appropriate stamp duty
  3. It must be signed by the drawer
  4. It must be payable on demand
  5. It must be unconditional

ix. Aids to trade may be defined as the activities aimed at

  1. Assisting the consumers directly
  2. Making the work of those involved in manufacturing of essential goods easy
  3. Helping producers directly
  4. Bridging the gap between the producer and a consumer
  5. Helping retailers directly

x.If Tanzania exports more goods to Rwanda than she imports from the same country, this means that;

  1. Overall balance of trade is favourable.
  2. Balance of trade with Rwanda is favourable.
  3. Balance of trade with Rwanda is unfavourable.
  4. Balance of payments is bound to be favourable.
  5. Balance of payments with Rwanda is bound to be favourable.

2. Match the items of list A with the corresponding items in list B by writing the letter of the correct item in the space provided

List A List B
  1. Low-income individuals paying a higher percentage of their income on taxes than high-income individuals. 
  2. Payment made by users of public services on government cost sharing in health and education. 
  3. The tax for the company operations. 
  4. Tax determined on the basis of the value of goods. 
  5. Penalties imposed by government against law breakers. 
  6. Type of tax which is imposed on peoples income 
  1. Corporate taxes 
  2. Direct Tax 
  3. Fees 
  4. Ad valorem duty 
  5. Fines 
  6. Regressive Tax

Answer all questions from this section

3. Given the following information

Opening stock ............................. Tsh 120,000

Net purchases ............................... Tsh 150,000

Closing stock ............................... Tsh 100,000

Net sales .................................. Tsh 300,000

Compute the following

  1. Cost of goods sold
  2. Gross profit
  3. Gross profit margin

4. What do you understand by the follOwing commercial terms:

  1. Production
  2. Entrepreneur
  3. Quasi partner
  4. Barter trade system
  5. Electronic communication
  6. Method of propulsion

5. (a) In starting and operating a business, a community requires to have knowledge on how to conduct business in order to satisfy their needs and wants. Basing on the statement above, enumerate three ways in which the community benefits from learning business studies.

(b) Juma and John are form one students. On Monday they were not present at school and on the same day their Commerce teacher taught their fellow students about types of production. As a business expert, help them on stating three differences between direct and indirect production.

6. Based on the definition of insurance, indicate whether the following guarantees can be considered to be an insurance contract or not :

  1. A warrant on the television set for one year.
  2. A guarantor agrees to pay the loan balance of the original debtor defaults on the payments. -
  3. A large group of homeowners agrees to pay for losses to homes that are burnt during the year because of fire.

7. (a) Mwenyeji is a businessman who deals with buying and selling of wheat flour. He buys his stock in bulk from Azam industry in Dar es Salaam and sells the product to different retailers in Tanga region. In three points, explain how Mwenyeji facilitates Azam industry in its daily business activities.

(b) Entrepreneurship is a process of establishing and managing enterprises based on existing business opportunities. Basing on this statement, mention three factors that may inhibit entrepreneurial development in a country like Tanzania.

8. Mr. Bambo is the sole trader and two of his friends have consulted him in a bid to combine their business in order to establish a partner4iip business. He worried of risking his -capital into a partnership business. Help him to clear his doubts by giving six benefits of partnership business.

Answer two question from this section

9. (a). The use of money is one approach among many use to counterbalance shortcomings of the barter trade. Describe the qualities of money which gives it superiority over the barter trade.

(b) Mr. Chapakazi wants to withdraw money from his bank account through a cheque. Although he has enough balance with his bank account, the bank teller refused to make payment against such a cheque. What could be the reasons as to why the bank teller refused to make such a payment?

10. There are people who do not buy or sell goods but offer services which facilitate trade. Without such services there would be hindrances in the exchange of goods. With the help of such services there is a continuous flow of exchange of goods and service which helps in the distribution of goods. Basing on this statement explain six auxiliary services in commerce.

11. Mr. Araphat is struggling to start business in Dodoma City, he is very much motivated t o start business as he find large number of people from different regions in the country move to the capital city, for him this is a big opportunity. He has identified five potential businesses which he is capable of dealing with, however capital is the big problem to him, as a commercial expert advises him on how to get rid of that problem.






TIME 3 Hours Friday 23 September 2022 p. m 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, sections B fifty (50) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks
  4. Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are NOT allowed in the examinations room
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write letter besides the item number in the answer booklet/sheet provided.

 (i) Suppose you are at home during the holiday, your Mother has asked you about the best meaning of commerce, which of the following is the best response that you could give her?

  1. Commerce deals with exchange of goods and services outside the country
  2. Commerce deals with distribution of goods to final users.
  3. Commerce deals with exchange of goods and services inside the country
  4. Commerce deals with exchange and distribution of goods and services
  5. Commerce means exchange of goods for goods

(ii) Amina sells juice in small quantities to final consumers after buying them in reasonable quantities from wholesalers, therefore Amina is a

  1. Wholesaler
  2. Retailer
  3. Consumer
  4. Manufacturer
  5. Producer

(iii) Meshaki is Tanzanian business who goes to Dubai to buy clothes with the aim of re-exporting. Therefore. Meshaki is a

  1. Exporter
  2. Importer
  3. Retailer
  4. Wholesaler
  5. Interposer

(iv) Mr. Drogbaimported furniture from Japan but did not pay import duty in the port authority. The port authorized and kept the furniture in the place called.

