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CHEMICAL EQUIILIBRIUM Reversible Reactions a) explain the concept of reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium;
. b) describe the law of Mass Action.
CHEMICAL EQUIILIBRIUM Equilibrium constant a) explain the concept of equilibrium constant in terms of concentrations and partial
b) derive equilibrium constants, Ke and Kp
c) use equilibrium constants to determine the quantities of reacting substances and their products.
CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUMFactors Affecting Chemical Equilibrium a) explain the meaning of Le Chatelier's principle to industrial processes;
b) explain how different factors affect the position of a chemical equilibrium;
c) apply the Le Chatelier's principle to industrial processes.
CHEMICAL KINETICSFactors Affecting the Rate of a Chemical Reaction a) explain how a chemical reaction may be affected by different factors;
b) explain the kinetic nature of reacting substances;
c) use Arrhenius equation to determine activation energy Ea, and rate constant.
CHEMICAL KINETICSOrder of Reaction a) explain the concept of order of reaction;
b) relate the rate determining step to the order of reaction;
c) describe the mechanism of a reaction in relation to its molecularity;
d) derive expressions for 1" and 2'd order reactions; determine lst and 2nd order reactions experimentally.

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