(i) Which of the following mineral salts is required by plants in large quantities? 

  1. Calcium
  2. Zinc
  3. Copper
  4. Iron

ii) Which of the following foods should be added to the diet of a person suffering from scurvy?

  1.  Groundnuts 
  2. Orange
  3.  Cassava 
  4. Fish

(iii)A term which describes organisms with similar nutritional habits is known as:

  1. community 
  2.  trophic level
  3. food chain 
  4. food web

(iv)   The movement of bulk fluid materials along a vessel or tube is termed as:.......

  1. transport
  2. osmosis
  3. mass flow
  4. oxidant.

(v)Which of the following labels indicates a substance which catches fire easily? .....

  1. Corrosive 
  2.  Flammable 
  3.  Harmful 
  4.  Oxidant

(vi)Which of the following types of waste cannot be recycled? ......... .

  1. paper
  2. metal scraps
  3. used syringe
  4. plastics

(vii)A respiratory surface of fish is called: ........... 

  1. gills 
  2.  spiracle
  3. fins 
  4.  operculum

(viii)A structure which encloses and protects the inner parts of a cell is called: ............ .

  1. cell wall
  2. chloroplast
  3. cell membrane 
  4.  nucleus

(ix)A communicable disease which affects a large number of people in a short period of time at a given locality is referred as: ...............

  1. Pandemic 
  2.  endemic
  3. sporadic
  4. epidemic

(x)Why are bats and birds not placed in the same species while they are closely related organisms? ...............

  1. They cannot interbreed to produce a fertile offspring
  2. They can interbreed to produce a fertile offspring
  3. One lays eggs and another can give birth
  4. One possesses feathers and another short beak.

2.For each of the items (i) - (x), write True if a statement is correct or False if the statement is not correct in a space provided.

(i) People living with HIV/AIDS should be isolated from the community

(ii)A microscope is an instrument that is used to magnify large objects

(iii)Kingdom is the highest rank of classification 

(iv)In ecosystem herbivores feed on carnivores 

(v) Inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled air ...............

(vi) Liverwort is a representative member of kingdom fungi ............ 

(vii)Ventricles have thicker walls than the auricles .. 

(viii)Colon is a special site for absorption ofdigested food materials ... ...

(ix)Unicellular organisms are made up of one cell only ...............

(x)Poor waste disposal may cause accidents at home and school . . . . . .

3.Match the phrase in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response in List B below the corresponding phrase number of List A in a table provided.

(i)The process by which solvent molecules move from a region of high solvent concentration to a region of low solvent concentration through a selectively permeable membrane.
(ii)The process by which particles move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.

(iii)An extended epidermal cell in plants which absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil.

(iv)The tissue which transports manufactured food from the leaves to the other plant parts.

(v)A process by which red blood cells burst due to water gain by osmosis when placed in hypotonic solution.
  1. Diffusion
  2. Root hair
  3. Plasmolysis
  4. Xylem
  5. Phloem
  6. Haemolysis
  7. Capillarity
  8. Osmosis

4.Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

(i)A temporary treatment carried out to a sick person before arriving to the hospital is termed as . 

(ii)Turning waste into useful products is termed as . 

(iii)A place where solid waste is buried in the ground is called .......... . 

(iv)An involuntary ejection of substances from the stomach through the mouth is called . 

(v)The combustion of waste at high temperature is known as ...............


5. (a) State the meaning ofthe following terms as used in Biology.

(i)A cell ..


(iii)Organ ............

(b) Draw a large diagram of an animal cell and label two parts.

6. Define the following terms used in the study of Balance of nature.

(i)Biotic component

(ii)Abiotic component

(b) Give two examples of each of the following group of organism in trophic levels:

  1. Producers
  2. Primary Consumers
  3. Decomposers

7.Study the sculpture of a villus below and then answer the questions that follow:

(a) In which part of the alimentary canal is villus found? ... ... 

(b) Name the parts labelled with letters A, B and C

(c) State three adaptations of the villus for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.

8.If you put a piece of bread in a wet cupboard after a few days the bread will be covered with organisms called Fungi.

(a) Give a common name of these fungi which grow on bread .

(b) Outline three Phyla of the Kingdom Fungi.

(c) Outline five advantages of the kingdom Fungi.

9.(a) Define the following terms:

(i)Aerobic respiration ... ... ... ... ...

(ii)Anaerobic respiration 

(b) Mention three products of anaerobic respiration in yeast cell.

(c) Write a balanced equation that summarizes the process of aerobic respiration.


10. Explain the importance of studying Biology. Give six points.

11. Gonorrhea is a bacterial disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhea. Elaborate:(a) Its transmission

(b)Six symptoms

(c)Six preventive measures

(d)Its treatment




(i) Which structure differentiates euglena from other members of the Kingdom Protista?

  1. Possession of flagellum
  2. Possession of chloroplast
  3. Possession of antennae
  4. Possession of cell wall

(ii) The feeding relationship represented by the sequences of organisms "Green Plants -->Grsshopper --> Frog"  is called:

  1. Food web
  2. Interaction
  3. Food chain
  4. Pyramid

(iii) Which of the following blood groups is a universal recipient?