  1. Private warehouse
  2. Public warehouse
  3. Port warehouse
  4. Land warehouse
  5. Bonded warehouse

(v) Mrs.Samwel total sales during the year 2020 was Tsh. 160,000/= If profit was 20% of sales. What was the cost of goods sold during the year?

  1. Tshs.128,000/=
  2. Tshs. 160,000/=
  3. Tshs. 16,000
  4. Tshs. 126,000/=
  5. Tshs. 32,000/=

(vi) The ore, bulk or oil carriers which uses different holds to transport a mixed cargo at the same time though water transport are known as

  1. Bulk carriers vessels
  2. Chartered vessels
  3. Liner’s vessels
  4. OBO vessels
  5. Container vessels

(vii) While viewing football match via television, Wilson saw advert about comfy mattress saying only caring parents buy for children, which method of appeal has been used in such advert?

  1. Social responsibility
  2. Prestige
  3. Gender
  4. Responsibility
  5. Health

(viii) The price quotation that includes all costs to the port of destination plus unloading charges,

  1. CIF
  2. Carr. Fwd
  4. Loaded
  5. In bond

(ix) E & O.E is an abbreviation included at the foot of an invoice; it stands for

  1. Errors and omission expected
  2. Errors and omission excepted
  3. Errors and Omission accepted
  4. Errors and omission of erroneous consumers
  5. Errors and omission examined

(x) The source of finances that derived from within an organization through accumulating profit is called

  1. Factoring
  2. Trade credit
  3. Fundraising
  4. Retained earnings
  5. Share capital

(xi) Jembe, Malima and Mtani Jembe were discussing about ways of classifying goods. What do you think should be the correct response;

  1. Durable goods and perishable goods
  2. Consumer goods and producer goods
  3. Consumer goods and economic goods
  4. Producer goods and free goods
  5. Producer goods and economic goods

(xii) You are an expert of commerce and someone needs to know the correct form of transport, what should be your presentation to them?

  1. Water, land and air
  2. Water, land and railway
  3. Water, air and road
  4. Sea, railway and air
  5. Water, road and railway

(xiii) Which bank accounts will you advice a trade to open if he/she want to deposit/withdraw cash at any time and allow overdraft to its customers?

  1. Joint account
  2. Fixed account
  3. Saving account
  4. Current account
  5. Salary account

(xiv) Simba cement company Ltd has been advertising its product for almost twenty years now. It is obvious that a good number of people have already received the required information regarding the product offered, the company is still keeping on the advertising the product in order to;

  1. Persuade the customers
  2. Bridge the gap between producer and consumer
  3. Inform the public about the product
  4. Retain the market
  5. Make profit

(xv) Tanzania is one of the third world countries. It imports more than what it exports. Therefore, Tanzania has;

  1. Favourable balance of payments
  2. Favourable balance of trade
  3. Unfavourable balance of payment
  4. Unfavourable balance of trade
  5. Terms of trade

 2. Match the descriptions of types of tax in Column A with the corresponding terminology in column B by writing the letter of the correct terminology besides the item number.

Column A

Column B

(i) These are the tax by companies. For example bonite bottlers limited company

(ii) These are tax assessed and collected by the local authorities. For example municipal and district council

(iii) These are tax imposed on the properties which has increased its value when sold

(iv) These are tax imposed on the wealth of a person at the time of death

(v) A tax used to discourage consumption of harmful products like beer and cigarettes.

  1. Property tax
  2. Corporation tax
  3. Surtax
  4. Estate or death duty
  5. Capital gain tax
  6. Octoroi tax
  7. Sumptuary tax
  8. Graduated tax
  9. Value added tax


Answer all questions in this section.

3. It is urged that the evolution of money (currency) has increased social problems in the societies like corruption, inflation and classes of people. By using five (5) points argue against this statement.

4. Most small scale retailers closes their business after short period of operation, as a business expert use five(5) points to advise them how to retain their business for long time.

5. A manufacturer wishes to introduce a new washing soap. State with reasons the factors he would consider when choosing the appropriate medium of advertising (five points)

6. Assume that your house is situated neat a major road and it is assured against fire; an oil tanker passing by happen to overturn near you house and catches fire which burn down your house. Explain the steps to be taken so that you may be compensated house.

7. It is urged that increase in population is the only factor for the development of commerce in Tanzania. As a commercial expert argue against this statement by giving out five points.

SECTION C (30 marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

8. Assume that your brother is brother is operating a small business as sole proprietor. He intends to expand his business; has approached you for an advice. As a commercial expert advise him five ways of raising additional capital.

