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1.0 Using Mathematical language to present ideas so as to solve real-life problems (Part One)1.1 Using the concept of numbers to communicate ideas in different situationsa) Identify the place value of digits in whole numbers not exceeding 1 000 000 000 b) Reading whole numbers written in words and numerals not exceeding 1 000 000 000 c) Reading whole numbers written as numerals
1.0 Using Mathematical language to present ideas so as to solve real-life problems (Part One)1.1 Using the concept of numbers to communicate ideas in different situationsd) Writing whole numbers in numerals e) Writing whole numbers not exceeding 1 000 000 000 in words
1.0 Using Mathematical language to present ideas so as to solve real-life problems (Part One)1.1 Using the concept of numbers to communicate ideas in different situationsf) Addition of whole numbers without regrouping and by regrouping them to get a sum not exceeding 1 000 000 000 g) Subtraction of whole numbers up to 1 000 000 000 without regrouping and by regrouping them
1.0 Using Mathematical language to present ideas so as to solve real-life problems (Part One)1.1 Using the concept of numbers to communicate ideas in different situationsh) Multiplying whole numbers to get a product not exceeding 1 000 000 000
1.0 Using Mathematical language to present ideas so as to solve real-life problems (Part One)1.1 Using the concept of numbers to communicate ideas in different situationsi) Dividing whole numbers not exceeding 1 000 000 000 with a divisor not exceeding 100 000 without a remainder j) Dividing whole numbers with the dividend not exceeding 1 000 000 000 with a remainder.
2.0 Apply skills of reasoning and proof in real-life situations (Part One)2.1 Apply skills of pattern skills to solve real-life problemsa) Applying the BODMAS rule in simplifying Mathematical problems involving operations of numbers b) Identifying ratios of different items

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