  1. B
  2. AB
  3. A
  4. O

(iv)When a solution is mixed with Benedicts solution, the food substances that change in colour from blue to green to yellow and finally orange colouration after boiling is called:

  1. starch
  2. protein
  3. reducing sugar
  4. lipids

(v)Insufficient food rich in protein to children especially infants result into nutritional deficiency disease called.

  1. Marasmus
  2. Obesity
  3. Kwashiorkor
  4. Ricketts

(vi)The structure of a leaf that allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse into and out of the leaf during gaseous exchange is known as:

  1. cuticle
  2. epidermis
  3. mesophyll
  4. stomata

(vii)The blood vessel which carries blood from the lungs to the heart is called:

  1. pulmonary artery
  2. vena cava
  3. pulmonary vein
  4. renal vein

(viii)Which one of the following are examples of animal tissues?

  1. Muscle, blood and bone
  2. Brain, bone and liver
  3. Skin, heart and brain
  4. Muscle, liver and skin

(ix)What does the concept of good health imply?

  1. A state of physical, sexual and mental fitness
  2. Being physically, mentally and socially fi
  3. A state of family well being
  4. Reproductive health and family care

(x)First Aid given to a victim of electric shock is meant to:

  1. keep the victim moving
  2. send the patient to the hospital
  3. provide the victim with fluids
  4. lie down with his/her feet higher than head

2.For each of the items (i) - (x), write True if a statement is correct or False if a statement is not correct in the space provided.

(i) Botany is the study of animals . ...

(ii) Gaseous exchange in mammals takes place in the nose and mouth

(iii)One enzyme can act on several food substances ...............

(iv)During inhalation the ribs move upwards and outwards...............

(v) Anemia is a condition in which a patient has few erythrocytes .

(vi) Landfill is a way of disposing domestic wastes ...............

(vii)Amylase is an enzyme which acts on protein ...............

(viii)Consumers in the ecosystem produce their own food...............

(ix)Syphilis is a communicable disease ...............

(x)All bacteria are harmful to man ...............

3.Match the phrases in List A with the responses in List B by writing the correct letter of the response in List B below the item number of List A in the table provided.


(i)A disease transmitted through sexual intercourse and treated by antibiotics.

(ii)A viral disease transmitted through sexual intercourse.

(iii)A disease characterized by fever and coughing up blood sputum.

(iv)A disease spread by an agent know as anopheles.

(v)A disease caused by lack of proper hygiene and victim had a stool of rice-water colouration.

  1.  Cholera
  2.  Typhoid
  3.  AIDS
  4.  Malaria
  5.  Syphilis
  6.  Common cold
  7.  Schistosoma
  8. Tuberculosis

4.Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.

(i)A taxonomic rank of organisms which interbreed freely and give rise to viable offspring are known as ..........

(ii)The type of classification which is based on few observed features is called .

(iii)The highest rank of classification is known as ........

(iv)The process of sorting living things into groups is called .........

(v) The process of giving organisms scientific names is known as ..........


5.(a) Outline seven steps of the scientific process used by scientists in scientific investigation.

(b)Why is a hand lens useful in studying Biology?

6.Define the following terms:




(b)Give two examples for each ofthe following group ofparasitic organisms:



7. (a) State the meaning of the terms "tissue" as used in Biology.

(b)Arrange the following terms in a sequential order from simple to complex: Tissue, Organism, Organ, Cell and System

(c)Outline two differences between plant cell and animal cell

8.Figure 1 represents a part of the digestive system of a mammal. Study it carefully then answer the questions that follow:

Fig. 1

(a) Name the parts lebelled with the letters A, B, C, D, E and F

(b)Name two enzymes secreted by the part labelled with letter F(c)State the role of any one of the enzyme secreted by the part labelled F.

9.(a) Mention three structures used for gaseous exchange in land plants

(b)Briefly explain how the structure of a leaf is adapted to allow rapid gaseous exchange.

(c)Name the product of anaerobic respiration in human being muscles.


10. Describe how you can provide First Aid to a person who has been "bitten by a snake" and the one who has "fainted during ground parade".

11. With the aid of a diagram, describe the structure of each of the types of blood cells and give one function for each.




(i)Cholera is a disease transmitted by an organism called

  1. flea
  2. housefly
  3. mosquito
  4. bacteria

(ii)Zoology is defined as the study of:

  1. animals
  2. fungi
  3. plants
  4. cells

(iii)The root-like structure of a moss plant which provides anchorage to the ground is called

  1. capsule
  2. spores
  3. seta
  4. rhizoids

(iv)A place where organisms are found is known as:

  1. society
  2.  community
  3. habitat 
  4.  niche

(v)A secretion containing enzymes which digest both proteins and carbohydrates is knowns as:

  1. bile 
  2.  mucus
  3.  pancreatic juice 
  4.  saliva

(vi)Which of the following cell structures differentiates an animal cell from a plant cell?

  1. cytoplasm
  2. cell wall
  3. pancreatic juice
  4. nucleus

(vii)The valve separating the left auricle and left ventricle is called

  1. biscuspid valve
  2. semilunar valve
  3. tricuspid valve
  4. septum valve

(viii)Fire accident can be caused by the following except:

  1. electric fault.
  2. burning of candles
  3. burning of charcoal stove
  4. smoking in areas selected as smoking zones

(ix)Oxygen passing from the atmosphere into the blood of a mammal takes one of the following routes:

  1. bronchi - bronchioles - trachea - alveoli.
  2. trachea - bronchioles - bronchi - alveoli.
  3. trachea - bronchi - bronchioles - alveoli.
  4. bronchioles - bronchi - trachea - alveoli.