9. Mr Hillarious is a business man who conducts his business activities between Tanzania and Rwanda. He wants to transport his goods from Arusha Tanzania to Kigali Rwanda but he doesn’t know which mode of transport is the best to him, as a commercial expert advise him the factors to be considered before choosing the best mode of transport (five points)

10. Your debtors paid you a crossed cheque, on presenting it to the bank counter for payment the bank clerk made the following comments. “The draw has sufficient funds but I am sorry we cannot cash it”

  1. Explain possible (50 reasons for such comments
  2. What steps would you take to make sure that the cheque is paid?





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Friday, 9th September 2022 a.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with the total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B, and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B carries fifty (50) marks and section C carries 30 marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write Your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s). 

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.

(i) Sita bought a car on installment bases in spite of paying a down payment, a car seller did not provide Sita with car ownership until he paid the last installment. Which system of installment was applied under this transaction?

  1. Differed payment
  2. Hire purchase
  3. Deferred payment 
  4. Credit payment
  5. Bank payment.

(ii) After finishing form four, you were admitted as a partner in a family business. You contributed capital, shares profits of the partnership but you did not participate in the dayto-day management of the business. You can be described as what type of partner?

  1. Minor partner
  2. Dormant partner
  3. Quasi partner
  4. General partner
  5. Major partner.

(iii) Suppose after two years you planned to engage in cultivation of cotton and maize for sale within and outside your country. Which level of production does your business belong?

  1. Direct production
  2. Indirect production
  3. Tertiary production 
  4. Primary production 
  5. Secondary production.

(iv) A business plan is an important document needed by various parties inside and outside the organization. Which among the following does not indicate the really purpose of a business plan?

  1. To attract investors to the business
  2. To identify the correct way to carry on the business
  3. To secure additional capital for the business 
  4. To predict the future decline of the business
  5. To identify the extent of the market.

(v) Kanji of Zambia is a trader selling second hand clothes that normally buy them from China and selling them in Zambia. Which form of trade is conducted by him?

  1. Import trade
  2. Export trade
  3. Home trade
  4. Wholesale trade
  5. Retail trade.

(vi) Mr. Chuya fears to establish a business firm due to various uncertainties like fire and theft. Advise him on an aid to trade which can help him to restore his confidence and concentrate on business without any fear:

  1. Banking
  2. Marketing
  3. Insurance
  4. Warehousing
  5. Transportation.

(vii) The growth of trade and commerce in Tanzania has been contributed by many factors. Which among the following factors did not play such a role?

  1. Increase in population
  2. Growth of banking system
  3. Growth of technology
  4. Specialization of labour
  5. Production of standard goods.

(viii) “Buy one get one” was a slogan used by Coca Cola Company to encourage customers to buy their products. This form of promotion is known as:

  1. Sales promotion
  2. Public relation
  3. Advertising
  4. Personal selling 
  5. Promotional mix.

(ix) A warehouse owned by Zaka for his personal use, sometimes allows other people to store their goods and pay storage fee. This type of warehouse is referred to as:

  1. Bonded warehouse
  2. Public warehouse
  3. Manufacturer’s warehouse
  4. Wholesaler’s warehouse
  5. Private warehouse.

(x) Due to the impact of COVID-19, the price of fuel continues to rise every year. What will be the impact of a demand for cars due to that effect of price of fuel?

  1. Demand for cars will rise
  2. Demand for cars will remain the same
  3. Demand for cars and fuel will both rise 
  4. Demand for car and fuel with both decline
  5. Demand for cars will decline.

(xi) A document prepared by one company or organization to another on account of an event which gives out the results of an investigation and recommendation is known as:

  1. Minutes
  2. Reports
  3. Telegram
  4. Memo
  5. Letter.

(xii) Zika is a Tanzanian who established a money transfer application which was not there before. The machine facilitates the transfer of money between different countries around the world. Zika’s creativity is referred to as:

  1. Extension
  2. Innovation
  3. Invention
  4. Duplication
  5. Synthesis.

(xiii) Mrs. Kachiki as a house wife prepared a fresh fruits juice for her kids consumption. In which type of production does the activity done by Mrs. Kachiki belong? 

  1. Direct production
  2. Indirect production
  3. Personal services
  4. Primary production 
  5. Tertiary production.

(xiv) Mtu owns a store in Arusha. His friend visited him and found him checking and keeping a record of the number of items in stock and their values. Which stock administration function was Mtu performing?

  1. Placing of items
  2. Care of stock
  3. Stock control
  4. Stock taking
  5. Stock valuation.

(xv) Jongo has entered into a hire purchase agreement to buy a computer from a retail store over a two years period. When will he become the legal owner of the computer?

  1. After paying installment for one year
  2. Before paying installment for one year
  3. At the end of the two years installment period 
  4. Before the end of the two years installment period
  5. When the store receives his deposit.

2. Match the descriptions of the types of goods in column A with the corresponding type of goods in column B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in your answer booklet.



(i) Are the goods which are used by consumers to satisfy their needs directly

(ii) Are the goods which are used to produce other goods

(iii) Are the goods which are available for any one to use, regardless of who pays and who does not pay

(iv) Are the goods which are freely available by nature and in abundance

(v) Are the goods which last for a long period of time without being destroyed

  1. Free goods
  2. Perishable goods
  3. Producer goods
  4. Consumer goods
  5. Durable goods
  6. Public goods
  7. Private goods

 SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Gora has inherited a substantial amount of money and would like to set up a business. Explain to him five (5) factors he should take into consideration in deciding which business units to take.

