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CRISES IN TIIE CAPITALIST SYSTEMFirst World War: Causes and Impact on Africa a) Analyse the short and long term causes of the First World War.
b) Analyse the factors that led the war to spread world wide.
c) Assess the impact of the First World War on Africa
CRISES IN TIIE CAPITALIST SYSTEMThe Great Depression: its Causes and Impact on Africa a) Explain the meaning of the Great depression
b) Analyse the causes of the eat Depression
c) asses the impact of the second world war on Africa
CRISES IN TIIE CAPITALIST SYSTEMThe Second World War: Causes and impact on Africa a) Analyse the causes of the Second World War.
b) Analyse the factors that led the war to spread world wide.
c) Assess the impact of the Second World War on Africa.
NATIONALISM AND DECOLONISATION Nationalism in Africa a) Explain the concept of nationalism
b) Explain the origin of nationalism in Africa.
c) Explain the importance of nationalism in Africa.
NATIONALISMThe rise of Protest and Religious Movements a) Explain the meaning of protest and religious movements.
b) Analyse the causes of the rise of protest and religious movements.
c) Assess the strengths, weaknesses and contribution of protest and religious movements during the struggle for independence
NATIONALISMNationalism and Political Parties in Africa. a) Explain the meaning of mass nationalism
b) Analyse the reason for the rise of mass nationalism in Africa.
c) Compare the strengths,weaknesses and contribution of political parties towards the road to independence.

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