(x)The correct hierarchical order of grouping organisms is:

  1. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
  2. Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species.
  3. Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom.
  4. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Species, Genus.

2.In each of the following statements, write TRUE if a statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i) Beriberi, gonorrhoea and syphilis are diseases caused by bacteria .......„

 (ii) Blood capillaries are narrow and their walls are one cell thick ......... 

(iii) Rickets is prevented by increasing the amount of vitamin D in a diet

(iv)Anaerobic respiration uses oxygen while aerobic respiration does not use oxygen .....

(v)Gaseous exchange surface must have large alveoli .........

(vi)Scientists use beam balance to measure volume .........

(vii)A person with blood group AB is called universal donor .........

(viii)Heartburn is a disorder of digestive system.........

(ix)Photosynthesis uses water and releases oxygen .........

(x)It is useless to keep a First Aid Kit at schools .........

3.Match the phrases in List A with the responses in List B by writing the correct letter of the response in List B below the item number of List A in the table provided.


(i)The highest rank of classification.

(ii)A group of organism which can interbreed ti produce viable offspring.

(iii)A sub group of Kingdom Plantae in which fern plant belongs

(iv)A group of genera with similar characteristics.

(v)A sub division of a highest group of classification.

(vi)A sub group of kingdom Fungi in which bread mold belongs

(vii)A sub group of Kingdom Fungi in which Mushroom belongs.

(viii) A sub group of Kingdom Fungi in which yeast belongs.

(ix)The highest group in which Bacteria belongs.

(x)A sub group of Kingdom Plantae in which mosses belong.

  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Species
  5. Family
  6. Genus
  7. Order
  8. Kingdom Monera
  9. Division Pteridophyta
  10. Division Bryophyta
  11. Kingdom Plantae
  12.  Phylum Zygomycota
  13. Phylum Basidiomycota
  14. Phylum Ascomycota
  15.  Kingdom Protoctista

4.Figure 1 represents a diagram of simple animal cell. Study the diagram then, answer the questions that follow:

Figure 1

(a)  Name the parts labelelled with letter A, B and C.

(b)  Give the function of the part labelled by letter C.

(c)  Give three differences between animal cell and plant cell.

5.(a) Define the following terms:

(i) Laboratory .............

(ii) Biology ................ 

 (iii) Test tube ............  (iv) Botany . 

(b)  State the uses of each of the following laboratory apparati

(i)Microscope .......... 

(ii)Thermometer ......

(iii) Test tube holder ........ .... 

6.What is the meaning of the following terms:

(i)Food chain ................ 

(ii)Trophic levels ......... .

(b)  Construct a food chain using the following organisms: Sheep, Lion, Maize plant and Bacteria.

7.Name four parts of the human alimentary canal.

(b)  Give any three adaptations of ileum for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.

8.(a) Mention four basic principles of waste disposal.

 (b) State three effects of poor waste disposal to the community.


9.  Explain three symptoms of hypertension and describe two measures that may help to prevent hypertension in human being.

10.  Explain the cause, two symptoms, transmissions and prevention measures of cholera.




(i)The following are methods involved when scientists study things systematically except:

  1. Identifying the problem
  2. Guess the conclusion
  3. Formulating hypothesis
  4. Experimentation

(ii)Which part of a microscope is responsible for magnification of a specimen?

  1. Mirror
  2. Eyepiece
  3. Stage
  4. Base

(iii)Which step will you first take when giving First Aid to a bus accident victim who has severe bleeding?

  1. Wash the wound with plenty of water to remove blood.
  2. Loosen the tightened clothes to supply oxygen to the victim.
  3. Use your finger to apply pressure direct to the bleeding point.
  4. Ask the person to go to hospital immediately.

(iv)A viral disease transmitted through sexual intercourse is known as.

  1. gonorrhoea
  2. typhoid
  3. AIDS
  4. small pox

(v)In the human digestive system the stomach is known as:

  1. a tissue
  2. a cell
  3. an organ
  4. an organism

(vi) Which of the following is not a proper method of waste disposal?

  1. Use of landfill
  2. Make pit latrine
  3. Recycling of materials
  4. Burning plastic waste at home

(vii)An organism with a rigid protective wall made up of chitin material is a representative of which Kingdom?

  1. Fungi
  2. Monera
  3. Plantae
  4. Protoctista

(viii)The disease and disorder of the human circulatory system includes:

  1. Arteriosclerosis and heart burn
  2. Blood pressure and sickle cell anemia
  3. Blood pressure and oedema
  4. Leukemia and heart burn.

(ix)The end product offat/lipids in digestion process is called:

  1. Amino acid
  2. Peptide
  3. Glucose
  4. Fatty acids and glycerol

(x)The product of anaerobic respiration process in animals is:

  1. uric acid
  2. lactic acid
  3. sulfuric acid
  4. hydrochloric acid

2.Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

i) A microscope is an instrument used to observe small objects which cannot be seen by using our naked eyes .........

(ii) Plant cells possess cellulose cell walls while animal cells do not .........

(iii)We can use dry wooden stick to move a victim of electric shock from the source of electric current. .........