4. Your house which is situated near the major road is insured against fire which may arise from within. Describe the steps that you should take in seeking compensation in the event of accident.

5. You have been employed by SBT Japan to assist the company in importation of raw materials. Explain five (5) documents that you will use while conducting your duties.

6. Various countries impose different forms of direct taxes to its citizens to generate revenue so as to fund its running expenditure. Identify five of them imposed in Tanzania.

7. (a) You have been employed as a marketing Manager by Samsung Company. Give three reasons why you should continue advertising company’s products which are already in the market?

(b) Explain two benefits that a company expects from continuing to advertise.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two (2) questions in this section

8. Before Juma a businessman decides on the methods of transport to be used in delivering goods to his customers, he must consider number of factors concerned with transportation. Describe those factors. (Six points)

9. Jio received his pension fund from NSSF this year and he is planning to start a business. Suggest to him six (6) preliminary activities that he should conduct before starting his business.

10. Tisu and Tusa are leading business partners in your community. They pay most of their creditors through cash despite being too risk. As a commercial student elaborate how they can overcome those risks by using cheque. Give five (5) points.






TIME : 3 Hours July 2022


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions

2. Answer all question in section A and B and only two questions from section C

3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B carries fifty (50) marks and section C carries thirty (30)marks

4. Communication device and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

5. Write your NAME on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternative given and write its letter beside; -

(i) ABC Co. Ltd is the main producer of plastic plates in Arusha. How best can we classify goods produced by ABC co. Ltd?

  1. Producer goods and durable goods
  2. Producer goods and Perishable goods 
  3. Consumer goods and durable goods
  4. Consumer goods and Perishable goods
  5. Manufactured goods

(ii) A Cheque which is presented to the bank before the date is called

  1. Dishonored Cheque 
  2. Postdated Cheque 
  3. Crossed Cheque 
  4. Open Cheque 
  5. State Cheque 

(iii) Series provided by the teachers,lawyers and police can be classified as:

  1. Auxiliary series 
  2. Indirect Services
  3. Public services
  4. Direct services 
  5. Personal services 

(iv) "The higher the price the lower the quantity demanded and the vice versa" According to this law of demand what factor influences the buying decisions?

  1. Level of demand 
  2. Preference and tastes 
  3. Price of related community
  4. Price of the commodity 
  5. Economic level of a person 

(v) Ms He1len wishes to purchase life assurance policy from Zanzibar lnsurance Cooperation where she can pay a premium for a specified number of years. What policy would you advise her to purchase?

  1. Endocument policy 
  2. Whole life policy 
  3. Annuity policy
  4. Group life policy 
  5. Fidelity policy 

(vi) Transport is one of the very important aids to trade as it provides a link between producer and the market for their production. As an expert provide the main form of transport.

  1. Land,air and Ocean 
  2. Air, land and land 
  3. Water, air and land
  4. Road, Railway and pipelines 
  5. Railway, water and land 

(vii) In Tanzania today many businessmen have conflicts with Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) concerning the use of Electronic Fiscal device (EFD) Machine despite ofits important in the business practice to both. As an expert what do you think can the government benefit from the use of EFD machine?

  1. The government can collect more tax than it should
  2. Enable the government to obtain income from selling those machine
  3. It can be used to transmit only sales record to the government authorities like TRA automatically.
  4. Enable the government to collect the correct amount of tax 
  5. Help the government to trade the businessmen

(viii) From a case of question number (vii),what benefit can business men get from using EFD machine?

  1. It helps to reduce tax burden to them
  2. It helps them to pay less amount of tax
  3. It helps them to get more profit from their business
  4. It helps them to get tax exemption
  5. It helps them to get sales record of the business

(ix) Kingo is the famous businessmen in Tanzania. He used to buy cars from Japan and sell them to individual customers in Tanzania. What is the best term describing the activity done by Kingo?

  1. Importer 
  2. Export trade 
  3. Import trade 
  4. A trader
  5. Home trade   

(x) Considering a case of question number (ix), what is the best term describing cars imported from Japan?

  1. Imports 
  2. vehicles 
  3. Japan's cars 
  4. Exports
  5. Foreign trade 

(xi) You are provided with the following sets of retailer, which set represents large scale retailer?

  1. Single shops, Multiple shops and departmental stores
  2. Tied shops, single shops, Hyper market
  3. Mobile shop,departmental stores, super markets 
  4. Multiple shops, departmental stores, supermarkets
  5. Super markets, Multiple shops, Tied shop.

(xii) Utalii College is the best provider of tour guide course in Tanzania. Which level of production activity does by Utalii College fulfill?

  1. Primary level 
  2. Tertiary level 
  3. Secondary level
  4. Direct level 
  5. Indirect level

(xiii) Kishoi and her family grow vegetables for their home use. What type of production done by this family?

