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HUMAN ACTIVITIESConcept of human activities give the meaning of human activities.
Identify major types of human activities.
AGRICULTURESmall Scale Agriculture1. Describe the characteristics of small scale agriculture at subsistence level
2. Explain the effects of rapid population growth on small scale agriculture
3. Describe advantages and disadvantages of small scale agriculture.
AGRICULTURELarge scale Agriculture1. name types of large scale agriculture in the world.
2. List the major crops grown in each type of large scale agriculture.
3. Describe characteristics of large scale agriculture.
4. Describe the requirements for growth, farm preparation, planning, care, harvesting, processing, storage and transport.
5. Identify and locate major producing countries for respective crops in the world.
6. Describe contribution of produced crops to
AGRICULTURELarge scale Agriculture1. name types of large scale agriculture in the world.
2. List the major crops grown in each type of large scale agriculture.
AGRICULTURE-Large scale Agriculture3. Describe characteristics of large scale agriculture.
4. Describe the requirements for growth, farm preparation,planning, care, harvesting, processing, storage and transport.
5. Identify and locate major producing countries for respective crops in the world.
6. Describe contribution of produced crops to the economy of USA and Tan
AGRICULTURELarge scale Agriculture7. Drawing examples from Tanzania and USA explain problems facing large scale agriculture.

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