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WAVESIntroduction to waves a) explain the concept of a wave;
b) explain the terms wave long frequency and velocity of a wave; and
c) identify types of waves.
WAVESbehaviour of waves a) explain the term refraction, reflection, diffraction and interference of a wave
b) mention the applications of refraction, reflection, diffraction and interference of a wave in daily life
c) demonstrate the behaviour of waves
WAVESbehaviour of waves a) explain the term refraction, reflection, diffraction and interference of a wave
b) mention the applications of refraction, reflection, diffraction and interference of a wave in daily life
c) demonstrate the behaviour of waves
WAVESpropagation of waves a ) Describe the propagation of mechanical waves.
b) explain the propagation of electomagnetic waves
c) determine the relation between frequency, speed and wavelength of a wave and determine the refractive index of a medium
WAVESpropagation of waves a ) Describe the propagation of mechanical waves.
b) explain the propagation of electomagnetic waves
c) determine the relation between frequency, speed and wavelength of a wave and determine the refractive index of a medium
WAVESsound waves a) identify the sources of sound waves
b) explain the concept of audability of sound

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