  1. Direct production 
  2. Indirect production 
  3. Primary production
  4. Secondary production 
  5. Tertiary production 

(xiv) Bilateral trade in international trade means;

  1. A country involves in the trade with two countries only
  2. A country involves in the trade with many countries
  3. A country involves in the trade with only one country 
  4. A country does not involve in international trade 
  5. A country involves in international trade.

(xv) An entrepreneur who works while thinking of increasing sales for 10% in to two years is assumed to be in a right track. What characteristics do you think this entrepreneur has? 

  1. A rise taker 
  2. Self— confidence 
  3. Goal oriented
  4. Creative 
  5. Flexibility

2. Match the explanation of the international trade documents in column A with the documents names in column B by writing the letter of the correct answer beside the item number.



(i) A document used to inspect the quality and the prices of the goods before it had been dispatched to other country

(ii) A document which allows the bank to pass and sell the goods imported so as to recover the debt.

(iii) A document that show an agreement between the exporter and the slip owner to carry goods to their destination

(iv)The document that show the country where goods have been manufactured.

(v) A document which informs the exporter about the date at which goods will be at the port ready for lading

  1. Letter of credit
  2. Bills of lading
  3. Dock warrant
  4. Bank draft
  5. Consular invoice
  6. Certificate of original
  7. Indent

SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions In This Section

3. Differentiate the following commercial terms

(a) Business and commerce

(b) Oral communication and written communication

(c) Trade and aids to trade

(d) Fax and internet

(e) International trade and export trade.

4. "A country whose people have entrepreneurship knowledge is likely to have quick economic development" Explain five importance of entrepreneurship which reflect the above statement.

5, The coffee producer from Mtakuja village they have decided to build a warehouse this year (2022) as they expect to have more harvests than the previous years. As one of the committee member what essential factors would you advice to be considered when choosing allocation for constructing a warehouse? (Give five of them).

6. In 2022 Tanzania like any other country in the world is affected by high prices of petroleum product. This cause the price of goods and services to increase. The government announces that;it is the causes of war in Ukraine. However, the public complain that, war is not the main cause rather than high rate of taxes on the products. They asked the government to remove those taxes of which is very difficult. What type of taxes is imposed in petroleum product? Describe four advantages of such a tax.

7. (a) In the current years A- Y Ltd face a dramatic fail of its sales. The management is Malang a research to know what might be the cause. As a commercial expert help them to know four of the factors that might be the cause.

(b) From the following demand and supply schedule for sugar, draw up a combined demand and supply curves. Clearly show / Indicate equilibrium point. equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.

Quantity demanded (kg)

Quantity supplied (kg)

Price (TZ)





















SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer TWO questions from this section

8. In the modern business, communication becomes one of the important tools to ensure effective and efficient use of human resource in the business firm as item provide harmony working environment. However, it is not always possible to have effective communication in the firm. Describe at least six barriers to effective communication.

9. Many with money (currencies) from one point to another during any business activity increases the risks of the money to be stolen. This makes businessmen shift from using cash payment to other means of payment which are move safe. Identify any six means of payment commonly used in Tanzania today

10. Many businessmen in Tanzania are shifting from running the business inform of sole proprietorship to a company due to many benefits associated with company over sole proprietorship. Analyze at least five advantages of company over proprietorship.







TIME:3 HOURS 05/07/2022


l. This paper consists of sections A,B and C with total of 10 questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any TWO questions from section C.

3.Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in

examination room.

4. Write your examination number in every page of your answer booklet(s).


Answer all questions in this section

I .For each of the items (i) — (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) By being a form four students of 17 years old, you want to be admitted in one of the partnership dealing with selling of books. In which type of partners would you fit?

  1. Dormant partner
  2. Quasi partner
  3. Active partner
  4. Minor partner
  5. General partner

(ii) Suppose you are self-employed in carpentry activities but you have spent two days to produce dining table for your family; in which category does the production of such table be grouped?

  1. Tertiary production
  2. Indirect production
  3. Direct production
  4. Direct services
  5. Indirect services

(iii) Which method would Tanzania adopt if she wants to completely restrict importation of sugar from Zambia?

  1. Imposing heavy import duties
  2. Total ban
  3. Provision of custom drawback
  4. Using government agencies
  5. Fixing import quotas

(iv) Mpopo is a large scale retailer who wants to identify the fast moving goods in his business. Which stock calculation will Mpopo apply to arrive at correct identification?

  1. Average stock
  2. Mark up percentage
  3. Cost of goods sold
  4. Margin percentage
  5. Rate of stock turn

(v) Some entrepreneurs debated that internal motivation in entrepreneurship is wastage of resources. Which statement evidences that internal motivation is an important aspect in entrepreneurship?

  1. It creates employment opportunity to workers
  2. It reduces regional development imbalance
  3. It stimulates employees to accomplish the desired goals
  4. It assists decision making in a business
  5. It encourages consumption of local resources in production

(vi) Which of the following would you use to send fresh fruits and vegetables from Arusha to Canada as an exporter from Tanzania?

