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GROWTH Concept of Growtha) explain the concept of growth.
b) investigate internal and external factors affecting growth in plants and animals.
GROWTHMitosis and Growtha) explain the concept of mitosis.
b) illustrate stages of mitosis
c) explain the significance of mitosis in growth.
d) explain the significance of mitosis in growth.
GROWTHconcept of human growth an development a) explain the concept of growth and development
b) explain the stages of human post- natal growth and development
c) explain physiological,psychological and behaviour changes associated with growth and development.
d) outline factors which affect the rate of physical deterioration of human body and services required to meet the needs of an individual at each stage.
GROWTHGrowth in Flowering Plantsa) explain the concept of seed germination
b) outline changes which occur during seed germination.
c) investigate conditions necessary for seed germination.
d) carry out practical activities to demonstrate epigeal and hypogeal germination. 5
GENETICS Concept of Geneticsa) explain the concept of genetics.
b) state common terms used in genetics.
GENETICSGenetic Materialsa) explain the concept of genetic materials.
b) describe the structure and composition of genetic materials.
(Deoxyribonucleic acid and Ribonucleic acid).
c) differentiate Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from Ribonucleic acid (RNA).

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