(iv)Botanists study both plants and animals .........

(v)It is safe to warm the room by using charcoal when people are sleeping the whole night inside the room .........

(vi) Onions store food in leaves while carrots store food in root tubers .........

(vii) Gaseous exchange in fish takes place through spiracles .........

(viii)Materials which can be recycled include aluminium cans and magazines

(ix)All living things are made up of small units known as cells .........

(x)Biology is the study of non-living things .........

3.Match the phrases in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response from List B below the item number of List A in the table provided.



(i) A term used for organisms with four chambered stomach.

(ii) Malnutritional disorder caused by deficiency of protein in children.

(iii)Enzymes responsible for digestion of protein.

(iv)Malformation of bones caused by deficiency of vitamin "D" in the diet.

(v)Failure to see in dim light due to deficiency of vitamin A" in a diet.

Painful sensation caused by regurgitation of stomach contents.

(vii) Bleeding of gums and poor healing of the wound due to deficiency of vitamin "C".

(viii)Painful sore in the lining of the digestive


(ix)The substance responsible for coagulation of milk.

(x)A person has loss of appetite, and loss of nervous sensation due to deficiency of vitamin "Bl" in a diet.

  1.  Night .blindness
  2. Scurvy
  3. Pepsin
  4. Pellagra
  5. Beri-beri
  6. Ulcers
  7. Rickets
  8. Kwashiorkor 
  9. Marasmus 
  10. Dental caries
  11. Heartburn
  12. Rennin
  13. Anorexia nervosa
  14. Ruminants
  15. Bulimia nervosa


4.(a) List the major groups of living organisms. (Mention 5)

(b)Figure 1 represents an organism which feeds on dead organic matter. Study the diagram carefully then answer the questions that follow:

(i)What is the name of organisms in Figure 1?

(ii)Name the part labelled with letter A.

(iii) Mention the Phylum in which the organism you named in (a) (i) belongs.

(c) Outline two disadvantages of Kingdom Fungi.

5.What do you understand by the term "Personal hygiene"?

(b) State four principles of personal hygiene. (c) State four principles of good manners:

6.Define the following terms:

(i) Diffusion (ii) Osmosis

(b) Explain why a red blood cell immersed in a low concentrated solution bursts?

(c) State one function of each of the following blood cells:

(i) Red blood cells (Erythrocytes) (ii) Platelets

7.(a) What is First Aid?

(b) List four components of the First Aid Kit.

(c) State the procedures of giving First Aid to a person who has been bitten by a snake.

8.Define the terms "food chain" and "food web" as used in Biology.

(b) Construct a food chain by using the following organisms:

Grasses, Snake, Grasshopper, Frog.

(c) Explain the significance of food chain and food web in the real life situation. (Mention 2)


9. Explain the causes, mode of transmission and prevention measures of cholera as one of the communicable diseases in Tanzania.

10. Describe the causes, mode of transmission and prevention measures of Tuberculosis disease in the respiratory system.

(i) Which of the following is the second step of scientific investigation?
  1. Identifying the problem
  2. Experimentation
  3. Formulating hypothesis
  4. Asking questions

(ii) The known common types of microscopes are:

  1. Light and technical microscope
  2. Light and electricity microscope
  3. Light and electron microscope
  4. Electrical and light microscope

(iii)  Which First Aid is provided to a victim of hiccup?

  1. Wash the victims mouth to remove food remains.
  2. Hold victims breathe to increase carbodioxide in the blood.
  3. Take a deep breath in victims mouth to increase oxygen.
  4. Ask a person to go to hospital immediately.

(iv)  Which of the following are communicable diseases?

  1. Gonorrhoea, sickle cell anemia, bilharzia.
  2. Typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis.
  3. AIDS, cholera, anemia.
  4. Influenza, pellagra, cholera.

(v)  The neuron found in human being is an example of:

  1.  a tissue 
  2. a cell
  3. an organ
  4. . a system

(vi)  Which method is advised for disposing hazardous materials?

  1. Use of landfill
  2.  Make pit latrine
  3.  Use an incinerator 
  4. Recycling

(vii)  Organisms which move by means of flagella include:

  1.  Paramecium and euglena
  2. Euglena and bacteria
  3. Bacteria and amoeba
  4. Amoeba and plasmodium

(viii)  A causative agent of blood pressure in human beings is

  1. over consumption of fatty food
  2. drinking plenty of water
  3. drinking juice
  4. food poisoning

(ix)  The structures on the wall of the ileum responsible for absorption of digested food are called:

  1. alveoli 
  2. Villi
  3. mesophyll 
  4.  epiglottis

(x)  Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of:

  1.  water 
  2. carbonidoxide 
  3. oxygen 
  4.  hydrogen

2.                       Write TRUE if the statement is correct of FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)       A microscope is not a very important equipment in the biology laboratory .

(ii)      Plant cell has irregular shape while animal cell has regular shape .........

(iii)    It is safe to touch body fluid with bare hands when giving First Aid ... ... ... (iv) Zoology is the study of animals ..

(v)      The conditions necessary for photosynthesis are presence of carbondioxide and oxygen... ... ...

(vi)     Absorption of digested food takes place in the eosophagus ....

(vii)   Gaseous exchange in plants takes place through the gills .

(viii)Recycling means turning waste material into useful products

(ix)    A cell is a group of organisms performing the same function .........