  1. Water transport
  2. Road transport
  3. Railway transport
  4. Pipeline transport
  5. Air transport

(vii) Self-services is a common feature of a

  1. Chain store
  2. Single shop
  3. Supermarket
  4. Tied shop
  5. Multiple shop

(viii) The following are factors to be considered when selecting a channel of distribution EXCEPT:

  1. Nature of product
  2. Nature of market
  3. Nature of middlemen
  4. Nature of entrepreneur
  5. Nature of competition

(ix) Are warehouses which are owed by the government and. individual and to anyone wishing to hire them for a certain charge.

  1. Bonded warehouses
  2. Private warehouses
  3. Wholesalers warehouses
  4. Retailers warehouses
  5. Public warehouses

(xv) The safety means of payment that is being recommended to businessmen is by:

  1. Cheques
  2. Bank draft
  3. M-pesa/Airtel money a
  4. Computers
  5. Cash

2. Match the following items by writing the letter of the correct meaning from list B against the number of item in list A



i) The name, mark, symbol or sign given to a product with the aim of identifying the product and differentiate it from the competitor's product

ii) Involves anything that can be offered in the market for attention, acquisition or use, normally involves goods or services

iii) A part of brand which is given legal protection but it is capable of exclusive appropriation

iv) A part of brand which can be pronounced when a buyer orders for a product.

v) Refers to the exclusive legal rights to reproduce, publish and sell product in the form of literacy or artistic work.

  1. Brand name
  2. Copy rights
  3. Brand
  4. Products
  5. Trade mark
  6. Branding
  7. Symbols
  8. Market research
  9. Standardizing
  10. Marketing Mix

(SECTION B 50 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. Mr. Kazimoto plans to establish fish industry in Mwanza city, but he is worrying on how to raise capital for his business. Briefly explain to him any five (5) possible sources of capital.

4. For a foreign business communication to be effective, there must be clear understanding between the communication parts. Briefly explain five (5) barriers to effective communication.

5. (a) Draw the supply curves to show an increase in supply of maize and state the effect of an increase in supply on equilibrium prices and equilibrium quantity.

(b) Draw the supply curves to show a decrease in supply of maize and state the effect of a decrease in supply of maize on equilibrium prices and equilibrium quantity.

6. Storage facility is one of the problems facing mobile shop traders in Tanzania. The solution towards this problem is to hire a space in private warehouses. Briefly elaborate to the four types of private warehouses and advise them the one which is suitable for their business

7. The following information was extracted from the books of Nyakamande a wholesaler for the financial year ending 3 1 st May 2020.

Closing stock



Gross profit



Net purchase



Cost of goods sold



Cash in hand



Calculate the following:

(i) Opening stock

(ii) Net sales

(iii) Average stock

(iv) Rate of stock turn

(v) Margin as percentage


Answer only TWO (2) questions in this section.

8. A good transport facility in business is regarded as blood vessels in the human body. Justify this statement with six importance of a good transport facilities in business.

9. Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of coordinating the effort of people to accomplish the desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. As a commercial student explain five (5) importance of management

10. Suppose your name have been shortlisted by SIDO (Small Industries Development Organization) as a job applicant under research and development department. An interviewer asked you to explain the contributions of innovation towards business success. What would be your response? (give six points).







Time: 3 Hours        April 2021


  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  4. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your examination number on every page of your Answer booklet(s).


 Answer all questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv) choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number on the answer sheet provided

(i) Mr. Charles Lugolola is a trader selling second hand clothes that normally buying them from Dubai and selling them Dar es salaam-Tanzania. Which type of trade Mr. Charles Lugolola conducting?

  1. Retail trade 
  2. Export trade 
  3. Wholesale trade 
  4. Import trade 
  5. Home trade

(ii) Which is the correct reason for the movement along the demand curve?

  1. Change in taste and fashion
  2. Change in people’s level of income
  3. Change in the price of the commodity
  4. Change in the demand of the other goods
  5. Change in the value for money

(iii) Martine was complaining that he was one among the lower income earners but his salary is always been deducted more than higher income earners. Which do you think is the method that has been used by his institution to deduct his salary?

  1. Progressive taxation method
  2. Regressive taxation method
  3. Indirect taxation method
  4. Proportional taxation method
  5. Poor taxation method

(iv) Ms. Neema is a retailer with her retail shop in Dodoma town. She took insurance cover of her pick-up that she always uses to collects her goods from the wholesalers’ warehouses. One day she got fire accident in her shop. She went to claim for compensation but the insurer refuses to do so. Which principle of insurance has been used by insurer to refuse to compensate her?

  1. Utmost good faith
  2. Subrogation
  3. contribution
  4. Insurable interest
  5. Indemnity.

(v) Which one among the following is the correct classification of warehouses?

  1. Private warehouse, bonded warehouse and wholesalers warehouses
  2. Bonded warehouse, private warehouse and retailers warehouse
  3. Public warehouses, private warehouses and bonded warehouse
  4. Public warehouses, bonded warehouses and producers warehouses
  5. Wholesalers warehouses, retailers warehouses and manufacturers warehouses

(vi) If there was a farmer who had wheat and wanted salt he had to find one who had salt and wanted wheat, this is an example of:

  1. Difficult in transporting immobile items.
  2. Invisibility of some items.
  3. Lack of store of value.
  4. Need of double coincidence of wants.
  5. Lack of measure of value.

