Main Comentance Specific Comentance Content Covered Date Started Date Ended Teacher's Comment H.O.D Comment H/M Comment
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orallyb) Listen to oral stories to identify multi-word coordinators and use them correctly in oral sentences in various contexts
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orallyc) Listen to dialogue, identify expressions used to seek confirmation, answer questions correctly and use the expressions in different communicative situations
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.2 Read and comprehend written informationa) Read written texts with expressions used to seek confirmation with correct pronunciation, identify the expressions used to seek confirmation, answer questions and use the expressions correctly in different communicative situations
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.2 Read and comprehend written informationb) Read simple and complex stories, identify and use expressions for seeking confirmation and answer questions correctly in different contexts
1.0 Comprehend oral and written information1.2 Read and comprehend written informationc) Read different texts, skim for all general ideas and write a guided summary using expressions for seeking confirmation correctly

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