(x)      Biology is the study of living things ... ... ...

3.                       Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response from List B below the item number of List A in the table provided.


(i)      A vascular tissue used for transportation of water and mineral salts towards the leaf.

(ii)     A small pore which allows gaseous exchange into and out of the leaf.

(iii)   A water proof material which protects the leaf from injury and excessive water loss.

(iv)   A bean shaped structure for effective control of water loss and gaseous exchange.

(v)     A broad part of a leaf which increases large surface area for absorption of light and carbonidioxide.

(vi)   A part of a leaf with cells loosely parked to allow maximum gaseous exchange.

(vii) A vascular tissue used for transportation of manufactured food away from the leaf.

(viii)        A part of a leaf which has abundant chlorophyll to maximize light absorption and photosynthesis.

(ix)   A leaf stock that attaches the leaf to a stem.

(x)     The outermost layer found on lower and upper surface of a leaf.
















Stomata Sponge mesophyll

Epidermis Cuticle






Cross mesophyll


Guard cell



Palisade mesophyll

4.    Define the term "Biology" and "Biologist".

(b)       Mention major branches of Biology.

(c) Briefly explain how Biology is related to the following fields:

(i)         Agriculture

(ii)       Medicine

5.  (a) State two characteristics of the Kingdom Fungi

(b)       Figure I represents an organism which feeds on dead organic matter. Study the diagram carefully then answer the questions that follow:

 Figure I

(i)         What is the name of the organism in Figure 1?

(ii)       Name the parts labelled with letters A, B and C.

 (c) Mention the Phylum in which the organism in "Figure 1" belongs.

6.  What do you understand by the term "Puberty"? (b) Mention four requirements of personal hygiene.

(c) State two ways of maintaining personal hygiene during puberty.

7. (a) What do you understand by the following terms as used in Biology? (i) Transportation of materials

(ii) Mass flow

(b)       Explain what would happen when a plant cell is immersed in hypertonic solution.

(c)       State one function of each of the following blood vessels:

(i)         Pulmonary vein

(ii)       Pulmonary artery

8.  Define the term "natural environmen€ as used in Biology.

(b) List six components of the food chain and food web.

(c) (i) Give one example of the biotic component of the environment. (ii) Give one example of abiotic component of the environment.


9.         Explain the causes, symptoms and control/prevention measures of asthma in the respiratory system.

10.     Elaborate any three traditional and three modern methods used in food processing, preservation and storage.


i) In Biology experiments are used to test:

  1. facts 
  2. hypotheses
  3.  laws
  4. problems

(ii)The basic importance of all laboratory rules is to:

  1. avoid dirt in the laboratory
  2. prevent students from entering the laboratory
  3. reduce accidents in the laboratory
  4. reduce the use of chemicals in the laboratory

(iii)  A victim of electric shock can be saved from danger of death by giving one of the following First Aid:

  1. pouring a lot of water over the victim
  2. pulling the victim away by hands
  3. removing the victim from the current by using a metallic object 
  4.  turning off the source of electricity

(iv)  Which of the following are communicable diseases?

  1. Cancer, gonorrhoea and syphilis
  2. Cholera, gonorrhoea and syphilis
  3. Cholera, kwashiorkor and marasmus
  4. Cholera, marasmus and rickets

(v)  Which component of the blood is responsible for transporting oxygen?

  1. Albumin 
  2.  Fibrinogen 
  3.  Haemoglobin
  4. Thrombocyte 

(vi)  The whole process of taking in food, digesting it to provide energy for living and material for growth is known as:

  1.  catabolism 
  2. metabolism
  3. nutrition
  4. respiration

(vii)  The ability of the human body to resist infection by disease- causi micro-organisms is known as:

  1.  immunity 
  2. innoculation
  3. medication 
  4.  vaccination

(viii)  A group of interdependent organisms living in an environment is call

  1. community 
  2.  ecology
  3.  ecosystem 
  4.  population

(ix)  Which of the following mammalian blood vessels contains blood full oxygen at low pressure?

  1. Aorta 
  2. Pulmonary artery 
  3.  Pulmonary vein 
  4.  Vena cava

(x)  A person who takes too much carbohydrates and lipids develops:

  1. giantism
  2. kwashiorkor
  3. C. marasmus 
  4.  obesity

2.         Each of the following statement is either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)         All bacteria are harmful. ........

(ii)        A person with blood AB has no antigen ... ... ...

(iii)      Breathing into a plastic bag stops hiccups . 

(iv)      Lack of roughage in the diet causes constipation ......... (v) People living with HIV/AIDS should be stigmatized ..... 

(vi)      Plant cells possess cell membranes .........

(vii)    Phloem tissues are responsible for the transport of water in vascular plants . 

(viii)  The ileum is the first part of the small intestine .. 

(ix)      The largest group in the classification system is phylum .. 

(x)        Transpiration helps to remove excess water from plants 

3.         Match the item in list A with the correct item in list B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in list A in the table provided.


4.  (a) What is classification?

(b) List four advantages of fungi.

   (c) Outline two disadvantages of fungi.

5.   (i) What do you understand by the term "laboratory"? (ii) Outline four qualities of a good laboratory.