(vii) Which of the following is not a feature of free goods?

  1. They are not scare
  2. They are not produced by human effort
  3. They are not transferable in terms of ownership
  4. They lack exchange value
  5. They are transferable in terms of ownership

(viii) Nearly every journey involves junctions where we can transfer from one form of transport to another, in this case we are referring to:

  1. The way
  2. The unit of carriage
  3. The terminal
  4. The unit of propulsion
  5. None of the above.

(ix) All the qualities of good money are important, but the most important quality of good money is:

  1. Durability
  2. Divisibility
  3. Portability
  4. Cognisability
  5. General acceptability

(x) The following statements are true of a bill of exchange which one is not?

  1. It must be signed by the drawee
  2. It must bear appropriate stamp duty
  3. It must be signed by the drawer
  4. It must be payable on demand
  5. It must be unconditional

(xi) The surrender value of a life assurance policy is

  1. A penalty payable to the insurance company because of late payment of the premium
  2. The minimum value of an insurance cover in order to be acceptable by the insurance company
  3. The amount a person surrenders when his policy expires
  4. The amount a person will receive if he cashes his life assurance policy before the date of its maturity
  5. The actual amount paid by the insurance company in case of a motor accident

(xii) The process of giving a particular name to a product is called

  1. Pre-packaging
  2. Trade naming
  3. Pre-packing
  4. Branding
  5. Retailing

(xiii) A delcredere agent

  1. receives longer credit terms from his principals in consideration of higher trade discount
  2. Obtains higher commission as he guarantees payment for goods sold on behalf of his principals
  3. Handles only imported goods of high standing
  4. Receive longer credit terms from his principals in consideration of lower trade discount
  5. Is given credit from his principals but himself sales only by cash

(xiv) Aids to trade may be defined as the activities aimed at

  1. Assisting the consumers directly
  2. Making the work of those involved in manufacturing of essential goods easy
  3. Helping producers directly
  4. Bridging the gap between the producer and a consumer
  5. Helping retailers directly

(xv) If Tanzania exports more goods to Rwanda than she imports from the same country, her

  1. Overall balance of trade is favourable
  2. Balance of trade with Rwanda is favourable
  3. Balance of trade with Rwanda is unfavourable
  4. Balance of payments is bound to be favourable
  5. Balance of payments with Rwanda is bound to be favourable
  1. Match the items of list A with the corresponding items in list B by writing the letter of the correct item in the space provided



  1. Low-income individuals paying a higher percentage of their income on taxes than high-income individuals.
  2. Payment made by users of public services on government cost sharing in health and education.
  3. The tax for the company operations.
  4. Tax determined on the basis of the value of goods.
  5. Penalties imposed by government against law breakers.
  1. Corporate taxes
  2. Indirect Tax
  3. Direct Tax
  4. Fees
  5. Foreign Investment
  6. Ad valorem duty
  7. Fines
  8. PAYE
  9. Progressive Tax
  10. Regressive Tax


Answer all questions from this section

3. Given the following information

Opening stock …………………………………………………. Tsh 120,000

Net purchases ………………………………………………….. Tsh 150,000

Closing stock ………………………………………………….. Tsh 100,000

Net sales ……………………………………………………… . Tsh 300,000

Compute the following

  1. Cost of goods sold
  2. Gross profit
  3. Gross profit margin
  4. Gross profit mark up

4. What do you understand with the following?

(a) Management

(b) Amalgamation

(c) Quasi partner

(d) Co-operative society

(e) Prospectus

5. (a) Enumerate five ways in which the community benefits from learning business studies.

(b) State five differences between direct and indirect production.

6. You have been appointed as manager of Twiga cement Company in Tanzania, this comes as the strategy to improve the performance of the company following its failure to meet their pre-determined goals, with five points explain what you will do to realize good standard of service of your company

7. (a) Briefly explain five services that are rendered by middlemen to producers in the chain of distribution.

(b) Mention five factors that may inhibit entrepreneurial development in a country.


Answer two question form this section

8. (a) It is often argued that in a commercial system such as that existing in Tanzania a wholesaler cannot be eliminated. Justify.

(b) Describe under what circumstances banks will dishonor a cheque even if the drawer has enough money in his account.

9. There those people who do not buy or sell goods but offer services which facilitate trade. Without such services there would be hindrances in the exchange of goods. With the help of such services there is a continuous flow of exchange of goods and service which helps in the distribution of goods. Basing on this statement explain six auxiliary services in commerce.

9. Mr. Araphat is struggling to start business in Dodoma City, he is very much motivated to start business as he find large number of people from different regions in the country move to the capital city, to him this is a big opportunity. He has identified five potential businesses which he is capable of dealing with, however capital is the big problem to him, as an expert advises him on how to get rid to his problem.






Time: 3:00 Hrs Friday 7, August 2020 pm


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets.

SECTION A, (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number

i. An overdraft exists when

  1. A current account shows deposits without withdrawals
  2. A current account shows more deposits than withdrawals
  3. A loan has been granted by a bank to a customer
  4. The balance in current falls below the specified amount
  5. A current account shows larger amount of withdrawals than deposit

ii. Which one of the following is NOT true about a bill of exchange?

  1. It must be accepted by the drawee
  2. It must bear appropriate stamp duty
  3. It must be signed by the drawer
  4. It must be payable on demand
  5. It can be paid at a stated future date

iii. The principal document in an insurance contract is

  1. Policy 
  2. Cover note
  3. C Proposal form 
  4. Certificate
  5. Premium

iv. If employer wishes to pay a number of employees with one cheque he may use

  1. Standing order 
  2. Credit transfer
  3. Traveler’s cheque 
  4. Credit card
  5. Money order

v. A credit note is issued to correct

  1. Any error in an invoice 
  2. An overcharge in an invoice
  3. An undercharge in an invoice 
  4. An overcharge in a statement
  5. An undercharge in a statement

vi. The function which is NOT usually performed by a retailer is

  1. Transport goods 
  2. Storage of goods
  3. Advice to customer 
  4. Changing the form of goods
  5. Selling goods to the wholesaler

vii. The most suitable type of account for a businessman is

  1. A saving account 
  2. A current account
  3. A deposit account 
  4. A contract saves account
  5. A company account

viii. The list of documents prepared in the course of commercial transaction in the right order of being raised is

  1. Order, inquiry, quotation, invoice, statement, receipt.
  2. Quotation, inquiry, invoice, order, cheque, statement
  3. Inquiry, quotation, order, invoice, statement, cheque
  4. Quotation, inquiry, order, invoice, cheque, statement
  5. Inquiry, order, quotation, invoice, statement, cheque

ix. The group which represents a broad classification of human occupations is

  1. Commerce, production and aids to trade
  2. Trade and aids to trade
  3. Banking, insurance and transportation
  4. Extractive, manufacturing and constructive industries
  5. Industrial and tertiary

x. If Tanzania exports more goods to Uganda than she imports from the same country her balanceof

  1. Trade is favourable 
  2. Trade is unfavourable
  3. Payment is favourable 
  4. Payment is unfavourable
  5. Trade and payment are favourable

xi. A marketing board is a board set up to

  1. Advise cooperatives only
  2. Deal with exports
  3. Buy goods from importers and sell them
  4. Buy products from producers and sell them
  5. Export manufactured goods

xii. Which of the following is the benefit of sole traders over limited companies?

  1. They have unlimited liability
  2. They do not pay VAT
  3. They find it easier to raise capital
  4. They make decisions quickly
  5. They have no risks associated with their personal assets

xiii. Which of the following industries are concerned with obtaining raw materials from natural resources?

  1. Constructive industries 
  2. Manufacturing industries
  3. Building industries 
  4. Mining industries
  5. Extractive industries

xiv. One method of discouraging imports is to

  1. Remove tariffs system 
  2. Encourage free trade
  3. Impose high taxes on exports 
  4. Remove tax on import
  5. Impose high tariffs on import

xv. The term “ Legal Tender “ means

  1. The form of money that a creditor must accept from a debtor in settlement of a debt
  2. A right to supply goods to an institution for a period of time
  3. A lawyer can pay money legally to his client
  4. The form of money that a creditor has a right to refuse in settlement of a debt
  5. The right to make settlement on any unpaid debts

2. Match the item in column “A” with the responses in column “B” by writing the letter on the correct response beside the item number.



i. Document issued by an airline company to act as a contract of carriage by the airline company and contract to pay freight charges by the sender of goods.

ii. Document issued by insurance company after the payment of the premium by the insured.

iii. Tax levied on import or export.

iv. The document clearly states the rules and regulations that guide the internal operation of the company.

v. Document that empowers the public limited company to start operating.

  1. Cover note
  2. Memorandum of association
  3. Article of association
  4. Proposal form
  5. Import and export tax
  6. Certificate of trading
  7. Freight charges
  8. Certificate of incorporation
  9. Customs duty
  10. Airway bills

SECTION B, (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. You have been invited in a seminar about Taxation conducted by Tanzania Revenue Authority. The main theme of the seminar is “the effects of taxation” at the end of the seminar, you will be required to present to your fellow students the positive and negative effects of taxation in an economy. Summarize your presentation by showing the:-

  1. Three positive effects of taxation and
  2. Two negative effects of taxation

4. Write short notes on the following terms;

  1. VAT
  2. Taxation
  3. Regressive tax system
  4. Progressive tax system
  5. Joint demand

5. Write short notes on the following items

  1. Money
  2. Banking
  3. Marketing
  4. Parastatals

6. Can we eliminate the wholesaler? Give five reasons to support your answer.

7. (a) What is cheque?

(b) Give four reasons for a cheque to be dishonoured

SECTION C, (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section

8. Why is it necessary for a country to be as self-sufficient as possible?

9. Give reasons why taxation is compulsory in our country.

10. a) Explain the factors to be considered when identifying a business opportunity.

b) Explain five business opportunities which are more profitable in Tanzania.



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