(b)      Mention one function of each of the following apparati:

(i)        Petri dish

(ii)      Mortar and pestle

(iii)    Hand lens

(iv)     Thermometer

6.   The diagram below represents the different trophic levels in the ecosystem. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Mention a trophic level represented by each letter in the diagram. 

(b) Why do the trophic levels form a pyramid shape?

(c) State the role of the organisms in the trophic level represented by the letter E in the diagram.

7.   (a) Define each of the following terms:

(i)       Gaseous exchange

(ii)      Respiration

(b)      Name the respiratory surface for each ofthe following organisms: (i) Insect

(ii)      Mammal

(iii)    Fish

(iv)    Spider

(c) Give a reason for each of the following characteristics of respiratory surfaces:

(i)        Have thin walls

(ii)      Have large surface area

8.   (a) What is meant by the term "agent of disease"?

(b)      Name the agent for each of the following diseases:

(i)        Common cold

(ii)      Cholera

(iii)    Dysentry

(iv)     Bilharzia

9. Use the following guidelines to explain how you will teach people in your community about eating a balanced diet:

  •  meaning of a balanced diet
  • components of a balanced diet 
  • importance of each component 
  • deficiency diseases which may result when a person does not eat a balanced diet 
  • two factors which contribute to lack of balanced diet among children in Tanzania.

10.  "KEEP THE ENVIRONMENT CLEAN". This slogan emphasizes on maintaining the cleanliness of surroundings of the community through proper waste disposal. Write an essay on the above using the following guidelines:

  •  meaning of waste 
  •  meaning of waste disposal 
  •  types of wastes
  • proper ways of disposing waste 
  •  effects of poor waste disposal

(i)  Which of the following will be a step to follow in a scientific procedure after formulating a hypothesis?

  1. Conclusion 
  2.  Experimentation
  3.  Observation 
  4. Problem identification

(ii)  The best evidence that two organisms belong to the same species is that they:

  1. can breed with other organisms which are not of their kind
  2. live in the same habitat and have similar ways of nutrition
  3. produce fertile off-springs when interbred under natural conditions
  4. produce infertile off-springs when interbred.

(iii)  Mr. Mabala picked up a telephone after hearing it ringing. Which characteristics of living things was Mr. Mabala showing by these actions?

  1. Growth and respiration
  2. Irritability and movement
  3. Irritability and respiration
  4. Locomotion and movement

(iv) Food sample turned blue-black when mixed with iodine solution. This concludes that the sample contained:

  1. fat
  2. protein
  3. reducing sugar
  4. starch

(v) Which of the following is NOT transported by blood plasma?

  1.  Carbon dioxide 
  2. Faeces
  3. Hormones
  4. Nutrients

vi) Osmosis differs from diffusion because:

  1. diffusion involves expenditure of energy
  2. diffusion occurs across a semi-permeable membrane
  3. osmosis involves expenditure of energy
  4.   osmosis occurs across a semi-permeable membrane

(vii)  One of the following diseases is non-communicable:

  1. cholera
  2. kwashiorkor
  3. malaria
  4. tuberculosis

(viii) Effective ways of reducing waste are displayed in each of the following except:

  1. buying new plastic bags every time we go for shopping
  2. carrying woven basket when we go for shopping
  3. selling used aluminium tin and other metals to factories
  4. using waste paper to make tissue papers

(ix)  Absorption of food takes place in the:

  1. large intestine
  2. liver
  3. small intestine 
  4.  stomach

(x)  A gaseous exchange in plants does not take place in the:

  1. flowers
  2. leaves
  3. roots
  4. stems

2.         The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

          (i)    A cell is the basic functional unit of life . 

(ii)     A victim of an electric shock should be moved by using a metallic object

(iii)   Individuals with blood group AB are called universal recipients ......... 

(iv) Malaria is a pandemic disease .........

(v) Manual labourers require more energy than sedentary workers ......... 

(vi) Oxygen gas is not important for plant life .......

(vii) Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be treated using painkillers ......... 

(viii)The best way to dispose clinical syringes is by recycling .........

(ix)    The sporophyte of a fern plant has true roots, stems and leaves .........

(x)      The use of unsterilized surgical and skin piercing tools can lead to HIV/ AIDS transmission .........

3.          Match the item in List A with the correct item in List B by writing its letter below the corresponding item number in List A in the table provided.

   (i)   A micro-organism that causes disease

(ii)    A ring of muscle which allows the food to enter the stomach

(iii)     An element required by plants in relatively very small quantities

(iv)      It absorbs water from undigested and indigestible food material

(v)       It contains an acidic medium for digestion

It controls the flow of material out of the stomach

(vii)   It leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles

(viii) They have thick muscular walls

(ix)     They transport blood to the heart from all parts of the body

(x)       Wave-like muscular contractions that push food along the oesophagus.




A. Aerobic respiration 

B. Anaerobic respiration 

C. Arteries D. Cardiac sphincter







K.Peristalsis L.Pyloric sphincter



O. Veins


4.         (a) What is the difference between natural and artificial classifications?

(b)     Explain why the artificial system of classification is not good.

 (c)  Mention two disadvantages of bacteria.

5.         (a) Describe the procedures of giving First Aid to a victim of a snake bite.

(b)     Give a reason as to why it is necessary to put on gloves when giving first Aid to a bleeding person.

(c)      (i) What is cell differentiation?

(ii) Briefly explain the importance of cell differentiation.

6.         (a) What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respirations?

(b)     A Form Il student has the following symptoms: Sneezing and a runny nose caused by excessive production of mucus in the nasal passages.

(i)       Which disease of the respiratory system is the student suffering from?

(ii)      Give the name of the organism which causes the disease you have mentioned in part (i) above.

(iii)    How can you prevent the spread of the disease?

7.         (a) Define the following terms:

(i)        Ecosystem

(ii)      Food chain

(b)     Explain the role of each of the following organisms in the ecosystem:

(i)       Producers

(ii)      Decomposers

(c)      Explain the significance of food chains.

8.         (a) Define the term "Transpiration".

(b)     Briefly explain two environmental factors that affect the rate of transpiration.

(c)      Explain the significance of transpiration in plants.


9.         Write an essay on body immunity using the following guidelines:  

  •  meaning
  • types
  • factors affecting body immunity

10.     Write an essay on personal hygiene using the following guidelines:

  • meaning
  •  principles
  • importance

(i) An experiment usually tests:

  1. application
  2. evaluation
  3.  hypothesis 
  4.  problem identified

(ii)  Animals show irritability; this means they:

  1. always move
  2. are capable of growing
  3. reproduce
  4. respond to stimuli

(iii)  The movement of substances in and out of the cell is controlled by:

  1. cell membrane 
  2.  cell wall 
  3. cytoplasm 
  4.  vacuole

(iv)  The ability of the human body to resist infections caused by micro organisms is known as:

  1. immunity 
  2.  inoculation
  3.  treatment 
  4.  vaccination

(v)  Muscle fatigue in the body is caused by:

  1. lack of carbon dioxide 
  2. lack of lactic acid 
  3.  lack of oxygen 
  4.  pyruvic acid

(vi)  One of the following is not a risky behaviour:

  1.  accepting favours and gifts from people of the opposite sex
  2. having many sexual partners
  3. keeping good company and avoiding immoral friends
  4. using drugs such as bhang and cocaine

(vii)  The main product of photosynthesis is transported away from the

leaves by the:

  1. Cambium
  2. cortex
  3. phloem
  4. xylem

(viii)Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are conditions caused bv lack of:

  1. vitamin A 
  2.  vitamin B
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D

(ix)  A person with blood group O has the following antibodies in his blood plasma:

  1. antibody a
  2. antibodies a and b
  3. antibody b
  4. . antibody o

(x)  Which of the following is not a member of kingdom fungi?

  1. Euglena 
  2.  Mucor
  3. . Mushroom 
  4.  Yeast

2.         The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct of FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)        A group ofinterdependent organisms living in an environment is called a community . 

(ii)       A person with blood AB is a universal donor .........

(iii)     Animal cells have no chloroplasts .........

(iv)     Before the blood returns to the heart it has to be oxygenated in the liver

(v)       Green plants are decomposers .........

(vi)     Maintaining personal hygiene reduces the risk of infection .........

(vii)   Malaria is transmitted by a plasmodium 

(viii) Proteins in the diet are needed for growth and repair .........

(ix)     Transpiration is not a necessary process to plants . 

(x)       Valves in veins prevent the backflow of blood . 

3.         Match the item in list A with the correct item in list B by writing its letter below the number of item in list A in the table provided.



(i)       A disorder of the digestive system

(ii)      An enzyme that converts lipids to fatty acids and glycerol

(iii)    An enzyme that converts starch to maltose

(iv)    It contains an acidic medium for digestion

(v)      Sites for dumping waste and covering it with soil

(vi)    The first part of the small intestine

(vii)  The process of burning waste until it is completely destroyed

(viii)        The process of turning waste into new products

(ix)    The stomach of this organism has four chambers

(x)      They have true roots, stems and leaves

A. Amylase


C. Cow

D. Duodenum

E. Ferns

F. Human being

G. Incineration

H. Landfills

I. Lipase

J. Mosses

K. Pit latrines



N. Trypsin

O. Typhoid


4.  Define the following terms:

(i)       Classification

(ii)      Binomial nomenclature

5.    (a) What is blood circulation?

(b)      Explain three points on the importance of blood circulation in human being.

(c) Mention two disorders of human blood circulatory system.

6.  (a) What do you understand by the term "diffusion"?

(b)      Name two structures concerned with gaseous exchange in plants. (c) Explain the importance of gaseous exchange in plants.

7.    (a) What is natural environment?

(b)      Explain the importance of the natural environment.

(c)    Explain two significances of food chains and food webs in real life situation.

8.  (a) Outline four reasons why it is important to study Biology.

(b)      What is respiration?

(c) Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

 Aerobic respiration

Anaerobic respiration


9.        Write an essay on kwashiorkor using the following guidelines:  

  • meaning  
  • cause  
  • symptoms  
  • effects  
  • prevention and control

10.    Write an essay on tuberculosis using the following guidelines:  

  • cause 
  •  transmission 
  • signs/symptoms  
  • effects  
  • prevention and control
(i)The part of a light microscope used for controlling amount of light is the:
  1. base
  2. eyepiece
  3. iris diaphragm 
  4.  mirror 
  5. stage

(ii)  The basic importance of all laboratory rules is to:

  1. avoid dirt in the laboratory
  2. make students admire the laboratory
  3. prevent students from entering the laboratory
  4. reduce or stop accidents in the laboratory
  5. reduce the use of chemicals in the laboratory

(iii)  In which of the following mammalian blood vessel does deoxygenated blood flow away from the heart?

  1.   Aorta
  2. Hepatic portal vein 
  3.  Pulmonary artery
  4.  Pulmonary vein 
  5. Vena cava

(iv)  Body immunity which develops after infection and remains in the body permanently is known as:

  1. artificial active immunity
  2. artificial active immunization
  3. artificial passive immunity
  4.   natural active immunity
  5. natural passive immunity

(v)  The following is a list of diseases which are caused by bacteria:

  1. Beriberi, gonorrhoea and syphilis
  2. Bilharzia, cholera and small pox
  3. Cholera, malaria and pneumonia
  4. Cholera, tuberculosis and typhoid
  5. Diabetes, malaria and tetanus

(vi)  Mariam is able to donate blood to any other blood group. Therefore, Mariam has blood group:

  1. A
  2.  AB 
  3. . A and B
  4.  E. 
  5. O

(vii)  Deficiency of one of the following in the diet can cause anaemia:

  1. calcium
  2. iodine
  3. iron
  4. phosphorus E. sodium

(viii)ln a food chain organisms with similar nutritional habits constitute a:

  1. biosphere
  2.  community
  3. food web
  4. population
  5.   trophic level

(ix)  Which of the following distinguish a plant cell from an animal cell?

  1. Cell membrane, centriole and cytoplasm
  2. Cell wall, chloroplast and vacuole
  3. Cell wall, chloroplast and cytoplasm
  4. Cytoplasm, mitochondria and nucleus
  5. Cytoplasm, nucleus and plasma membrane

(x)Which one of the following sets of enzymes is responsible for protein digestion?

  1. Amylase and maltase
  2. Amylase and rennin
  3. Maltase and Pepsin
  4. Maltase and lipase
  5.   Pepsin and rennin

2.         The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write T if the statement is correct or F if the statement is not correct in the space provided. (i) A brick red precipitate is formed when a bean seed extract is boiled with iodine. .........

(ii)       Artificial classification is based on few observable features. .......

(iii)     Air, water and soil are examples of abiotic components of the environment. .........

(iv)      A structure which prevents the entrance of food and water into the trachea is called villus. .........

(v)       Fermentation is a form of aerobic respiration in plants. . 

(vi)  Heart, liver and leaves are examples of organs. .........

(vii)    Hugging and holding hands leads to HIV transmission. .........

(viii)  Mosses and liverworts have true roots, stems and leaves .........

(ix)      The process of sorting living things into groups is called classification.

(x)       Tuberculosis is a communicable disease. .. 

3.         Match the phrase or term in List A with that in List B by writing its letter against the number of the item in List A.


(i) Ability of the body to resist disease.

(ii)       A protein deficiency disease found in children.

(iii)     Is a common disorder of the human digestive system.

(iv)      Is an epidemic disease.

(v)  Is caused by flatworms called schistosomes. (vi)  Is caused by lack of vitamin D.

(vii)    It results from taking too little or too much food.

(viii)  Locomotory structures of amoeba.

(ix)      Series of investigation intended to discover certain facts.

(x)       Services rendered to an accident victim before being taken to hospital.


  1. Bilharzia
  2. cholera
  3. cilia
  4. constipation
  5. experiments
  6. first aid
  7. first aid kit
  8. hypothesis
  9. immunity
  10. kwashiokor
  11. malnutrition
  12. night blindness
  13. pseudopodia
  14. rickets
  15. vaccination.

4. (a) What is a microscope?

(b) Draw a light microscope and label the following parts: eyepiece, coarse adjustment, objectives, stage and mirror.

(c) What is the function of:

(i) Microscope slide? (ii) Mirror?

5. (a) Bread was put in a wet cupboard; after a few days the bread was covered by thread-like structures which ended in club-shaped structures.

(i) Write the common name of the organisms grown on the bread. 

(ii) Name the kingdom to which the organisms belong.

(iii)    Name the phylum/division to which the organisms belong.

(iv)    Outline five points of economic importance of the kingdom you mentioned in part (a) (ii) above.

(b) (i) What do you understand by the term respiration?

(ii) Briefly describe three factors that affect the rate of respiration in organisms.

6.   (a) Explain the uses of the following First Aid kit components:

(i)       Scissors

(ii)      Gauze

(iii)    Adhesive plaster

(iv)    Iodine tincture

(b)      Outline the procedure of giving First Aid to a victim of nose bleeding.  Explain the importance of giving First Aid.

7.         (a) Define the term "blood transfusion".

(b)      Outline the precautions to be taken during blood transfusion.

(c) Explain why the wall of the left ventricle of the mammalian heart is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle.

8.         (a) What is a community?

(b)      (i) Distinguish a food chain from a food web.

(ii) Explain the significance of food chains and food webs in real life situation.

(c)      Outline three points of importance of care and support to People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).


9.       Write an essay on malaria using the following guidelines:

  • Cause
  • Transmission
  • Symptoms 
  • Effect
  • Preventive measures


10. Write an essay on transpiration, using the following guidelines: 

  •             Meaning of transpiration
  •           External factors affecting the rate of transpiration 
  •          Advantages of transpiration in plants
  •          Disadvantages of transpiration in plants.

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